And, of course, there will be the sound of silence tonight. It will be almost deafening. I know city people who have trouble sleeping in the country because of the lack of noise, and I suspect this is what bothers many of them about whoompers ...... Please, God, turn up the volume. City folks tend not to believe in anything they can’t hear with their own ears. ——The Whoomper Factor By Nathan Cobb
不用说,今晚仍将一片寂静,近乎死一般的沉寂,几乎让人失去听觉。我知道夜里若缺少噪音,城市人到了乡下是难以入睡的,我猜这就是轰雪最让他们头疼的地方......所以,上帝啊,请你在夜里调大些音量,恢复我们的听觉吧!无法用耳朵听见的话,城市人是不会相信任何事情的。 ——自译