英语口语 26-30

英语口语 26-30

作者: 变瘦了吗 | 来源:发表于2019-12-02 14:51 被阅读0次

    1. pigsty = pigpen n.猪圈


    gee(exclamation) 表惊讶或生气

    catch one’s breath 喘口气


    filth n.污渍(不可)

    straighten sth up/straighten up sth


    Big deal 没什么了不起

    I mean it 我是认真的

    2. a minute 片刻,一会儿

    stick/hang around 逗留,停留

    bounce = leave 离开

    be in no mood for sth/to do sth 不想做...

    be in the mood for sth/to do sth 想做...

    greetings 祝词,祝愿语

    in greeting 问候,招呼

    3. be after sth 寻找某物

    go with 搭配

    aisle n.通道

    check on sth 检查,核实某物

    on sale 特价

    be in season 某物应季

    be out of season 不应季

    in stock 有存货

    be out of sth 没有某物

    deli = delicatessen 熟食品或熟食店

    loyalty card 购物卡或优惠卡

    ...% off on sth 就某物打...折

    stop by somewhere 顺便去某个地方

    the wine/deli section 酒水/熟食区

    liquor store 酒水超市

    literally 不夸张地

    jump out of my skin 吓死了

    4. 带某人参观

    •show sb around sp

    •show sb over sp

    •give sb a tour of sp

    kind 体贴的

    hassle n. 麻烦

    spacious 宽敞的,空间大的

    roomy (尤指房子或汽车内部)宽敞的,宽大的

    front side 正面

    rear/back side 背面

    furnished 配备家具的

    The house is simply furnished


    The house is fully furnished


    check sth out/check out sth = look at sth


    pillow = cushion 靠垫

    5. grab + 食品


    tend to sb/sth 照顾,伺候某人或某事物

    take over 接替,接管

    work out 健身,锻炼

    Joe 普通人

    Schmo 无趣或奇怪的凡夫俗子

    Joe Schmo 平淡无奇的普通人

    worth one’s salt 称职的,胜任的

    if you say so = anything you say

    = we only have your word for that



    turn on/off the gas 打开/关掉燃气

    starter 启动器

    hit v. 击,打/按,压

    hit the brakes 踩刹车

    lay off 住手

    sing a different tune 唱不同的旋律


    pop on sth/pop sth on 快速地打开电器设备

    英语口语 26-30



          本文标题:英语口语 26-30
