题意 题解1
Honor on man as that none would contend for honor. Value ...
Go to the opposite.
向来喜欢感情强烈的东西,渴望与之产生共鸣。 最近在看sense8,从第一季看到了完结篇。平心而论,从逻辑、叙事、表...
小破财表示很荣幸是华少的兄弟院校 华少绝对是武汉第一冷酷少 前几天老大说打电话给留在华科工作的研究生同学 同学爱理...
1.steward honor in there's honor in being a steward. 2.Sc...
音频 Permanent, to be fixed or unchanging, the opposite of ...
counterproductive achieving the opposite result of the on...
Hi, thanks for visiting. I set up this blog to share piec...
本文标题:Honor is the opposite