4周 初学者锻炼计划

4周 初学者锻炼计划

作者: 娘亲Joanna | 来源:发表于2018-04-19 17:36 被阅读16次

To explain the prefessional word of exercise


name weight 腰臀比 需增肌肉
joe 55.7kg x x

2. 锻炼后

name weight 腰臀比 需增肌肉
joe 55.7kg x x

1. Squats

squats  深蹲示意图squats 深蹲示意图
    1. stand tall on you feet hip width apart and you aims down of your side
    1. start to lower your body back as far when you can of pushing your knees and pushing your body weight into your heels
      as you're lowering into the squat your arms will begin to raise out in front of you as balance.
    1. keep a neutral spine at all times and never let you knees go over your toes
      the lower body should be parallel on the floor and your chest should be lifted at all times not rounded
    1. repeat until set are complete


crunches 深蹲示意图crunches 深蹲示意图
    1. lie down on the mat,keep you knees bent , your back and feet flat, and your hands supporting you head .
    1. lift your shoulders, squeeze your abdominal muscles and hold for 1 to 2 seconds.
    1. slowly return to the starting position and repeat until set is complete


planks  平板支撑planks 平板支撑
    1. get into pushup position on the floor.
    1. now bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms
    1. keep your torso straight and rigid and your body in a straight line from ears to toes with no sagging or bending.
    1. your head is relaxed and you should be looking at the floor.
    1. hold the position for as long as you can,
    1. remember to breathe. Inhale and exhale slowly and steadily
    1. when you form begins to suffer , pull the plug .You're only benifiting from the plank by actually doing the plank.


week one

    1. 40 jumping Jacks, 10 Push Ups, 30 squats, 30 Crunches
    1. 40 high kees, 30 sec Plank, 30 lunges, 10 push ups
    1. 40 jumping jacks, 15 push ups, 30 squats, 30 crunshes
    1. 40 high kees, 30 sec plank, 30 lunges, 15 push ups
    1. 20 burpees , 20 squats, 35 crunshes, 30 plank jacks
    1. 5 minutes Jog, 10 minute stretch
    1. reset

week two

    1. 45 jumping Jacks, 15 Push Ups, 35 squats, 35 Crunches
    1. 45 high kees, 35 sec Plank, 35 lunges, 15 push ups
    1. 45 jumping jacks, 15 push ups, 35 squats, 35 crunshes
    1. 45 high kees, 35 sec plank, 35 lunges, 15 push ups
    1. 25 burpees , 25 squats, 35 crunshes, 30 plank jacks
    1. 6 minutes Jog, 10 minute stretch
    1. reset

week three

    1. 50 jumping Jacks, 20 Push Ups, 40 squats, 45 Crunches
    1. 50 high kees, 40 sec Plank, 40 lunges, 25 push ups
    1. 50 jumping jacks, 25 push ups, 40 squats, 40 crunshes
    1. 50 high kees, 40 sec plank, 40 lunges, 25 push ups
    1. 25 burpees , 45 squats, 45 crunshes, 35 plank jacks
    1. 7 minutes Jog, 10 minute stretch
    1. reset

week four

    1. 55 jumping Jacks, 30 Push Ups, 45 squats, 45 Crunches
    1. 55 high kees, 50 sec Plank, 45 lunges, 30 push ups
    1. 60 jumping jacks, 50 push ups, 30 squats, 50 crunshes
    1. 60 high kees, 50 sec plank, 50 lunges, 35 push ups
    1. 30 burpees , 55 squats, 55 crunshes, 40 plank jacks
    1. 5 minutes Jog, 10 minute stretch
    1. reset



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      本文标题:4周 初学者锻炼计划
