

作者: yhdv | 来源:发表于2019-04-30 15:03 被阅读0次

    Nick Hauser: Welcome everybody. Nick Hauser here, and it's Today's customer interview. I'd be sitting down with William Lam. William, how are you doing today?

    William Lam: Very good. How are you nick?

    Nick Hauser: I'm good. So William's got interesting. So where he joined consulting accelerator back in February, 2018 and at the time he was making in between eight and $15,000 but he described it before in our conversation together before we hopped on this interview as it was just inconsistent. So he's looking for a more predictable way and a way to scale with doing that. And just a year now with working through the training and implementing some of the strategies he's even, we'll get to the point where he's making consistently in between 40 and $50,000 per month. And what William does, he helps investors, influencers, and entrepreneurs upgrade their mindset. So we're going to dive right into what exactly that means, what he does, what he actually helps us clients with, and how he made this transformation and to not only scaling up and making it more consistent. So the first thing I want to ask you is before the training, can you describe what life was like?

    William Lam: Yeah, it was pretty frantic. It was a prank. The time I was, I was learning how to have a niche without knowing that I needed to have a niche. And that was a struggle because I was going to everyone saying, hey, would you like some coaching? Hey, would you like, you know, some mindset upgrade, but it wasn't working out so well because it wasn't a specific niche. There wasn't a specific message. And I didn't know my clientele like Sam would describe it, you know, being able to write in their journal and as if I was them and for them to see it and be like, wow, that's me. So it was, yeah, it was not very effective back then.

    Nick Hauser: And where were you helping people with back then? Because you were making in between eight and 15,000 a month. So what exactly did your, your offer look like and when you landed somebody, you know, what was that person's situation?

    William Lam: Um, back then I was mostly working on helping people let go of either anxiety or helping them like, uh, you know, just their negative emotions or things that, you know, my niche was still known for newer linguistic programing. So we're pretty good at helping people feel good and naturally just able to let go of perhaps if they were a speaker, the speaking anxiety or if they were salesmen, their anxiety to make phone calls at the same time. I was like, Oh, here's a guy who was a doctor. Oh, here's a guy who's a salesman. Oh, here's a guy. An exact Girdif oh, here's a guy who is a stay at home mom, or not a guy. But anyway, all of that together. And it was kind of difficult to measure and see consistency in terms of results. So, and can you describe

    Nick Hauser: to what, what neuro look missing? Pluralism is an LP for members out there or anybody else watching. He was like, I've kind of heard of that, but what actually is it?

    William Lam: Yeah, absolutely. So it's very much of a way of using linguistics and internal strategies to reprogram once mind. So a lot of, a lot of times that people studying NLP because they noticed there were certain blocks within their mind or they want to help other people to let go of those blocks. One of the best illustrations would be when I was five years old, I mean as silly, silly sob story. But um, my parents bought a brand new TV and I was like, wow, we must be wealthy, wealthy. My mother said, don't say that because of your wealthy people will take your money away. Now that's a terrible belief to hat. Yet I allowed that to stay there in my mind, in my unconscious for a number of years without knowing it. And so when I discovered that when I was studying NLP and let that go, I found myself no longer just spending money because I was too scared deep inside that people would take it away. Instead I was able to accumulate more and more money. So for me it was, a lot of it was cleanup work as well as just upgrading my own mindset and I'm in a very predictable way.

    Nick Hauser: And how does one actually go about doing that? Practically like that example you said, like you had to figure out that this was something that happened when you were like a child and you held on to it. What's the next step? FTU identify.

    William Lam: So a lot of times people discover that too first loosening their amount of the work because sometimes it's so deep they don't even know it exists. And then, but once you identify it, essentially we learn from it. One of the, one of the reasons that people hold onto certain negative emotions or limiting beliefs is because they haven't learned from it. And by learning from it and individuals actually able to let go of the limitation. So for me at that time, um, I was actually getting trained with my wife and she was like, Hey, I noticed you spent a lot of money before sometimes even making it, you know, when did you decide that? And so she never, she didn't care about why none of that. She was like, when did you decide it? So by data identifying the specific time I started that to session, I was able to locate that memory and, and then she asked me, what can you learn from it so you can let it go. And then I let it go. By learning from it, it's, I mean there's no rocket science. It's really just learning from it. And then finally, what do you want instead? So we directing that energy and that new focus and the process only took like 10 minutes. And I was like, wow, I felt different inside and I noticed my behavior following was totally changed. So then does your wife trained in an LP as well? Yeah,

    Nick Hauser: I was going to say that because that seems like a pretty systematic way in the specific questions she asked you. Um, I mean at all, I got a person who not trained in probably good do it. Um, but she kind of sounded like she knew what to ask you in a good way to help you bring the most out of you.

    William Lam: Yeah. I, I specifically wanted her to do it so that I can have a 24, seven couch. So those cats a good deal.

    Nick Hauser: Um, okay. So then, so it sounded like to, you were helping, um, some sort of like professional do this to, before you joined the program, you're helping a salesman. Um, and what was the other group of people you were helping? Sometimes

    William Lam: we had, there were sales man or someone prisoners, some of them were intact and then asked til it's because people medical field. And then we also had just random people that my wife at the time was a master esthetician, so she was inclined client. Then there were people that were just wanting to expand, just watching what I do. And so that was also a source of referral.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. And easier. What was the, what was the outcome that these people were looking for to, like, they wanted to overcome something. Um, but also too, like for the salesman, what were they trying to overcome and why were they trying to overcome it?

    William Lam: So is the salesman was a, actually, give me one second because I think the background is poor connection here. Oh, really? Kicking me one second.

    Speaker 3: Yeah.

    William Lam: Okay. Should be good now. Sorry about that.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah, it is. It is good. Um, cool. Okay. So the salesman, so, um, they're, they're trying to identify something, whether it's in their past or just some sort of limiting belief they have with maybe what's going on in their profession day to day. Why are they really looking to make that change?

