作者: CiderDrink | 来源:发表于2018-06-07 22:07 被阅读0次

The contents are notes taken from Excel与VBA学习频道


Visual Basic Editor 进入方式有两种:

  1. 快捷键Alt+F11
  2. 菜单,开发工具 -> Visual Basic



类型 字节大小 描述
Boolean 2 True or False
Byte 1 Integer from 0 to 255
Integer 2 Integer from -32,768 to 32,767
Long 4 Integer from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Single 4 Single accuracy floating point value
Double 8 Double accuracy floating point value
Currency 8
Date 8
Decimal 14
String 10+n
Variant 22+n


  1. 如何声明或者定义变量
  2. 变量有哪些类型
  3. 变量作用的范围和生命周期。
Dim i As Integer #本地变量
Static myGender As Boolean #静态变量
Private myWeight As Single #私有变量
Public myHeight As Double #公有变量

# 快捷声明变量
Dim i%, s$, j&
Dim i As Integer, s As String, j As Long
类型 类型声明字符
Integer %
Long &
Single !
Double #
String $
Currency @


Const pi As Double = 3.1415926


类别 运算符
算术运算符 +, -, *, /, ^, mod 除余, \ 除数, & 连接字符, like 比较
关系运算符 <, >, <=, >=, =
逻辑运算符 and, or, not, xor(异否)
其他运算符 [] evaluate的简化, : 程序连接符, (space)_ 程序换行符


  1. 分支语句
  • if 语句
Sub ifSentence()
  Dim k As Integer
  If k>0 Then
    MsgBox "The value of A1 is positive"
  ElseIf k=0 Then
    MsgBox "The value of A1 is zero"
    MsgBox "The value of A1 is negative"
  End If
End Sub
  • Select Case 语句
Sub selectcaseSentence()
  Dim k As Integer
  Select Case Range("A1").Value
    Case Is > 0
      MsgBox "The value of A1 is positive"
    Case Is = 0
      MsgBox "The value of A1 is zero"
    Case Else
      MsgBox "The value of A1 is negative"
  End Select
End Sub
  1. 循环语句
Sub Sum1To50()
  Dim i As Integer, s As Integer
  s = 0 #initiation
  # Do While ... Loop 
  Do While i <= 50
    s = s + i
    i = i + 1
  # Do ... Loop While
    s = s + i
    i = i + 1
  Loop While i <= 50
  # Do Until ... Loop
  Do Until i > 50
    s = s + i
    i = i + 1
  # While ... Wend
  While i <= 50
    s = s + i
    i = i + 1
  # For ... Next
  For i = 1 To 50
    s = s + i
  Next i
  MsgBox "The sum of 1+2+...+50 is " & s
End Sub

# For Each ... Next
Sub Sum1To50()
  Dim i, j, s As Integer, arr(1 To 50)
  s = 0
  For i = 1 To 50
    arr(i) = i
  Next i
  For Each j In arr
    s = s + j
  Next j
  MsgBox "The sum of 1+2+...+50 is " & s
End Sub
  1. 其他语句
  • Exit系列
Exit Sub
Exit Function
Exit For
Exit Do
  • Goto系列
Sub GotoEg()
  Dim x As Integer
  Dim sr
  sr = Application.InputBox("Input a number: ","Input Notice")
  If Len(sr) = 0 Or Len(sr) = 5 Then GoTo 100
End Sub
# Change Even Numbers in A1:A10 to "Even Number"
Sub GoSubReturn()
  Dim x As Integer
  For x = 1 To 10
    If Cells(x, 1) Mod 2 = 0 Then GoSub 100
  Next x
  Exit Sub
  Cells(x, 1) = "Even Number"
End Sub


  1. 无参数过程
call calculateSum

Sub calculateSum()
  # codes...
End Sub
  1. 有参数过程
call iSum(98, "Adam Williams")

Sub iSum(score As Integer, name As String)
  # codes...
End Sub
  • 参数的引用类型:传值引用(Byval)与传址引用(Byref)
# By Value
Sub refByVal(ByVal x)
  x = x + 1
End Sub
# By Reference
Sub refByRef(ByRef y)
  y = y + 1
End Sub
# Example
Sub refExample()
  Dim k1, k2
  k1 = 1
  k2 = 1
  Call refByVal(k1)
  Call refByRef(k2)
  MsgBox k1 # k1 is 1, no change in value
  MsgBox k2 # k2 is 2, no change in address
End Sub


  1. 自定义函数的编写
* 基础形式
Function  a1(b As Integer, c As Integer)
  a1 = b + c
End Function

* 可选参数
Function  a(c As Integer, Optional b As Integer = 1)
  a = b + c
End Function
Sub param()
  Debug.Print a(2) # a=2+1=3
  Debug.Print a(2, 1) # a=2+1=3
  Debug.Print a(2, 2) # a=2+2=4
End Sub

* 不定参数
Function SimpleSum(ParamArray a())
  For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
    s = s + a(i)
  Next i
  SimpleSum = s
End Function
Sub paramArray()
  Debug.Print SimpleSum(1) # 1
  Debug.Print SimpleSum(1, 2) # 1+2=3
  Debug.Print SimpleSum(1, 2, 3) # 1+2+3=6
End Sub
  1. 自定义函数的调用
  • 直接调用
  • 单元格调用


  1. 对象
* 层次对象
  1. 属性
Sub Properties()
  Dim r
  r = Range("A1").Value 
  Range("A1").Value = r
End Sub
* 带参数的属性
Sub PramProperty()
  Dim r
  r = Range("A1").Address(row absolute:=True, column absolute:=True)
  MsgBox r
End Sub
  1. 方法
Sub ObjectMethod()
  Range("A1").Copy Destination:=Range("B1")
  r = Range("A1").Copy(Destination:=Range("B1"))
  MsgBox r #返回True
End Sub
  1. 事件
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
  MsgBox "Current Time is: " & Now
End Sub

Range 对象:单元格

属性 说明 用法举例 返回结果
Address 单元格地址
Cells 单元格对象
Column 列号
Columns 列对象
Count 单元格个数
CurrentRegion 单元格所在的非空范围
End 非空单元格
EntireColumn 单元格所在列
EntireRow 单元格所在行
Font 字体格式设置
Formula 单元格公式
HasFormula 判断是否有公式
Interior 单元格内部格式设置
Name 命名单元格区域
Offset 单元格区域偏移
Parent 返回单元格的父对象
Resize 单元格区域大小变换
Row 行号
Rows 行对象
Value 单元格内容,默认属性






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