20181210 mindful

20181210 mindful

作者: Echo九儿 | 来源:发表于2018-12-10 18:22 被阅读0次


Mindful of the limited budget, the marketing team made a detailed analysis of the project and allocated the funds accordingly.

场景:Mindful of small matters to the neglect of large ones. 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜。

Mindful of busy traffic on the highway, we took a regular road instead.

With the busy highway traffic in mind, we took a regular road instead.


  • 20181210 mindful

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    1)翻译下面的句子: 由于预算有限,市场团队把项目做了细致的分析,合理分配了资金。 参考翻译:Mindful of...

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      本文标题:20181210 mindful
