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【ClickHouse为什么这么快?】Hyperscan 超扫描

【ClickHouse为什么这么快?】Hyperscan 超扫描

作者: 光剑书架上的书 | 来源:发表于2021-11-28 18:17 被阅读0次

    A SIMD instruction executes the same operation on multiple data in parallel.

    A SIMD Operation

    A SIMD operation is performed on multiple lanes of two SIMD registers independently, and the results are stored in the third register. Modern CPU supports a number of SIMD instructions that can work on specialized vector registers (SSE, AVX, etc.). The latest AVX512 instructions support up to 512-bit operations simultaneously.

    一次 SIMD 操作是对两个 SIMD 寄存器的多个通道独立进行,然后结果存储在第三个寄存器中。现代 CPU 支持可以在专用向量寄存器(SSE、AVX 等)上运行的 SIMD 指令。最新的 AVX512 指令最多可同时支持 512 位操作。

    Hyperscan 超扫描算法:用于现代CPU的“快速-多模式”正则表达式匹配器

    Hyperscan: A Fast Multi-pattern Regex Matcher for Modern CPUs

    Regular expression matching serves as a key functionality of modern network security applications. Unfortunately, it often becomes the performance bottleneck as it involves

    compute-intensive scan of every byte of packet payload. With trends towards increasing network bandwidth and a large ruleset of complex patterns, the performance re-quirement gets ever more demanding. In this paper, we present Hyperscan, a high performance regular expression matcher for commodity server machines. 

    Hyperscan employs two core techniques for efficient pattern matching. 

    - First, it exploits graph decomposition that translates regular expression matching into a series of string and finite automata matching. Unlike existing solutions, string matching becomes a part of regular expression matching, eliminating duplicate operations. Decomposed regular expression components also increase the chance of fast DFA matching as they tend to be smaller than the original pattern.

    - Second, Hyperscan accelerates both string and finite automata matching using SIMD operations, which brings substantial through-put improvement. 

    Our evaluation shows that Hyperscan improves the performance of Snort by a factor of 8.7 for a real traffic trace.

    Deep packet inspection (DPI) provides the fundamental functionality for many middlebox applications that deal with L7 protocols, such as intrusion detection systems (IDS)。

    Despite continued efforts, the performance of regex matching on a commodity server still remains impractical to directly serve today’s large network bandwidth. Instead, the de-facto best practice of high-performance DPI generally employs multi-string pattern matching as a pre-condition for expensive regex matching. 

    This hybrid approach (or prefiltering) is attractive as multi-string matching is known to outperform multi-regex matching by two orders of magnitude , and most input traffic is innocent, making it more efficient to defer a rigorous check. For example, popular IDSes like Snort and Suricata specify a string pattern per each regex for prefiltering, and launch the corresponding regex matching only if the string is found in the input stream.



    However, the current prefilter-based matching has a number of limitations. 

    First, string keywords are often defined manually by humans. Manual choice does not scale as the ruleset expands over time, and improper keywords would waste CPU cycles on redundant regex matching. 

    Second, string matching and regex matching are executed as two separate tasks, with the former leveraged only as a trigger for the latter. This results in duplicate matching of the string keywords when the corresponding regex matching is executed. 

    Third, current regex matching typically translates an entire regex into a single finite automaton (FA). If the number of deterministic finite automaton (DFA) states becomes too large, one must resort to a slower non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) for matching of the whole regex.





    Hyperscan, a high performance regex matching system that exploits regex decomposition as the first principle. Regex decomposition splits a regex pattern into a series of disjoint string and FA components。

    This translates regex matching into a sequence of decomposed subregex matching whose execution and matching order is controlled by fast string matching.



    This design brings a number of benefits. 

    First, our regex decomposition identifies string components automatically by performing rigorous structural analyses on the NFA graph of a regex. Our algorithm ensures that the extracted strings are pre-requisite for the rest of regex matching.

    Second, string matching is run as a part of regex matching rather than being employed only as a trigger. Unlike the prefilter-based design, Hyperscan keeps track of the state of string matching throughout regex matching and avoids any redundant operations. 

    Third, FA component matching is executed only when all relevant string and FA components are matched. This eliminates unnecessary FA component matching, which allows efficient CPU utilization. 

    Finally, most decomposed FA components tend to be small, so they are more likely to be able to be converted to a DFA and benefit from fast DFA matching.






    Beyond the benefits of regex decomposition, Hyperscan also brings a significant performance boost with single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD) accelerated pattern matching algorithms.

    Source code at https://github.com/intel/hyperscan



    Hyperscan is a high-performance multiple regex matching library. It follows the regular expression syntax of the commonly-used libpcre library, but is a standalone library with its own C API.

    Hyperscan uses hybrid automata techniques to allow simultaneous matching of large numbers (up to tens of thousands) of regular expressions and for the matching of regular expressions across streams of data.

    Hyperscan is typically used in a DPI library stack.








        本文标题:【ClickHouse为什么这么快?】Hyperscan 超扫描
