Highlights from Day5

Highlights from Day5

作者: 荆棘海_Ph | 来源:发表于2019-03-07 21:58 被阅读12次
    I met Adam just as his first book, Give and Take, was generating buzz in Silicon Valley. I read it and immediately started quoting it to anyone who would listen. Adam was not only a talented researcher but also a gifted teacher and storyteller who was able to explain complicated ideas simply and clearly.

    1.generate buzz:buzz可以表示人们的谈话声,进一步引申为言论、谈资以及传闻等,generate buzz为固定习语,意为to draw positive attention and interest in something, to create interest in a product or service.

    例句:The new Google glasses are generating a lot of buzz on the internet.

    Then my husband invited Adam to speak to his team at work and brought him over for dinner. Adam was every bit as extraordinary in person as he was on paper. His knowledge was encyclopedic and his energy was contagious. He and I started talking about how his research could inform the debate on gender and began working together. We have done so ever since, conducting research and writing a series of op-eds about women and work. LeanIn.Org has benefited immensely from his rigorous analysis and commitment to equality.

    2.A is every bit as adj as B:强调说明A就像B一样…/A在xx方面不输B,You say that one thing is every bit as good, interesting, or important as another to emphasize that the first thing is just as good, interesting, or important as the second.

    造句:Her talent in piano is every bits as good as others.

    3.encyclopedic:知识渊博的,having a lot of knowledge or information about a particular subject.

    例句:Einstein was wicked smart and had an encyclopedic brain.

    4.contagious:有感染力的,if a feeling, attitude, or action is contagious, other people are quickly affected by it and begin to have it or do it,可以与infectious做同义替换。

    如果说她非常具感染力的热情,可以说her contagious enthusiasm.

    5.inform the debate on…:影响对xx的讨论,inform有影响某人态度、观点的含义,to influence someone’s attitude or opinion.

    例句:Her experience as a refugee informs the content of her latest novel.

    6.ever since:从…以后一直,continuously since.

    例句:My back has been bad ever since I fell and hurt it two years ago.

    7.conduct:进行,实施,to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts,经常与research/survey/investigation等连用,表示进行研究/调查等,可以与manage、rund等做同义替换。

    例句:The interview was conducted in English.

    8.op-eds:opposite the editorial page的缩写,指发表在报纸上的评论文章,a page of special features usually opposite the editorial page of a newspaper.

    9.immense:巨大的,extremely large,可以与enormous/huge做同义替换。

    例句:Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone.

    10.rigorous:缜密的,准确的,careful, thorough, and exact.

    例句:a rigorous analysis of defence needs 对国防需求的缜密分析

    11.commitment:投入、奉献,the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, activity etc.

    例句:I was impressed by the energy and commitment shown by the players.



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