    William Lam: So a lot of it was that, uh, we were talking to people and I asked them where they're at. And this is another huge thing that Sam really helped me, was identifying where people are right now and where they want to. And at the time, you know, when I was talking to these salesmen, um, I remember I was just asking them, hey, where do you, where are you at? Where do you want to be? And I hadn't even signed onto the program. I was, I remember just watching the, the introductory video and I picked that up. I was like, Whoa, I need to use that. So I started asking people as, hey, hey, what do you want to be? Where are you at? I can help you get there. And it was a very simple conversation. Most salesmen want to make more sales. So I was like, well, you know, imagine being able to let go if the limitation in your mind of what you couldn't do. And then installing new beliefs and installing new behavior. Because in NLP we also talk quite a bit about a specific style of communication and being able to decipher a certain minute cues that the body unconsciously accepted and being able to pick that up as well as using language patterns are very mine opening was extremely helpful. So just a few things here and there and I was able to close to them.

    Nick Hauser: Then you joined accelerator and then you know for, for people who aren't a member of the program, the first thing we used to do is identify a group of people and niche who you are really interested in working with and identify what their problems are in order to figure out, Hey, what can I service them with the help solve that problem. What did that process look like for you? Coming in, having, you know, kind of working with um, various amounts of people?

    William Lam: It was actually really smooth. I remember seeing how much value there was immediately, like day one, I was like, wow, I thought I knew what I was doing and I thought I was doing all right but I wasn't even close. And I started seeing that I was so scattered. I was working with kind of like what you and I were just talking about working with everyone. I was trying to get all these different clients from different niches and my message wasn't consistent and every time I have to recalibrate and, and it would take me longer. Um, and I didn't have any stories or anything to say because the last person I worked with had the totally different story rate that is not even in the same industry. But anyway, when I started picking up, oh, I need to know the story of these people, I need to actually pick a niche and met Sam said, hey, you're not married to it. So I thought, let me, let me pick one that I liked so far and see what happens. So I picked the investor entrepreneur and the influencer influencers, kind of a more recent thing, but mostly back then was entrepreneurs and investors and majority of them was real estate related. And um, once I decided that I couldn't believe like overnight, my message was, was very consistent and the way people were responding was just incredible. I started closing clients at a rate that I never experienced before. So that was extremely helpful.

    Nick Hauser: And when you decided, hey, it's going to be a real estate investors or that, those are the ones you started to target in a little more [inaudible], how did you go about figuring out what their biggest challenges were, what they were calling it, and how they were communicating that to you?

    William Lam: Uh, figuring out their biggest challenge was simply, a lot of it was asking them, um, the same thing. You know, where they're at and where their want to be and why they're not there or what's going on. And it didn't take too long because of the background that I have in NLP. I was able to see where the problem was. And a lot of it was decisions that they've made in the past that limited them. So, um, but also I do remember Sam also talked about this. Um, something that was very similar to what I learned back in NLP was that there, there's typically a unconscious ceiling of what people can go in terms of how much money they make. And that ceiling oftentimes creates a problem. And in NLP there's a little bit of a, well it's very similar but you know, a little bit different.

    William Lam: And when I brought that up and I was able to see what Sam had taught me, I was able to kind of mix the two together and share with them. And it resonates with everyone. Um, and I think that another huge thing that I did was I joined some kind of investment group and being in the group and observing, I didn't approach anyone at the time. I would just observing and talking to people casually, kind of like just interviewing them, knowing what their stories and knowing where they want to be, their challenge. And I asked a good amount of people and then it came a point where I just naturally knew what they were facing without talking to them. So that was kind of part of my research.

    Nick Hauser: And was this like an in person and investor's group or was it in person? Yeah, in person. And so you kind of just sat down and, and did you go there specifically if like for the niche research or where you may be interested in real estate as well. And then as you were there, you kind of started observing things.

    William Lam: Yeah. At first it was because I was thinking, you know, I want to get involved in real estate eventually. But um, as I study Sam's program, I was like, wow, this is a perfect kind of Sun pit, picking this niche. If I coached these investors, I would know them. I would know who I can trust and I would know all the problems in the industry. And then I helped them solve it. By the time I started testing, I already solved the problems. I wouldn't have any of these problems. So I think there was like a triple benefit for me.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. And from chatting with them.

    Speaker 3: Yeah.

    Nick Hauser: You mentioned some of their past decisions were holding them back from where they want it to be. Um, but supposedly, you know, in specific detail for the real estate investor. What were some of those things?

    William Lam: I'm glad you asked. So one of the biggest things was the, where they grew up in there, their uh, original socioeconomic background. Um, although a lot of people who are able to break through that, but it's not without specific interventions whether they took some kind of, you know, training program like Sam's program or they've gone through, you know, really great length to overcome or Leco. Um, I've noticed that for example, we had an investor that was making decent money more than his parents did, but it was always at 10 to 15% increase a year. And I picked it up during the conversation he was saying, yeah, my family always increased over 10 to 15 years per year. And I find myself not able to break through that. I was always stuck at 10% or 15% increase annually and he felt like he was a little too slow.

    William Lam: He felt like he would do more, but he didn't, he couldn't, he just couldn't. So it was kind of a internal conflict. Um, that's actually a pretty common problem noticing that a lot of investors, they grew up in specific families and they notice what their family we're doing and that's where they place their ceiling. Another thing was they were too afraid to talk to people and they were always asking, what if people reject me? What if people say now? And I think, you know, people in our community probably feels similar in some ways. Um, sometimes when we reach out to new clients, you know, what if people say no, what if they think my niche is silly? Or what if this, what if that? Um, but people don't ask enough. What if it works out better than I thought? What if this client says more yeses than I ever thought? And they refer all their friends and family and their neighbors and their doc, right? What, what if all the positive things happen. So when I started tweaking the focus, it's more of a focus problem. Started tweaking their focus, they started noticing it was quite easy for them to feel good, feel confident, and then naturally produced the behavior that achieves the outcome that they desired.

