1.1 WindowManagerService 的诞生
1.1.1 在 SystemServer 中的创建
WMS 是在 SystemServer 进程中启动的,SystemServer 进程是 Android 系统启动的时候初始化的,我们首先来看一下 SystemServer 的入口函数 main()
public final class SystemServer {
* The main entry point from zygote.
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SystemServer().run();
private void run() {
mSystemServiceManager = new SystemServiceManager(mSystemContext); // 代码 1
// Start services.
try {
startBootstrapServices(); // 代码 2
startCoreServices(); // 代码 3
startOtherServices(); // 代码 4
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Slog.e("System", "******************************************");
Slog.e("System", "************ Failure starting system services", ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
代码1处,创建了一个 SystemServiceManager 对象
代码2处,调用 startBootstrapServices() 启动 ActivityManagerService、PackageManagerService 等服务进程
代码3处,调用 startCoreServices() 启动BatteryService、WebViewUpdateService 等服务进程
代码4处,调用 startOtherServices() 启动 WindowManagerService、InputManagerService 等服务进程
二. WMS 与 WindowManager 的通信
在上篇文章 初步理解 Window 体系 中,我们最后分析到了 ViewRootImpl,ViewRootImpl 是连接 WindowManager 和 WMS 的桥梁,自然他们之间的通信也是通过 ViewRootImpl 完成的。
2.1 ViewRootImpl 的成员变量
在 ViewRootImpl 中有两个个非常重要的成员变量:mWindowSession 和 mWindow,这两个变量都是用于 ViewRootImpl 和 WMS 通信使用的
public final class ViewRootImpl implements ViewParent,
View.AttachInfo.Callbacks, ThreadedRenderer.DrawCallbacks {
final IWindowSession mWindowSession;
final W mWindow;
public ViewRootImpl(Context context, Display display) {
mContext = context;
// 代码 1,通过 WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowSession() 方法得到一个 IWindowSession 对象
mWindowSession = WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowSession();
// 代码 2,通过 W 构造方法直接创建一个新的 W 对象
mWindow = new W(this);
2.1.1 IWindowSession
IWindowSession 是一个 AIDL 接口,其服务端进程是 WMS,客户端进程是应用进程,IWindowSession 的创建是在 WindowManagerGlobal 中,如下所示:
public final class WindowManagerGlobal {
private static IWindowManager sWindowManagerService;
private static IWindowSession sWindowSession;
public static IWindowManager getWindowManagerService() {
synchronized (WindowManagerGlobal.class) {
if (sWindowManagerService == null) {
sWindowManagerService = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(
try {
if (sWindowManagerService != null) {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
return sWindowManagerService;
public static IWindowSession getWindowSession() {
synchronized (WindowManagerGlobal.class) {
if (sWindowSession == null) {
try {
InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.getInstance();
IWindowManager windowManager = getWindowManagerService();
sWindowSession = windowManager.openSession(
new IWindowSessionCallback.Stub() {
public void onAnimatorScaleChanged(float scale) {
imm.getClient(), imm.getInputContext());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
return sWindowSession;
从 getWindowSession() 方法中我们可以看出,IWindowSession 对象的创建依赖于 IWindowManager 对象
IWindowManager 也是一个 AIDL 接口,通过 getWindowManagerService() 方法得到其对象,在 getWindowManagerService() 方法中,可以看到是典型的 Android 中 Binder 通信得到服务端在客户端进程中的代理对象的方式,远程端的对象即是 WMS,WMS 实现了 IWindowManager 接口
public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
implements Watchdog.Monitor, WindowManagerPolicy.WindowManagerFuncs {
在 getWindowSession() 方法中,我们可以看到是调用了 IWindowManager 的 openSession 方法,其实际的实现是在 WMS 中,WMS 中的 openSession 方法如下所示
public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
implements Watchdog.Monitor, WindowManagerPolicy.WindowManagerFuncs {
public IWindowSession openSession(IWindowSessionCallback callback, IInputMethodClient client,
IInputContext inputContext) {
if (client == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null client");
