作文修改提示 (Week 11)

作文修改提示 (Week 11)

作者: Jeff_2015 | 来源:发表于2016-05-02 20:12 被阅读0次



(1)A for Attention; (2)i for Introduction; (3)B for Body Paragraph;
(4)E for Example; (5)O for Organization; (6)C for Conclusion;
(7)G for Grammar; (8)W for Word and Phrase.

A. Attention 请注意

  1. I strongly doubt if you put any real effort into writing this essay. I hope you could make it much better. Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do.”

  2. I think you made a bad decision and just copied stuff on the Internet.

i. Introduction Paragraph 开头段

  1. The opening sentence is a little commonplace, and could be more creative and impressive. You don’t get the second chance to make the first impression.
    e.g. Nowadays there are a lot of temptation in our daily lives.
    (A slightly better version by me :)
    “I can resist anything except temptation,” Oscar Wilde once observed. It may be safe to say that human beings are not good at resisting temptation, especially in recent years with the Internet as an ultimate temptation that is hard to avoid. However, it is also safe to say that many good habits result from temptation.

  2. The opening sentence feels quite mechanical, and feels like a model essay online.
    e.g. With the development of economy and technology, people now have to face a lot of temptation.

  3. There is no thesis statement.

  4. Digress! The thesis statement doesn’t meet the requirement of the essay.

  5. The thesis statement is vague, and it could be more clear and specific.
    e.g. Therefore, it is necessary to form good habits.
    (Comment: 主题句缺少了temptation这一重点内容。可以写成 It is necessary to resist the temptation if we want to develop good lifestyle habits.)

  6. The thesis statement is too specific, and could be more general.

  7. The introduction paragraph is too short to impress the reader.

  8. The introduction paragraph is too long, leaving less space for the body paragraph.

B. Body Paragraph 中间段

  1. There is no topic sentence to lead and introduce each supporting example. You’d better not start with “for example”.
    (第二段不要以For example开头,先有中心句,告诉读者你用什么类型的例子支持第一段的主旨句,然后再举例子。)

  2. The topic sentence is too vague, and could be more specific.

  3. The topic sentence is too much like the thesis statement. The topic sentence in 2nd paragraph should be a supporting point for the thesis statement, instead of being a reworded thesis statement, which should be for the summary in the conclusion.

  4. The body paragraph is too short. You should write at least 120 words (6 sentences) for the body paragraph.

  5. Each sentence is too short and simple. There is not an impressive sentence with advanced grammar and vocabulary.

  6. The argument is not logical enough.

E. Example 例证

  1. This example does not support your thesis.

  2. The example is not linked to the topic sentence very adequately. You should say how exactly your example can prove your argument.
    Firstly, every day we need to relax our body and recover our energy by sleeping. However, there are many interesting entertainment activities, such as computer games, social network websites, online shopping and so on. We need to control ourselves to get good sleep then have energy the next day. Secondly, eating habits…
    (Comment: 可以改成 We need to control ourselves to resist all the temptation of these attractive entertainment every night, so that we can sleep early and be energetic the next day. 这样才会清楚的说明抵抗诱惑的作用。)

3、 The example might be too oversimplified, even for a essay of CET 4 and 6. You could write with more interesting details.

O. Organization (Being Coherent and Cohesive ) 结构,组织,衔接

  1. The transition is too abrupt. There is a lack of coherence or proper transitional phrases.

  2. The essay is a little messy, maybe because you didn’t do the brainstorming well enough, or didn’t brainstorm on the draft at all, which I advise against constantly in our class.

C. Conclusion Paragraph 结尾段

  1. The summary of the restatement in the conclusion paragraph should be a little bit different from the thesis statement. There should not be two sentences that are totally identical.

  2. The last sentence of your essay should be fairly impressive, because it may be the last sentence before the grader decides your grade.

G. Grammar 语法

  1. The sentence lacks the subject or the verb.
    e.g. Many students can’t overcome temptation and leads them to sleep very late.
    (Analysis: lead 的主语是?可以改成 Many students can’t overcome temptation, and this leads them to sleep very late. 或者 Many students can’t overcome temptation, which leads them to sleep very late.)

  2. Verbs are not used correctly.
    e.g The habits that get up early and concentrate on the work us very necessary for us.
    (Analysis: get, concentrate和habits的关系是?可以改成 It is necessary for us college students to cultivate the habits such as getting up early and concentrating.)

  3. The word sequence is not grammatically correct.

  4. Run-on sentences. There should be some conjunctions.

  5. As far as this essay is concerned, you should improve your grammar.

W. Word and Phrase 词汇

  1. The word or the phrase here cannot express what you want to mean. Or the usage of the word or the phrase is problematic.
    e.g. Students find all kinds of excuses to delay time.
    (比较典型的中式英语,对拖延时间进行直译。可以换成delay doing their assignments。关于delay的具体用法可以查学习型词典进一步了解)

  2. Spelling mistake.

  3. The part of speech is chosen wrongly.

  4. Your vocabulary and knowledge about words and phrases should be improved by making the best of the dictionaries that I have recommended.



      本文标题:作文修改提示 (Week 11)