    Nick Hauser: And who were they afraid of speaking to?

    Speaker 3: Yeah.

    William Lam: Oh, potential clients. Um, or you know, so some of these real estate investors, they have either a partnership to go and invest, so they have to ask for money to invest in a deal or sellers. Sometimes they, they do a notice of default type of listing. They have to knock on doors. Um, sometimes they do bigger deals, but, um, there's still, you know, the involvement of an investors and buyers and all that. So, um, as big as some of those guys where they were still scared to talk to people like the rest of the world. Um, but then there was a specific group of investors that also has certain products that they were selling, um, surfaces and different things. Like they had their own coaching or their own training program. They were doing pretty decent, but it was because they were doing decent, they had a training program, not because they were really good at training. So they were Kinda s, you know, they had this fear inside or what if I'm not good at training? What if I'm not good at talking to people? I'm get a real estate but I'm not good at this. So helping them get over that and, and really let that go was huge for them.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. And the type of investor you work with to, um, what, what kind of level do they typically come in at? Like are they, are they people who are flipping homes? Are they buying apartment complexes? Where do they fall in there?

    William Lam: Um, at first my niche was the flipping homes skies. Um, they were doing, you know, smaller size deals, but flipping homes practically anyone could get in if you know how to borrow money in different things or have the capital. Um, and then as I revisited Sam's program, week one, I started thinking, what if I changed my niche because I could work with anyone? Why, why not work with more people that are in the, you know, buying and selling apartments or bigger commercials. So actually tweaked my niche, uh, towards the end of the year, uh, last year and beginning of this year and I started noticing my income start increasing as well because these guys have more money to spend on trainings. There were much more comfortable. So also that was huge because just finding people that, you know, I feel like it's an easy decision rather than Oh, I either to put this money into my fix and flood bore pay you for mindset coaching.

    Nick Hauser: And so that's interesting too. He, you started working with people with bigger, bigger portfolios. And out of those couple of problems you mentioned too, for the, the bigger investor or more seasoned, they have more assets, what is their big problem?

    William Lam: Hmm. You know, it may seem like they're making a lot more money at the same time, their problem are similar. They hit a certain ceiling and they don't believe that they could get past that. Um, at the same time, part of them believes they could. So that internal conflict once again was quite challenging for them. Um, but there was something else that was unique that I noticed was that they would talk themselves out of the next level. And um, it's by the people they associate with. So they were hanging out with, you know, investors that do similar size deals and they're were all doing well and they were comfortable. I mean, these guys making good money full, they were already busy. Why move on to the next level and potentially create more challenges. So that was one of the things I noticed that some of these, you know, bigger investors were experiencing, they were just comfortable, complacent a little bit.

    William Lam: So, um, like by asking them what they really want this, I'm really digging into where could their life be and where they really believed they are, their potential is. And identifying, once again that desire outcome was even more important because previously the guys that were doing smaller deals, it was easy to ask them what that that is. They're like, oh yeah, you know, I have this much x amount of time with my wife and kids or travel or whatever. These guys have done all of that. So when I asked him that, it was a different answer, but when I really dig in, they were like, oh, you know, I never really spent enough time doing this or something I used to want to do, I don't do it or blah. And then when I found out that I'm a, how much is it worth to you to be able to do this? Once again, selling it on value like a Sam says. So that was, that was, uh, that was the key factor from either be able to sell them.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. Can you share an example too, of one of these higher level investors, um, what their challenge was and what the next level, um, was for them, whether it was in terms of real estate or, you know, some sort of personal growth.

    William Lam: Yeah, yeah. Before we went to lunch, I mentioned a little bit about this, this a investor that I started working with. Um, he was making decent money. It wasn't something huge, but he was one of those guys. I was, he knew he could be making a lot more and he was doing decent, you know, passive income wise, he was doing 20, $30,000 a month. So, you know, really doing pretty well. And then he had other businesses on the side. I was making him act of income. Um, when I first met him, it was quite interesting because he was, he was telling me of all the things you were doing, he was doing, and I'm like, wow, this guy's doing well, but why are we talking as if he's wanting coaching? Right. And so I asked him where he wants to be and he started telling me, you know, I feel like financially I would, I, I deserve more.

    William Lam: But at the same time, I, I feel like people around me are jealous, so they sabotage me. And so that's a very interesting case. It was a little different than some other people because I didn't come across the jealousy thing a lot. But, uh, for him it was worry about worrying about other people being jealous. So he stayed where he was to prevent attack to prevent things. But it was all made up in his head. Nobody was attacking him. And so when we helped him let go of that one thing, that one little thing, not only took like two to work with them to figure out that specific belief cause he didn't tell me up front. It was through working with him and really figuring out, oh that's really it. And then letting that go and his income skyrocketed to a hundred grand a month. And last I checked with him, I think he was doing like one 61 70 a month. It's been pretty good. And it's only been, um, when I first started working with him too, he hit a hundred grand. It was the up about five months, five and a half months. And then about another five, six months later he hit the next level, which I'm really happy about. Gave me tons of referrals.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah, that's a really, that was a great transformation. You know. What did he do also? Um, cause you said he had some other businesses as well, but he's also doing real estate. Like did he have that conversation with you and coaching sessions and he realized, okay, we can wipe that away. I can, you know, I'm worthy of this then I don't have to worry about that anymore. I make this kind of making it up and holding myself back. How do you jump up that quickly? Did he buy bigger deals because he had this new found confidence or did he do something else with a different business? Like what did he actually do once he got that coaching from you?