if (inputContext == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null inputContext");
Session session = new Session(this, callback, client, inputContext);
return session;
可以看到,其实 ViewRootImpl 中的 IWindowSession 对象实际对应着 WMS 中的 Session 对象。
WindowManagerGlobal 和 WMS 实现的是单方向的通信,都是通过如下图所示的 Binder 方式进行进程间通信的
2.1.2 W
W 类是 ViewRootImpl 的一个内部类,实现了 IWindow 接口,IWindow 也是一个 AIDL 接口,可以猜想到,IWindow 接口是供 WMS 使用的,WSM 通过调用 IWindow 一些方法,通过 Binder 通信的方式,最后执行到了 W 中对应的方法中
public final class ViewRootImpl implements ViewParent,
View.AttachInfo.Callbacks, ThreadedRenderer.DrawCallbacks {
static class W extends IWindow.Stub {
private final WeakReference<ViewRootImpl> mViewAncestor;
private final IWindowSession mWindowSession;
W(ViewRootImpl viewAncestor) {
mViewAncestor = new WeakReference<ViewRootImpl>(viewAncestor);
mWindowSession = viewAncestor.mWindowSession;
public void resized(Rect frame, Rect overscanInsets, Rect contentInsets,
Rect visibleInsets, Rect stableInsets, Rect outsets, boolean reportDraw,
MergedConfiguration mergedConfiguration, Rect backDropFrame, boolean forceLayout,
boolean alwaysConsumeNavBar, int displayId) {
final ViewRootImpl viewAncestor = mViewAncestor.get();
if (viewAncestor != null) {
viewAncestor.dispatchResized(frame, overscanInsets, contentInsets,
visibleInsets, stableInsets, outsets, reportDraw, mergedConfiguration,
backDropFrame, forceLayout, alwaysConsumeNavBar, displayId);
public void moved(int newX, int newY) {
final ViewRootImpl viewAncestor = mViewAncestor.get();
if (viewAncestor != null) {
viewAncestor.dispatchMoved(newX, newY);
public void dispatchAppVisibility(boolean visible) {
final ViewRootImpl viewAncestor = mViewAncestor.get();
if (viewAncestor != null) {
public void dispatchGetNewSurface() {
final ViewRootImpl viewAncestor = mViewAncestor.get();
if (viewAncestor != null) {
public void windowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus, boolean inTouchMode) {
final ViewRootImpl viewAncestor = mViewAncestor.get();
if (viewAncestor != null) {
viewAncestor.windowFocusChanged(hasFocus, inTouchMode);
private static int checkCallingPermission(String permission) {
try {
return ActivityManager.getService().checkPermission(
permission, Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED;
比如在 ViewRootImpl#setView 方法中,有如下代码,在代码 1 处通过 mWindowSession 调用 addToDisplay 方法时,会将 mWindow 传入,最后传给 WMS,这样 WMS 便得到了一个 W 对象的实例对象。
public final class ViewRootImpl implements ViewParent,
View.AttachInfo.Callbacks, ThreadedRenderer.DrawCallbacks {
public void setView(View view, WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs, View panelParentView) {
synchronized (this) {
if (mView == null) {
int res; /* = WindowManagerImpl.ADD_OKAY; */
// Schedule the first layout -before- adding to the window
// manager, to make sure we do the relayout before receiving
// any other events from the system.
if ((mWindowAttributes.inputFeatures
& WindowManager.LayoutParams.INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL) == 0) {
mInputChannel = new InputChannel();
mForceDecorViewVisibility = (mWindowAttributes.privateFlags
try {
mOrigWindowType = mWindowAttributes.type;
mAttachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes = true;
// 代码 1
res = mWindowSession.addToDisplay(mWindow, mSeq, mWindowAttributes,
getHostVisibility(), mDisplay.getDisplayId(),
mAttachInfo.mContentInsets, mAttachInfo.mStableInsets,
mAttachInfo.mOutsets, mInputChannel);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
mAdded = false;
mView = null;
mAttachInfo.mRootView = null;
mInputChannel = null;
setAccessibilityFocus(null, null);
throw new RuntimeException("Adding window failed", e);
} finally {
if (restore) {
从上面代码可以看到,在 ViewRootImpl 中不仅实现了从 ViewRootImpl 向 WMS 的通信,也实现了从 WMS 向 ViewRootImpl 的通信,如下图所示