企业雇用COACH 的趋势
截至到2016年,全球大约有53,300名教练,贡献23亿美元的行业收入。 北美、西欧和澳大利亚是教练发展较早,也是比较成熟的市场,在中国也有越来越多的企业开始运用教练。新西兰市场继澳大利亚之后,也有越来越多的企业雇用商业教练。
Quantum Leap商业教练,志在努力为全球范围内的中小型商业增加100亿美元的收入。我们的教练遍布美国,英国,澳大利亚,新西兰和新加坡。
- 增加员工自信
- 改善团队关系
- 提升沟通
- 提高工作绩效
- 促进工作/生活的平衡提升企业管理
- 提升经营者和雇员的时间管理
- 提升团队效率
- 工作执行力增长 70%
- 经营管理力增长 61%
- 时间管理了增长 57%
- 团队效率增长 51%
Quantum Leap 用户评价
看了这么多数据,你应该基本了解了企业教练的效果如何及作用在哪些方面了吧!接下来,看看用户们对Quantum Leap 商业教练的评价吧。
“I’m mid-way through the Quantum Leap Programme with Martin: The sessions provide practical and achievable changes which, session by session, build a really valuable plan to grow my business and look to the future. Some of the sessions we’ve done already have been immensely thought-provoking, yet all offer attainable, inexpensive ‘options for change’ that I can take and apply immediately. Martin’s positivity and dynamic style of delivery help me look at my business in a new and different way.”译文:“我和Martin的Quantum Leap教练项目进行到一半:约谈给我提供了切实可行的改变计划,一个接一个的约谈,帮助我建立了对业务发展和未来非常有价值的计划。我们已经探讨了一些非常引人深思的课题,并且所有的课程都提供了可实践,低成本,可以立即使用的改进方法。Martin积极有活力的教练方式帮助我以一种全新的眼光看待我的业务”
-- Mike Perry, Financial Consultant, Hertfordshire, UK.
“Thank you for running the Quantum Leap Training Program over the past three months. We found the training to be very inspirational, energising, and liked the simple and affordable ideas for generating more leads and increasing profits.The personal help of writing a sales brochure has certainly brought in more qualified leads and business is booming! I’ll be using the training manual and handouts for a long time to come.”译文“感谢您在过去的三个月里对我们的Quantum Leap培训。我们发现,培训是非常鼓舞人心的,充满活力的,并且所有方法都简单而且低成本,让我们能获得更多的潜在客户和增加利润。帮我们编写的销售手册也无疑带来了更多的潜在客户,让我们的生意蒸蒸日上!我们将在很长一段时间内使用该培训手册和讲义。”
-- Michelle Farr, Co-Owner, Adam Farr Roof Plumber Pty Ltd
“Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the YB12 Quantum Leap Program. Steve and I enjoyed every session and have taken so much information away. It has allowed us to look in depth to our Business and get to know it intimately once again. One of the huge benefits of the program for me was understanding the involvement of our Staff and how important it is to have them aware and on the same path as we are with our vision of the Business.”感谢您让我们有机会成为YB12 Quantum Leap项目的一员。Steve 和我都很享受没一节课,也从中学到很多。它使我们能一次再一次地深入了解我们的业务。我最大的收获是,明白了员工的参与,以及让他们意识到和我们一起达成企业愿景是多么重要。”
-- Leah Cahill, Northside Smash Repairs
看了这么多,如果你还是对企业教练有疑问,或是犹豫不决,就直接联系我们吧。别忘了, 我们还有一对一的免费咨询哦,一定能够帮你打开心结!