    William Lam: Yeah, so about three different things that he started doing. One of them, uh, it was, he noticed that he naturally, because the change was so deep in the unconscious, um, everything about him was a little different. He no longer was looking. So the first thing specifically, he wasn't going out looking for people that was sabotage him. He was literally consciously and unconsciously looking at people and saying, hey, this person is except exhibiting behavior that is jealous. You know, he's jealous or she's jealous. They're probably going to sabotage me. And that thought he got rid of it was like, no, like people actually want to help me. Because when, when we were helping him, I figured out when he decided that and then we went back to that time to tweak that belief to people actually want to help him. So when that belief change to people wanting to help him, he now started going out and thinking, oh, this person could be a great help.

    William Lam: And he started doing that. And not even consciously, it was just like naturally. Um, and he also started thinking, well, that person could be a great asset on my team. So he started focusing on all these positive things and it may sound like something that's not super huge, but that was like one of the biggest things. The second thing was he did started doing bigger deals because he felt like he could hang out with the big ass. He felt like now he no longer has to hold himself back. So he started raising money like never before to do bigger deals. And that was really nice because he no line, I mean, frankly, just no longer holding himself back consciously. And, and the last thing was he, the natural level of confidence was a bit different. I mean, it wasn't like he wasn't confident before. He was very confident and, but yet afterward the confidence that he has was a bit more of a, it felt a bit more raw, a bit more natural.

    William Lam: Um, previously his confidence was to compensate the fear of people being jealous of him and sabotaging him. Whereas now the confidence was, oh man, I could really spread my wings and fly, therefore, you know, I can, I can talk to people. So he started closing more people. He started closing more people because the thought of people sabotaging him was no longer there. He's like, yeah, I could just go on it. And so I think that last part helped him go all in and totally be committed in his career. So that made it real easy for him to just close people.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. And that's a good segway because what'd you mentioned before? I just ask that last question was, you know, we did help you, um, so referring people because you really helped him make an awesome transformation and it sounds like continually he's doing that. So over the course of last year, since you joined in Fab 2018, how have you taken your business from eight k two, you know, the highs of 50 k I'm to the point where we are today working through March looking to scale up even higher than that.

    William Lam: So it's been really awesome. So I'm one of those people that when I take a program, I take it really piece by piece and study it carefully. Um, it's, I like to let it marinate and I also study it in a way that I'm not trying to get past, like, guess who it really, really quickly. Um, anyway, as I was studying, even just week one and week two, I started noticing, I was very careful with my niche and I didn't know how close I was, but with, you know, the education in this program, I started noticing, wow, I could just make my new changes here and here and here. And I think I will make it work. I can make it work better. And sure enough, no, it was very predictable. Um, which man I, I can only imagine how many years, those two months and while two weeks program saved me just the first two weeks.

    William Lam: And um, I started last year, it started hitting, um, let's see, average was four while average in the beginning it was obviously lower because I just joined. Um, but I started hitting 40, 50 k average and then towards the end of the year it was like 60, 70. And this month, um, we're, I think this last week we did about 50 [inaudible] 46 50. Um, actually there are some that may be still coming in from last week sale. So, um, it was definitely good. And this month we're looking at probably one 30, one 40, maybe one 50, crossing my fingers. And uh, things definitely have been better than ever and I see this keep, I think that is going to keep scaling quite a bit, especially as I start implementing the later weeks. The training site helped me scale. So, yeah, it's been really awesome for me.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. Yeah, that's really cool. In like a year, some people sounds long, but a year to go from a to a hundred k plus and a B on page two of that is, that's a big change. Um, how did you go out and surf on in clients for this too? Because you mentioned you were kind of reaching out to a lot of different people in the beginning before you join, you joined, you really took weeks one and two to heart and really didn't try to rush anything. Um, so later in the program for people aren't members. That's when we started talking more about sales and marketing. So without going through any of that, how did you start finding people to speak with as potential clients and then, you know, do that in a repeatable way to scale up to the point where you are now?

    William Lam: Yeah. So I remember the thought came across my mind that, you know, if I find a niche and I find a place where all the niche hangout, I can go there and I can go there and it's a small tight knit group, then they'll refer people. So I was like, okay, I just got to carefully identify where that is. And once I figured out that niche that was investors, entrepreneurs, and now influencers, I started looking for places where they would hang out and I just showed up. And with that, you know, new found knowledge of the niche and how I can help them identify where they want to be and where they're at and how much it would be worth for them to, to get from here to here. That was, that made it real easy for me to just hang out around them and started naturally getting increase.

    William Lam: And, and once, once one person signs up, they tell their friends that they see every week and then their friend tells their friend and then their friends help their friend. And then not soon enough. Like, I have a whole class from this group and then they go home or they go back to the group and the groups like, Hey, you guys are changed, your, your business is growing. I'm, I'm curious, how did you do it? Is it that training from this Guy William? And so that was really how I spread it, um, to pockets of people where they really are. They already are working with each other and they were already in the niche and it was easy because they were so tight knit. I mean, I see them every, every week or every so often and I don't even need to follow up because I just show up

    Nick Hauser: and it's only this is in person. You're these people.

    William Lam: Yeah, yeah. There a different meeting groups and go, yeah, go ahead.

    Nick Hauser: I was wondering how you, um, does it make sense that if you're around them all the time, naturally they're going to be talking and then it just like, it's like a spread, like a virus and a good way to keep helping him though. Um, how did you initially, you know, figure out and determine, hey, this is maybe the best group to go to or did you look it up online? Did you reach out to somebody else? Say, Hey, what's the best kind of networking group? Like how did you pick these groups to go infiltrate and understand their problems and then obviously enroll them?

