Hi, thanks for visiting. I set up this blog to share pieces of my life and thoughts in both languages - Chinese & English. A native Chinese speaker, I found that thinking in and speaking English offered me a new outlook of things, both intellectually and culturally.
My one slightly obsessive hobby is to listen to a same tune performed by different artists, trying to identify the distinct expressions of creativity from each one. Similar to that, I like learning about the same topics interpreted through different lens, especially cross-cultural ones. Admittedly, the perspective of each individual, regardless of cultural identity, is unique, and could make interesting blog articles. However, I've been fortunate to have caught brief glimpses on both side of the fence, that is, inside & outside my native tribe. And it'll be a shame if I don't make an effort to celebrate this wonderful gift. Plus, just like the different verions of the same songs, it'd be fun.
So, in this blog, I plan to write about Chinese-ish topics in English, arguably the world language, and rest-of-the-world-ish stuff in Chinese, me tribal tongue. Hence the blog name. Well, that and I take secret pride in being a friendly naysayer.
Thanks for reading. Have a good time.
First published on Apr 12, 2017.