Kotlin 区间 原理

Kotlin 区间 原理

作者: 莫库施勒 | 来源:发表于2019-05-23 11:54 被阅读0次

直接上代码, 我们以下面的例子说明

for (i in 4 downTo 1 step 2) print(i) // 输出“42”
// downTo 定义
public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression {
    return IntProgression.fromClosedRange(this, to, -1)

// until 定义
public infix fun Int.until(to: Int): IntRange {
    if (to <= Int.MIN_VALUE) return IntRange.EMPTY
    return this .. (to - 1).toInt()  // 此处可以看出 .. 与 until 的区别
// LongRange 定义
public class LongRange(start: Long, endInclusive: Long) : LongProgression(start, endInclusive, 1), ClosedRange<Long> {
    override val start: Long get() = first
    override val endInclusive: Long get() = last

    override fun contains(value: Long): Boolean = first <= value && value <= last

    override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = first > last

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
        other is LongRange && (isEmpty() && other.isEmpty() ||
        first == other.first && last == other.last)

    override fun hashCode(): Int =
        if (isEmpty()) -1 else (31 * (first xor (first ushr 32)) + (last xor (last ushr 32))).toInt()

    override fun toString(): String = "$first..$last"

    companion object {
        /** An empty range of values of type Long. */
        public val EMPTY: LongRange = LongRange(1, 0)

// LongProgression 定义
 public open class LongProgression
    internal constructor
            start: Long,
            endInclusive: Long,
            step: Long
    ) : Iterable<Long> {... }

// ClosedRange 定义
public interface ClosedRange<T: Comparable<T>> {
     * The minimum value in the range.
    public val start: T

     * The maximum value in the range (inclusive).
    public val endInclusive: T

     * Checks whether the specified [value] belongs to the range.
    public operator fun contains(value: T): Boolean = value >= start && value <= endInclusive

     * Checks whether the range is empty.
    public fun isEmpty(): Boolean = start > endInclusive
public infix fun IntProgression.step(step: Int): IntProgression {
    checkStepIsPositive(step > 0, step)
    return IntProgression.fromClosedRange(first, last, if (this.step > 0) step else -step)

其中 infix 表示中缀表示法, operator 表示 重载操作符的函数

infix fun Int.shl(x: Int): Int { …… }

// 用中缀表示法调用该函数
1 shl 2

// 等同于这样


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      本文标题:Kotlin 区间 原理
