今天晚上有两项非常重要的事情要做一是重写Proposal的两个部分并对部分细节做出说明,另一个是准备Stata Workshop的讲稿。现在是凌晨一点四十五分,如果我可以集中注意力到明天早上七点四十五的话那么我将有大概6个小时的时间完成这两个任务,这里需要说明的是(it should be pointed out that the first mission is my priority).记得以前看过一篇关于治疗拖炎症的文章,里面说要把一个很大的project细分成若干个feasible task,then provide the estimate for each small task, since a general deadline for the whole project will lead to further procrastination,
Project 1 Rewrites of My Dissertation Proposal
PCA Note 1 20mins
PCA Results 20mins
Description of Sentix Data 20mins
Sentiment Differential, Interest Rate Differential and Forward Exchange Rate 1 hour
Project 2 Stata Workshop
Finding Sample Data 10mins
Do File
Data Import 30 mins
Graph and Statistics Description: 30mins
STATA Workshop Powerpoint :90mins