Part 1- 3句
1, Where my grandfather was big and boisterous, my grandmother was clam, calculating, with a mind as sharp as anything.
used to say that one person, thing, opinion etc is different from another:
2,She was fantastic and fully with it. She just couldn't see and didn't move.
BORN A CRIME-Day3 BORN A CRIME-Day33,Our relationship was nothing but command prompts and replies, like talking to a computer.
Part 2- 3词
原文:There is a prosecutor. Your defense attorney has to prove lack of motive, go through the crime-scene forensics, present a staunch defense.
prosecutor =pro+security 提前保证你安全的人 公诉人
attoreney (tear) 隐藏 “撕” 律师
顺便加上前两天看的 “指控 控告”四兄弟
accusation (accuse)
allegation (legal)
2,well into
原文:She was super old, well into her nineties, stooped and frail, completely blind.
这里的well into her nineties 为super old 的同位语,来补充说明外祖母特别老,well into 有种obviously的感觉,整句话就是在描述外祖母老的各种具体化特征。这句话的简洁度是自己需要学习的。
短语 be well into middle age =(be obviously middle-aged, probably at least 50)
例句:Most of the people there were well into middle age.
另外 frail (虚弱的)同义词fragile (易碎的,脆弱的)
原文: As a nation, we recognized the power of women, but in the home they were expected to submit and obey.
此处和obey 意思相同表示 表示遵从,听从
英文解释: to give a plan, piece of writing etc to someone in authority for them to consider or approve
sub 表示下面 感情↓
mit(transmit 交换,运输)=mittere =to send
整个一种从下向上的 send 表示呈递,提交
submit to
submit 同义词 give in 屈服,让步
Part 3- 感想
1,关于 pray
文中有篇幅描写 关于他们聚集在外祖母家一起pray的场景,最后作者用一段在自己"powerful experience" 之后,在不知情的家人的要求下进行的pray。 想说,人在无助的时候总会想寄托于自己的愿景于一些自己认为是伟大,又美好的东西。像我们家那边过年的风俗 烧香拜佛,有一些很重大的事情之前总会想先去庙里求一下神仙。也好比《鬼怪》这部韩剧里,那位三神奶奶讲的,在你最绝望的时候,用心祈祷,神会听见来救你的(贯穿全剧)。不是迷信于神真的会显灵帮我们,只是想给绝望的自己找到一个寄托。
其实在看这本书之前,自己并不认识作者,更谈不上对他的性格什么有了解了(不过我相信看完这本书,我会了解他一点的,也会在驱使下去了解这个 骇人听闻的 种族隔离制度)。只是第一天看Eric分享在群里的视频,才算认识到了作者本尊。看完访谈,给我的感觉就是:哇!这个人讲话好风趣,阳光哦。才看到第三章,没有过多的想去说制度的问题。只是想说,作者家庭里的每一个人性格都好鲜明,不论是妈妈,外祖父母,还是aunt和Dinky 。在这样一个家庭中长大,怪不得作者给我感觉 古灵精怪。外祖父的"no beaytiful woman should have to wait for a bus" 不自己让自己想到了《闻香识女人》的大叔,后面外祖父要让自己和他box 自己脑子里又蹦出一个 老顽童 的形象。不管大背景如何,我觉得小家庭中的作者目前还是 乐在其中的 虽然有着很多的无奈。
3,关于 “人类天性”
这段看的自己 笑的前仰后,印象最深的这句话:
I think God made humans shit in the way we do because it brings us back down to earth and gives us humility.
看完之后强烈的想说一句 I do think so.