    William Lam: Great question. I think one of the key things is how invested they are in themselves. So cause I noticed some groups that are totally free and you can just go and hang out and you can go, you know, casually, no commitments. People just aren't committed. They're are not committed to the next level of growth. And when I started noticing, oh, uh, and, and this is one of the things I learned from the community was when I joined I was like, wow, these people motivate each other. These are people, I mean, I've never seen a group more positive than this group. And I've joined, I mean, I think everyone in the group can agree. Like, we've all joined different groups on Facebook, but I've not seen one group that has so much positivity. Well and, and naturally just being around us, I felt uplifted. And so I was like, wow, what if I could find a group and I could have that effect?

    William Lam: And so, and I thought they've got to be invested because people in Sam's group is totally invested in his program and they're wanting the next level. Where else can I find a group like this where I can have a positive impact in? And I found several groups and I started testing to see who, you know, where it would be the best place to me. And there were some groups that invested more in themselves than others. And sure enough, they were much more open to also spending, you know, six to $8,000 with me cause it was just easy. Whatever they bought before was even more expensive. So it was like, oh yeah, naturally. So that made it really easy still. So those two factors, one is just some being invested and other one was just, they're used to investing in them in themselves.

    Nick Hauser: And how did you find these, these groups where the people were actively investing themselves in your local area? Was it online? Was it from, you know, seeing a flyer somewhere? How did you find it actually?

    William Lam: So I looked on meetup, I looked on event Brite, I looked online, I looked on Facebook events, I asked around my Facebook friends, and since I've been in where I live, this area at the city for eight, nine years at the time already, I had quite a bit of friends. I were going to different events and previously I was at, you know, kind of a tech entrepreneur. Um, and that really helped because I had friends that were already quite involved in different groups that I could just ask, hey, how was it? How is this group? How's that group? So, um, but the group that I found to be the most impactful, I just found, um, through uh, actually walking in to an event, I was just searching in downtown and I was looking for signs and you know, events and I, one night it was just on a date with my wife, I was like, well, why don't we just go into this event and check it out? Yeah.

    Nick Hauser: Then too, once you find these groups, because they're paid, like do you have to pay to be a part of them? Do

    William Lam: some of them? Some of them, yes. Some of them you don't. Um, I think that, to answer this question, I should also say this, when I identified my niche, what I had learned previously in NLP was that when you know exactly what you want, the, the mine has a, almost like a Google insight. They can just search the patterns that matches the very things that you're looking for. And that really helped by knowing what I wanted and what kind of group I want to be involved in. It led me to those groups quite unconsciously and sometimes a bit more consciously through searching and actively asking, but that, um, there are several scenarios that were just, I was just, I felt like I was led to it. Um, and then also, uh, yeah, some groups requires some money upfront, some groups does not. But the ones that I joined that required money, it was quite, it was quite easy because I was able to, I was able to ask, um, some of the members if they were interested in what I was doing and I was getting paid before I was joining, so I just use that money to join.

    William Lam: So it was kind of an investment paying off a self type of thing. So I did

    Nick Hauser: what do you, what do you mean by that? Like you were speaking with them before you say, Hey, I'm thinking about joining and this is what I do.

    William Lam: Yeah. Would you like to pay me for my surface? And then, you know, I'll buy your service or something. Um, and, and then some of them were just interested in what I was doing anyway. So they're like, yeah, we got to list with you. Do I want to, I want to do this program with you. And then I got paid. I was like, well I'm happy to put back into joining this group because I could see people invest in themselves.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. People too. How did you, like, how did, you know, cause cause they're in person hurts. Right. And so you're doing some searches at line, but also sometimes you would just stumble upon one. How did you know the, who the members were and then how did you reach out to them? Like in this way where he said, hey, I'm thinking about joining. This is what I do. Like how did you go about finding them like that?

    William Lam: Oh, I'm so, I think it's optimal to find groups that have consistent events they even go to where you just hang out and get to know each other. Um, a lot of groups like to just network with each other, especially real estate investors. They like to network with each other so someone can fund their deal or someone can buy their deal or different things. Um, or speakers, they like to find out, oh, what do you do to speak better or whatever. So different, um, groups like that they like to hang out. And so when I would join their events to hang out or things like that, people ask me, Oh, you look new, or Oh, I've seen you before. And they asked me what I do, ask them what they do. I'm mostly interested in what they do because that helps me understand where they're at and where they're wanting to be. But pretty soon after that, some of those conversations, I picked up some clients and it doesn't really take a lot, especially when you start charging them higher tickets, six to eight grand. It's just, you know, you're, you're good after a little bit.

    Nick Hauser: Okay. So then that makes a little sense then. So let's say it was one of these paid groups as you had to invest in yourself, but you're kind of saying it sounds like is you would invest that, join that group. And then once you joined in such a short amount of time from networking with people, you would kind of get the money back for what you had to invest in at least.

    William Lam: Yeah. So that's one. And the other one is I, they allow you to hang out with them to get to know their groups. Uh, so by then I had already closed people and because it was right in my niche and if I wasn't closing, people hate it cause there were some groups, I wasn't closing anyone. I was like, okay, this is not working out for me. Peace out. So, and it was, um, and I had the full intent. No, I want to get that much. If I'm going to get clients from this group, I'm going to give back. And granted I was going to provide families who coaching anyway, but I was going to give back in terms of paying their membership fees or if volunteers and some of their events to help out. Um, and because of that nature of, um, just say, you know, I was wanting to create a lot of win-wins. I gave that speak quickly after I joined and you know, getting to speak was pretty nice because all of a sudden they put me in front of hundreds of people and so that really created a good, nice clientele as well.

    Nick Hauser: Okay. So yeah. Then it sounds like then these, these groups, even if they are paid groups now, there may be certain times during like a month or throughout the year that they have events where a potential interested member perspective members can come in and kind of get a feel for how the group is and then decide that they want to join or not. Yeah. And that's when you would kind of really capitalize with some of them.

    William Lam: Yeah. So before joining the group and after joining the group, yes, both were really good for me.

