绘本讲师训练营【15期英文】21/21—实践 Brown Bea

绘本讲师训练营【15期英文】21/21—实践 Brown Bea

作者: 小肯的成长记录 | 来源:发表于2018-07-22 14:45 被阅读14次

Book:Brown bear, Brown bear, what do you see? By Eric Carl.

To Learn: 9 colors, 9 animals. And “what do you see?”” I see something looking at me.”


Free talk:

What is your name? Nice to meet you. How are you? Delighted. Good. Not bad.

Total five kids came to join the activity.

Lead in

Colors. Prepare some color cards to show how to say colors in English.

To find something blue\green\purple\red\yellow…in the class room

Prepare colorful toys or food. (Not used because there are too many colors in the room, tables, chairs, one boy called David wore green T shirt, a girl’s grandma wore a purple shirt, and two girls wore white dresses.【这个环节出奇不意地轻松,孩子们很容易就投入到在房间里找颜色的乐趣中,我都没来得及从袋子里找出自己准备的玩具跟食物,孩子们已经在到处找颜色了】

Read the Book

Read and play “I spy” game.

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

I see a ….(roaring)

What does brown bear see?

Something red, who can fly in the sky, and it has feathers, it says “tweet, tweet”

It is a Red bird

Red bird, red bird, what do you see?

I see a …(tweet, tweet)

What does red bird see?

Oh, something yellow. (因为露出了黄色的一部分,有点尖,有一个小朋友说是牛角)

And it says ”quack, quack”.

It is a yellow duck.

Blue horse (look at its teeth, who is a vegetable eater, and it has hair. It says neigh, neigh)

White dog (look at its nose and its mouth. It says warf , warf)

Purple cat(look at its big paws, and black beard)

Gold fish(it lives under the water, it can swim)

Different animals have different calls.

sheep Baa…baa…

bird Tweet, tweet


Brown bear roar

dog Warf, warf

cat Meow, meow

horse Neigh, neigh

frog croak

duck quack


Let the kids join. Each one say one sentence.

Play with kids. Everyone get a card, and color each favorite color(Prepare some color pencils or water color pens). Game starts: Joey, Joey, what do you see?  Show Joey “ brown bear”. Joey: I see a brown bear looking at me. (Depends on what color of the animal)【没有成功,孩子们不太会说,所以后面改成了what is your favorite color?因为还带了超轻粘土,就变成孩子们粘各种颜色的粘土了,跟孩子们玩,真是要不停转换啊,还好感谢Amy啊,那么机智地帮我找到了新的玩法】


Dance with me. Sing the song and play.

Choose the right chair to sit. 因为一共有三个小朋友玩这个游戏,所以就黄、绿、蓝、粉每种颜色各两把椅子。然后放音乐,音乐停,老师说出一种颜色,孩子们就去坐那个颜色的椅子。



绘本讲师训练营【15期英文】21/21—实践 Brown Bear, brown bear , what do you see? 绘本讲师训练营【15期英文】21/21—实践 Brown Bear, brown bear , what do you see? 绘本讲师训练营【15期英文】21/21—实践 Brown Bear, brown bear , what do you see?



    本文标题:绘本讲师训练营【15期英文】21/21—实践 Brown Bea
