11.4 看不懂就慢慢看啊

11.4 看不懂就慢慢看啊

作者: 反复练习的阿离很笨吧 | 来源:发表于2018-11-15 23:48 被阅读0次


 *    NB.java
 *    Copyright 2005 Liangxiao Jiang

package weka.classifiers.gla;

import weka.core.*;
import weka.classifiers.*;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
 * Implement the NB classifier.
public class myAlgorithm extends Classifier {

  /** The number of class and each attribute value occurs in the dataset */
  private double [][] m_ClassAttCounts;

  /** The number of each class value occurs in the dataset */
  private double [] m_ClassCounts;

  /** The number of values for each attribute in the dataset */
  private int [] m_NumAttValues;

  /** The starting index of each attribute in the dataset */
  private int [] m_StartAttIndex;

  /** The number of values for all attributes in the dataset */
  private int m_TotalAttValues;

  /** The number of classes in the dataset */
  private int m_NumClasses;

  /** The number of attributes including class in the dataset */
  private int m_NumAttributes;

  /** The number of instances in the dataset */
  private int m_NumInstances;

  /** The index of the class attribute in the dataset */
  private int m_ClassIndex;

   * Generates the classifier.
   * @param instances set of instances serving as training data
   * @exception Exception if the classifier has not been generated successfully
  public void buildClassifier(Instances instances) throws Exception {

    // reset variable
    m_NumClasses = instances.numClasses();
    m_ClassIndex = instances.classIndex();
    m_NumAttributes = instances.numAttributes();
    m_NumInstances = instances.numInstances();
    m_TotalAttValues = 0;
    // allocate space for attribute reference arrays
    m_StartAttIndex = new int[m_NumAttributes];
    m_NumAttValues = new int[m_NumAttributes];
    // set the starting index of each attribute and the number of values for
    // each attribute and the total number of values for all attributes(not including class).
    for(int i = 0; i < m_NumAttributes; i++) {
      if(i != m_ClassIndex) {
        m_StartAttIndex[i] = m_TotalAttValues;
        m_NumAttValues[i] = instances.attribute(i).numValues();
        m_TotalAttValues += m_NumAttValues[i];
      else {
        m_StartAttIndex[i] = -1;
        m_NumAttValues[i] = m_NumClasses;
    // allocate space for counts and frequencies
    m_ClassCounts = new double[m_NumClasses];
    m_ClassAttCounts = new double[m_NumClasses][m_TotalAttValues];
    // Calculate the counts
    for(int k = 0; k < m_NumInstances; k++) {
      int classVal=(int)instances.instance(k).classValue();
      m_ClassCounts[classVal] ++;
      int[] attIndex = new int[m_NumAttributes];
      for(int i = 0; i < m_NumAttributes; i++) {
        if(i == m_ClassIndex){
          attIndex[i] = -1;
          attIndex[i] = m_StartAttIndex[i] + (int)instances.instance(k).value(i);

    * Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance
    * @param instance the instance to be classified
    * @return predicted class probability distribution
    * @exception Exception if there is a problem generating the prediction
   public double [] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception {

     //Definition of local variables
     double [] probs = new double[m_NumClasses];
     // store instance's att values in an int array
     int[] attIndex = new int[m_NumAttributes];
     for(int att = 0; att < m_NumAttributes; att++) {
       if(att == m_ClassIndex)
         attIndex[att] = -1;
         attIndex[att] = m_StartAttIndex[att] + (int)instance.value(att);
     int att;
     int classVal;
     //double PCi;
     double [][] weigh = new double[m_NumClasses][m_NumAttributes];
     double [] numTheAtt = new double[m_NumAttributes];
     for(att = 0; att < m_NumAttributes; att++)
     numTheAtt[att] = 0;
     if(attIndex[att]==-1) continue;
     for(classVal = 0; classVal < m_NumClasses; classVal++)
         numTheAtt[att] += m_ClassAttCounts[classVal][attIndex[att]];
         for(classVal = 0; classVal < m_NumClasses; classVal++)
     for(classVal = 0; classVal < m_NumClasses; classVal++)
        //probs[classVal] = 1.0;
         for(att = 0; att < m_NumAttributes; att++)
             if(attIndex[att]==-1) continue;
             probs[classVal]*=pow((m_ClassAttCounts[classVal][attIndex[att]] )/(m_ClassCounts[classVal]),weigh[classVal][att]);
     return probs;

   * Main method for testing this class.
   * @param argv the options
  public static void main(String [] argv) {
    try {
       System.out.println(Evaluation.evaluateModel(new NB(), argv));
    catch (Exception e) {




      本文标题:11.4 看不懂就慢慢看啊
