import scala.math._
//Technically, the _ turns the ceil method into a function. In Scala, you cannot manipulate methods, only functions
val fun: (Double) => Double = ceil //The _ behind the ceil function indicates that you really meant the function, and you didn’t just forget to supply the arguments.
//但是,The _ suffix is not necessary when you use a method name in a context where a function is expected
val f: (Double) => Double = ceil // No underscore needed,但是val f = ceil 则会报错
//The ceil method is a method of the scala.math package object. If you
//have a method from a class, the syntax for turning it into a function is slightly
//A function (String, Int) => Char
val f2 = (_:String)charAt(_:Int)
val f3: (String, Int) => Char = _.charAt(_)
val threeNumAdd:(Double, Double, Double) => Double = _+_+_
val triple = (x:Double) => x * 3
val tripleMe : Double => Double = x => x * 3
Array(3.14, 1.42, 2.0).map((x:Double)=> 3 * x)
//This is more common when a method is used in infix notation (without the dot).
Array(3.14, 1.42, 3.0) map ( (x: Double) => 3 * x )
Array(3.14, 1.42, 2.0).map( (x: Double) => 3 * x )
//---------------------------------Functions with Function Parameters或者返回一个函数
def valueAtOneQuarter(f: (Double) => Double) = f(0.25)
valueAtOneQuarter(ceil) // 1.0
valueAtOneQuarter(sqrt _)
def mulBy(factor : Double) = (x : Double) => factor * x
//If a parameter occurs only once on the right-hand side of the =>,you can replace it with an underscore:
valueAtOneQuarter(3 * _) //得到0.75
//val fun1 = 3 * _ // Error: Can’t infer types
val fun2 = 3 * (_: Double) // OK
val fun3: (Double) => Double = 3 * _ // OK because we specified the type for fun
(1 to 9).map("*" * _).foreach(println(_))
(1 to 9).reduceLeft(_ * _)
//(...((1 * 2) * 3) * ... * 9) 前面省略号表示省略的括号
"Mary had a little lamb".split(" ").sortWith(_.length < _.length)
def mulOneAtATime(x: Int)(y: Int) = x * y
Scala programmers can build control abstractions: functions
that look like language keywords
def until(condition: => Boolean)(block: => Unit) {
if (!condition) {
var x = 10
until(x == 0) {
x -= 1