    Nick Hauser: And for somebody to say like, Hey, that's maybe not a bad idea. Like I, I know of some local groups of four. What my niches, um, you know, is what does the investment really to join some of these groups as far as, is it like, is it six, eightK or higher, or is it lower than that? You know, what does it on average from what you've seen?

    William Lam: Um, some of them are pretty low, like two, three thousand four thousand kit you could join, but some of them were significantly higher. There were some that were 20 to 50 grand. Um, and at the time, um, I didn't have that much money, so I was, I was like, okay, is it worth it? Is it not worth it? So for me it was mostly that, okay, if I can close a certain amount of people, um, before I join and if I know and I'm confident, you know, that special feeling of not just hoping to be competent but actually confident that I can close people afterward and that it can be a benefit for me and it's a niche that I'm actually interested in. Then I was like, okay, I will, I'm willing to spend good money to join. And frankly, the more money there is, um, the more invested the individuals are and the higher price compared to my price point to me was that just meant that they're going to be more ready to spend six to eight k with me if they have already previously spend more. So that, that was kind of a, and it also creates a barrier of entry for some of the other people that were like, Hey, I could coach these people but I'm not willing to invest. So they don't, they can't get in as easily.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. That's a good long term thinking and also short term in the fact you're like, Hey, I'm going to get the results soda, I'm going to sell some people so I can make sense of this. And, and then once I'm in, then it's really harder for others to enter.

    William Lam: Yeah. And then after a while, you know, I started seeing, okay, I could, I could join even more expensive programs, even more exclusive groups because I'm like, okay, now I've made capitol from these know groups and then I can, you know, do the same thing. And Yeah.

    Nick Hauser: And so how do you work this, because it sounds like a lot of lot of things you'd be doing or in person. Um, I'm a real estate investor. I'm at this club, you show up, we started talking back and forth and you kind of tell me a little bit of what you do. And I say, oh, that's my sound interesting. Or Oh, you know, I was there, I started asking the questions, where are you kind of get the intuitive sense that like, hey, maybe you know, maybe this guy is a good fit, maybe I can help him somewhere. Um, what does that process look like next? And your kind of like sales cycle. Is it a phone call or do we do an in person meeting and meet up for coffee? Can you walk through that a bit and how the actual sale happens?

    William Lam: Yeah, absolutely. So I talked to him in person. I'm like, so okay, what's your goal? Like I just straight up go to that. What's, what's the desired outcome? Wants to go in. They're like, okay, cause they typically tell me where they're at. I'm like, how's it going? And they'd tell me where they're at and stuff, um, or you know, I would ask them if they don't. And then I asked him, what's your Colton? And I just waved and they eventually tell me and it doesn't take long. They're like, oh, okay, I want to be able to do this. I feel like I'm spending a lot of time doing smaller deals or uh, or I've plateaued. I've had this many apartment complexes but I couldn't get to the next level. For some reason I keep getting turned down for bigger money even though I qualified, blah, blah blah.

    William Lam: And I'm like, Huh, interesting. Then I tell them a story, I'm like, so and so I helped last week have been able to do this so and so I help. The other week he came through our training and a couple of weeks after training he started doing this deal that was about a hundred times bigger than he had ever dreamed of. And his commission on the deal is roughly a million dollars. And I started telling him different stories and all real stories of clients I've worked with since I've joined these groups. And, and then I'm like, you can call so and so if you want. Um, and talked to them about the experience of how they did it, but I can tell you right now if you do blah and I, you know, at the time I would assess what their, what's going on. I say, if you do blah, um, which you can learn through our training, then I would be confident.

    William Lam: I'm very confident that you can achieve the same thing, no guarantees because we can't guarantee that, but I'm confident that I can help you. And they're like, okay, I'm very interested. It's typically the respond we get. And I'm like, okay, cool. Why don't we schedule a call if I already met them in person, if I haven't, I would say let's meet in person or you know, sometimes people are out of state or out of the country where we meet online as well. Um, then I just say, hey, why don't we schedule, you know, a zoom call or a Skype or facetime or whatever. And so yeah, it doesn't really matter distance wise, but typically just taking them, closing them for the next meeting, not so much closing them for the training. And then during the next meeting I asked him a little bit more specifically, okay, how do you measure, how do you know when you've gotten what you want? And one of the golden questions I've developed and asked him, what's the one thing that when you achieve it, because of this training, what caused this training to be the single most valuable investment ever? And when they come up with that answer, I'm like, oh, how much would it be worth for you to achieve that? And they say anything. I'm like, cool. Come to the training. And then they say yes, naturally it, it ends up, you know, more than often closing if I get to that stage.

    Nick Hauser: When do you ask that specific question? Um, during your, your script or your sales conversation? The second one, what does meant to close them? You know, if somebody is asking or thinking it's over and they're like, well, that's a really great question. But like should I ask that at the beginning? Should I ask that in the middle? At the end? Like at what point is it the proper time to insert a really powerful question like that the transition over to closing them.

    William Lam: I think that one has to calibrate on how open minded the client is or the potential client is. If they're really open minded, I straight up instead of asking them what their goal is, I would say hey, okay, that's awesome. Let me ask you one question and then I asked them what's the one thing I know that you and I just met and I, I'm somewhat aware of where you're at and where you want to be. But let me ask you a real question. What's the one thing that when you achieve it because of working with me will cause working with me to be the single most valuable investment up to date for you and cause if they have already heard about what I do, if not, I would have introduced myself a little bit and then they'll be like, oh, I don't know. That's the typical answer. I'm like, if you were to know, if you were to know what would that one thing be?

    Nick Hauser: That's funny. I was thinking of that line always works, right? They were totally understand. You don't know, but if you did know what would it be? And then it just like gives him like permission just to like say what they don't want to say almost.

