2020 week10/11/12/13/14

2020 week10/11/12/13/14

作者: dons_1 | 来源:发表于2020-03-02 19:59 被阅读0次
    • julia osterman, her classmates laments how ,despite some social ,environmental and ethical topics in its curriculum, core classes are still "too Finance 101"
    • with big data to crunch and nowhere for miscreant to hide,perhaps top-down rule at last be made to work
    • Hong Kong's embattled chief executive, Carrie Lam says she will give up -at least until next year - her efforts to secure the passage of legislation that triggered the unreast: a bill to allow criminal suspect to be extradited to the Chinese mainland.
    • employers who partly or wholly bankroll half or all executive education,which earns elite schools between 100m and150m a year ,want it to impart technical skill
    • a prestigious MBA puts a floor on your career ,explains kostya simonenko a 28-year0old consultant on leave from oliver wyman
    • the dispute concern two of America's biggest gripe china's economic model and the wto's inablility to constrian it

    week 13

    • on a visit to new york last october, Marc Benioffm the boss of Salesforce ,compared Facebook to the cigerete, back a corperate tax hike to deal with homeless . if badmouthing fellow technology giant or cheering up taxing were not heterodox enough for a billianare , he laid into america's MBA.this programm student persinal profile than public good. he noted that ,this were out of step with new capitalism
    • many deans concered."willian boulding" ,from duke's fuqua school of business ,illustrated that we need to lead students to consider the role of business in social .now we were criticised in left right and middle. nitin nohria of HBS claimed that alumni and incoming class ealer for place to reflect { }. jonathan levin of GSB ,implied . business have responsibility to insane entrupernur and stockholder need to take action to restore the trust from sociaty
    • many deand concurs。 “we need to give a thought about role of business in sociaty, especailly at a moment in time when new capitalism were under attack” says William Boulding of Duke's Fuqua School of Business. Nitin Nohria of HBS reported new alumnus and incoming class want a work place to reflect value and porpuse" .Jonathan Levin noted that Business school have responsibility to clarify result that coperate's act to cause.
      coperate ,leader,and their stakeholder must take action to restore the truth from sociaty
    • america business institution still have adventage in anniversary phb of global top MBA .whereas this industry was a riot.GMAC's data shows that . applicant from america MBA this year decrease 7% than last year . applicant of third four 's 2year degree have diped. even if the most
      business and stanford face a fierce competitence . hidebound curiiculum

    占有优势 dominate
    annual ranking 年度排行榜
    is being shaking up 正经历动荡
    receive 7% fewer applicant than last year
    saw applicants dip by 6% or so
    three-quarters 3/4
    from coast to coast 全国
    not even 即使
    face growing competition from

    america business school still dominate the annul ranking of global top MBA.this industry is coming shaking up. according to GMAC's data. America's MBA programme's receive fewer 7% applicant than last year. three quarter 2-year full time MBA programme' report decrease of applicant. not even the most illustrious business school are speared . HSB and GSB saw applicant 6% dip . american business scholl is facing growing competing from online grogram and foreign school. as Mr BNO's critic implied, and question over hidebound curriculum.Susan Fournier of Questrom School of Business intane we are critisized right left and middle



          本文标题:2020 week10/11/12/13/14
