【汉化】YEP.176 – Event Proximity Ac

【汉化】YEP.176 – Event Proximity Ac

作者: 沧笙 | 来源:发表于2018-12-22 01:51 被阅读123次


    In RPG Maker MV, events can only activate when you are either standing next to them or on top of them. There is no activation proximity range that can be used to activate some events from afar. This plugin gives you multiple ways to activate certain events from a distance, through means of a square area around an event, a radius, row-centric, or column-centric. These new activation proximity ranges can be coupled with an event’s triggers: through the Action Button, Player Touch, Event Touch, Autorun, and Parallels giving multitudes of ways to activate events. And these can all be done by simply adding Comment Tags into an event page.

    在RPG Maker MV中,玩家只有站在事件旁边或其上才可以触发。没有可用于从远处触发事件的范围选择。此插件为您提供了多种触发范围,通过事件周围的方形区域,圆形半径,以行为中心或以列为中心,实现从远处触发某些事件。这些新的触发范围可以与事件的触发器结合:例如通过动作按钮,玩家触摸,事件触摸,自动运行和并行运行,提供多种方式来触发事件。这些都可以通过注释标签添加到事件页面来完成。

    Comment Tags

    By default, each event page has zero proximity features. They have to be added manually per event page using comment tags. You can use the following comment tags to give each event page a proximity activation range.


    Comment Tags:

    <Activation Square: x>
    – Creates an activation range around the event in the form of a square, x tiles to the left, right, above, and below the event. This makes the activation range look like a square.

    • 在事件的左侧,右侧,上方和下方以方形,x方块的形式创建事件周围的激活范围。这使激活范围看起来像一个正方形。

    <Activation Radius: x>
    – Creates an activation range around the event requiring the player to be within x tiles of the event (difference of x and y positions). Think of this more like a diamond.

    • 围绕事件创建激活范围,要求玩家位于事件的x个区块内(x和y位置的差异)。可以把它想象成钻石。

    <Activation Row: x>
    – Creates an activation range spanning horizontally from the event. The row’s horizontal range is the whole map, but the vertical range is x tiles above and below the event. If x is 0, then the player must be exactly on the same vertical tile as the event.

    • 创建从事件水平跨越的激活范围。行的水平范围是整个地图,但垂直范围是事件上方和下方的x个区块。如果x为0,则玩家必须与事件位于同一垂直图块上。

    <Activation Column: x>
    – Creates an activation range spanning vertically from the event. The row’s vertical range is the whole map, but the horizontal range is x tiles left and right of the event. If x is 0, then the player must be exactly on the same horizontal tile as the event.

    • 创建从事件垂直跨越的激活范围。行的垂直范围是整个地图,但水平范围是事件左右两侧的x个图块。如果x为0,则播放器必须与事件位于同一水平方块上。

    Event proximity activations behave differently depending on the event page’s trigger type. Here is how the event page will activate based on the trigger:

    Action Button
    – As long as the player is within the event’s proximity range, pressing the OK button will activate the event.

    • 只要玩家处于事件的触发范围内,按OK按钮将激活该事件。

    Player Touch
    – If the player moves within the event’s proximity range, the event will automatically activate. This will not occur if the event moves into range of the player, however. The player can also press the OK button to trigger the event.

    • 如果玩家在事件的触发范围内移动,该事件将自动激活。但是,如果事件移动到玩家的范围内,则不会发生这种情况。玩家也可以按OK按钮触发事件。

    Event Touch
    – If the player moves within the event’s proximity range or vice versa, the event will automatically activate. The player can also press the OK button to trigger the event.

    • 如果玩家在事件的触发范围内移动,反之亦然,则事件将自动激活。玩家也可以按OK按钮触发事件。

    – If the player moves within the event’s proximity range or vice versa, the event will automatically activate. There is no escaping this autorun unless you have a way of turning it off.

    • 如果玩家在事件的触发范围内移动,反之亦然,则事件将自动激活。除非您有办法将其关闭,否则无法逃避此自动运行。

    – If the player moves within the event’s proximity range or vice versa, the event will automatically activate. The player is granted a few frames of movement each time the parallel process loops.

    • 如果玩家在事件的接近范围内移动,反之亦然,则事件将自动激活。每次并行处理循环时,将会按帧处理

    Happy RPG Making!



          本文标题:【汉化】YEP.176 – Event Proximity Ac