    William Lam: Yeah. And then they tell me and then I'm like, cool, I can help you with that as dramatically shortens the sales cycle. I think that, I only say that in the beginning if I feel like I have good enough rapport. Um, and also if I could tell they're open minded, they've heard about me. If they have never heard anything about me, they don't know me at all. And I just met them. I'm like, okay, so what do you do? Uh, as I'm talking about that day, tell me what they do. I'm like, oh cool. You seem like someone that can do even more than that. Like where do you want to be? Right. And they say whatever that is. And then, you know, I genuinely feel the sense whenever I've worked with someone, I, I start to feel like, oh yeah, you deserve that. And I tell them, I'm like, Hey, I feel like you deserve that.

    William Lam: Like, ah, man, but I don't know how to get there. I can help you. But let me ask you a question first. What's the one thing that when you achieve it, because of maybe this conversation may be you working with me in the future and I future pace them. Hey, maybe, you know, two years down the road you and I have been coaching for a while and you're like, man, I'm so grateful. What's that one thing that when you and I, you know that when you achieve it because of you and I working together will cost us to be the best investment ever. And they always have an answer. I mean, if they don't, if you were to know, but then they always have an answer.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. So it sounds like you're for that person who isn't too familiar with you. It's right before the point where your going to, uh, you know, like pitch them. You offer and say, I can totally help you with that. Um, but it's not something that you asked in the beginning, like the first question after you say hello.

    William Lam: Yeah. And really a lot of it has to do with practicing really because there's so golden nuggets and every day of Sam's training and really paying attention to a lot of those things gave me, I mean, for example, the, the whole niche thing, I still talk about it a lot because every day I'm thinking, okay, this niche, how can I improve it? How can I improve, you know, the, the niche as well as my compensation with the niche. How do I get to know him better? So I have so many different offers that are pretty much the same offer, but they're tweaked differently. Some of them are tweaked for the visual people, some of whom are tweak for the auditory people. Some of them are tweaks for the kinesthetic, some of them are tweaked for the logical people. So when I meet someone, I observe the kind of person they are and the offer is slightly different, but I always have to get to know him a little bit. Quite a bit. I mean as you guys all right to teach. So that was really helpful for me to really focus in on how to give the offer and it just saves so much time, so much time.

    Nick Hauser: Can you run through those to those exact, like different examples you said or give examples of how you would, you know, let's, let's just say you're, you're pitching a influencer, we're an investor, your choice, but let's just give a certain scenario. Like how would you actually communicate your offer to them if they were kinesthetic, if they were more visual. Can you kind of walk through those? Cause that's a really interesting point that another person who was trained an elevated, they did an interview with, um, that was the thing we got through to where yes, you have like your offer and your, your script that says what you do and how you can help them. But it depends who you're talking to because everyone's a little bit different. And everyone, yes, they have different needs but they, they're more visual. They, you know, and the more you more you can kind of mirror and reflect them, the more they, they believe that you can help them. So can you walk through that a bit?

    William Lam: Yeah, absolutely. So the unconscious mind has a funny rule is that the more someone is like you, the more they like you. And so that, that law of rapport has really been important to me. So when I see someone, let's say they were very visual, um, I start to use words are much more visual and I would say, hey, could you imagine when you achieve this next level, how your life will look like? And I have them describe to me the visual and then I used the very thing they described to me and I feed it, excuse me, a feed it back to them. That's great. Okay. So this is what it looks like now as I share with you, you know, Blah. And this training, you'll see a lot of other people in your similar situation, other people that are looking to improve their lives.

    William Lam: And you can tell that's a lot of them are very brilliant, like yourself, all visual words. And when you see that it makes sense. Let's go ahead and have you join the training. When you see that this is going to make you look blah, let's go ahead and you know, so very visual words. But if someone's kinesthetic, I'd be like, I'll be talking much more about feelings. You know, I know it's important to, to look at the logical side of things and to, to study it out. Yet you and I both know how important it is to feel things out because our unconscious mind have the capability of just being able to do this complex calculation at a rapid pace. And that feeling that you get is exactly the answer that you need. So as we talk about this and you feel good about what our offer is and you feel good about this training and you feel good about taking the training, why don't we go ahead and have you become part of this and and so that you can get a good grasp about the, you know, the, the concept or the things that we teach so that you can get ahold of your goal easily.

    William Lam: So very kinesthetic words and people find that that really resonates with them or you know, they feel good about it or they can see or it makes sense, things like that.

    Nick Hauser: What about the person who is more of auditory

    William Lam: Troy? So sometimes in the middle of a conversation someone will say, and that sounds like music to me. I was like, yeah, it doesn't that resonate. You know, a lot of people say this to me that this is exactly the thing that, hey, they've been waiting to hear. So very auditory words.

    Nick Hauser: So you're identifying this like in a conversation, whether it's in person or whether it's on a call by the words they're using and you're, you're looking for words or phrases to track them to adjust yourself, almost like a chameleon and you know, fit in with them a little better and then you can communicate in the most effective way, the most compelling way while you still, you know, make sure I can help this person or not. But it helps drive that message home so much further and makes your offer and working with you, we'll look that much more valuable. Would you say that's kind of in line?

    William Lam: Yeah, it's been huge for me cause I, I think that when I, when I give them offers, um, in the beginning I was doing that, but my offer just, I mean, I'll just say it, it sucked because it was not focused on the right niche and I was giving the wrong offer to the wrong niche. So although I was able to create rapport, that's why I was still able to close people and make like eight to 10 or 15 k. But for me it wasn't very satisfactory and I wasn't able to measure consistent consistency in my, you know, in my business. Um, but when I started doing, you know what Sam said about creating that niche, knowing them as if you them, and then I started applying this, that just like exponentially increased my closing ratio.

    Nick Hauser: And when you get to that point, it's good, good transition point to my next question so can hear, um, when we, when you get into that sales conversation and you say, you know, but you know, before, I don't remember the exact words, but essentially you said, um, you know, let, let me ask you one question. If you were to do this or you know, what would it be the greatest thing they could come from working together at that line. Can you say that line again?

