
作者: 王乂 | 来源:发表于2016-04-19 21:17 被阅读0次

    Have Drupal up and running and wondering "now what"? You’ve come to the right place. Here are the best articles for learning how to build your Drupal site. From a basic overview of Drupal concepts to the first deep dives into Views and other advanced topics. No coding required!

    装好了Drupal,然后呢?OK, 你来对地方了, 如果你想学习用drupal建设网站,这里是最佳文章的一些合集。从最基础的概念深入到Views模块再到其他一些文章,完全不需要编程就统统能实现。

    Getting started

    This page assumes you have already successfully installed Drupal. If you want to know how to download and install Drupal and set up your local environment, check outthe installation guide.


    这本书假设你已经成功的安装好了Drupal,如果想了解如何下载和安装Drupal和配置本地环境, 可以参考这里。如果有兴趣的话,有机会我再尝试翻译下官网的安装方法。

    按照写书的方式, 我们还是先来个目录, 后面的内容围绕这个目录展开。


    第一部分 Druapl简介

    Drupal overview

    A tour of Drupal fundamental concepts. If you are completely new to Drupal, start here.

    General concepts

    Content, content types, fields

    Build navigation with menus, toolbars

    Building page layouts with content and blocks

    Organizing content with taxonomies

    Users and permissions

    第二部分 Drupal的扩展

    Extend Drupal with contributed modules

    Want to customize your site and gain additional functionality? Hundreds of contributed modules are available.

    Installing contributed modules

    Search for modules

    The big three:Views,RulesandPanels

    Getting started with Views

    Getting started with Rules

    Getting started with Panels

    第三部分 Drupal的美化

    Make it look better: themes & theming

    Do you have a custom design to implement or are you looking for a fresh look with an out of the box theme?

    Design and Drupal, introduction to theming

    Finding themes

    Installing themes

    Theme HowTos

    第四部分 Drupal的强大的插件功能

    Diving deeper with Views, Taxonomy and References

    Smart display of content based on certain aspects of your content or the user that is viewing it etc.

    Linking content to content with references

    A variety of Views tips and tricks

    Contributed modules for Taxonomy

    Entity Reference Module guide

    第五部分 翻译你的网站

    Translate your site

    Want your site to use a language other than English? Or maybe multiple languages? Easy!

    Introduction to multilingual Drupal

    Translating site interfaces

    Translating content

    Contributed modules to help you translate your site

    第六部分 如果不幸遇到了你

    Help! I broke my site!

    White screens? Scary looking error messages? Can’t login anymore? Here’s what you can do

    Troubleshooting problems with your website

    Account, permission and login issues

    Blank pages or "white screen of death"

    Error messages

    Translation issues

    Reporting a problem

    第七部分 Drupal 8新的特性

    What's new in Drupal 8

    Learn about some of the upcoming changes for site builders in Drupal 8.

    Drupal 8 for site builders

    Managing configuration in Drupal 8

    What's New in Drupal 8: Content Management(WDTutorials.com)

    Drupal 8 Configuration System for Coders and Site Builders(DrupalCamp Baltics 2013)

    What's new for Drupal 8 for site builders?(PreviousNext Blog)

    第八部分 Drupal的相关资源

    Additional Resource Guides and Informational Pages

    Here are some links to more Resource Guides and Informational Pages.

    Theming and Front End Development with Drupal

    Module Development with Drupal

    Resource Guide: Managing Media in Drupal

    Resource Guide: Building an eCommerce Website

    Resource Guide: Configuring a Multilingual Site

    Resource Guide: Tools for Content Administration in Drupal

    Resource Guide: Launching a Government Website

    Resource Guide: Marketing Automation and CRM in Drupal

    Resource Guide: Drupal for Educational Institutions

    Resource Guide: Drupal for Nonprofit Websites

    Resource Guide: Drupal for Membership Websites

    Resource Guide: Social Media and Drupal