    William Lam: Yeah. What's the one thing that when you achieve it, because of this training of a, because of working with me will cause working with me to be the single most valuable experience or investment ever. Uptodate alleys.

    Nick Hauser: And then they either say it or they say, I don't know. And then you say, well, you know, well if you did know what would it be? And then they say it and then you say, cool, I can definitely help you with that. Now what if, what happens next when they say, well, well how does that work? Like how are you going to help me? And that's their question. And my question kind of for the interview here is what does it look like to work? Do you work with your structurally, how many weeks? What does it look like for the coaching? All of that.

    William Lam: Yeah, so it's quite simple. Typically I, I say two routes. One is the coaching route, one is the, one is the actual training route. And I typically like to steer to towards the training route because the coaching route just means a lot more time on my end. And so I typically prefer people to come to the training route. In fact, I've started upping my price more and more and more thinking that people wouldn't pay it. But I actually, um, I know said don't charge per hour. But I did that just to actually, my intention was to have people not to pay me per hour cause I started with a higher number but then I ended up with someone that's still did it and then more people did it and I was like, Oh I'll more price come over here. Um, so coaching wise we started charging three granted out, which there's not a lot of people that would pay that much money per hour.

    William Lam: But we ended up with still some clients when able we're able to pay it. Um, but I like like it when people come to our coat a training because I can teach in a group, although rather smaller group cause we liked that intimate environment. It's still much more efficient for me. So training wise it's actually a, uh, about 120 hours. It's not so much of a, just cause the actual immersive part of it was a week. But before that and after that, there are still things that the individuals are asked to do, especially before they have a preparation program that we asked them to take about two months to prepare for the training and we give them materials, I give them tasking, give them homework and then afterward it's quite minimal in terms of how much time it takes for me to give them those homework because it's all written out and all that.

    William Lam: And then we have coaches that I, I've got a couple of guys that will help guide them through that process. Then they come to the training seven days. It's a 10 to 6:00 PM every day. And so in person? In person. Okay. Okay. Yeah I'm moving most of that online anyway in the future but up to like at least sued the next training we're still doing a live training but after the next training we're moving most of the things online. So most of the training will be much more scalable in that sense. But, um, yeah, life in person cause we want to see the individual's practice, the techniques in front of us so we can give him feedback right away. Um, and typically we'd take, you know, 20 some odd students in a class and it's $6,000 for that one week program. And then the next level is a master's level program, which is the master practitioner level program with NLP where they can come through the program and then essentially it's, it's a bit longer, but they've mastered, they're going to master that skill of NLP as well as additional new things such as how do you, instead of setting a goal, well, why don't you set a member, what have you get set up as a goal in your mind so that your mind treated as inevitable therefore begins to naturally behave in such a way that causes you to achieve the goals.

    William Lam: So things like that we, we add in to the training, um, and that more and more, you know, just higher levels where we're going to have more of that stuff. Yeah.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. That's cool. Think it. Yeah, that makes sense. Because you've been working with people in person for now that you keep it like that. I guess to add, to click, kind of close it out, what would your number one piece of advice be for other members in the program right now?

    William Lam: You know, I, I really like what Sam said about facing the dark side. I think too many people are, I mean I've seen other people that have trained in NLP. I've seen other people that I've trained in all kinds of programs. I've seen other people that's done some very cool, you know, coaching program that study under a masters or our masters themselves. Yet sometimes it's still scary for them to face their dark side to face themselves. But the more willing and the more consistent we are in terms of looking at ourselves internally and seeing what's going on and really allow ourselves to take responsibility of what's going on a hundred percent responsibility. And that is the moment when individual is in charge of their lives. And, and I think that is one of the biggest things for me is I, um, I've been able to get myself to be very consistent in facing what's inside and letting go, letting go, letting go and, and reflect and meditate, meditate, meditation's key. Really figure out what's going on inside and notice the relationship between what's going on inside of what's outside. That really helped me a ton. And then by changing what's inside, notice what's, how sides is changing.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. That's great advice. Thank you. So the last thing too, where can people find out more about you? I know you're, you're in person, but online as well. Where can they learn more about you?

    William Lam: Yeah, so we have a little website. Um, it hasn't been optimized according to Sam Standard yet, but uh, it's called an LP, supremacy 至高无上.com and LP supremacy and um, and people can also message me if they want to find out more. I'm always happy to share advice or things I've learned to add through combining what I know before and, and after Sam's program. So happy to help.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah, definitely. Well, it's been great speaking with you here so far and seeing the in-person old school methods can still work. Um, as long as the fundamentals are in place. And it'll like the conversation we had two about how you navigate sales. Cause I think it's important one that people overlook and they think that if I just say this like one word or this, this one line every time to my niche, it'll just, you know, make them bother credit card. Um, but you have a different approach where you really are listening and identifying who am I talking to here? Yeah, it's an investor, it's an entrepreneur, but who is this and how can I communicate to them? I think that's really good too. I think a lot of members will enjoy that as well. So yeah, and for scaling up to, you've already got so many of the foundational pieces in place, it just going to be implementing everything. And then obviously, like you said, bringing it online so it can be a little more scalable. So I'm really looking forward to seeing more from you. And what does he look like over the next year? Um, once you start to do more of these scalable things in really brothers.

    William Lam: Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm super excited about putting it on mine and scaling it. And, and I think this has been super valuable, you know, working with you guys and working with the program. I think that as I continue great things what happened, uh, thanks to you guys. Certainly.

    Nick Hauser: Yeah. Awesome. Well, look forward to speaking and seeing more success again and yeah, we'll speak to you soon.

    William Lam: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Have a wonderful day. It's very meeting you. Take care. Bye.



