

作者: xingheyumeng | 来源:发表于2018-06-23 10:19 被阅读0次


    I went to the lake near the flinder station  yesterday afternoon and saw an Australia man with 10 bags of bread feeding seagulls sitting under the shadow of a tree. It looks funny when seeing these birds struggling for food with each other. The man said to me :hello and huahua ne in chinese


    I understood hello and I confused about huahua ne means. So I walked to him and asked :did he speak Chinese after hello. He said yes ,taking out his phone and searching out a video on the phone .Just a very short clip but I didn't understand.I guess the wonman in the vedio must said a nickname.


    He asked about my age. I said I am older than what you thought and it is a secret. A single woman is always sensitive about age especially when she is over 30 years old. The little chubby man with a little curly hair looks about 30 years old. He seems a little silly. The foreigners always younger than what they looks. So I guess he is 25 when he asked me to guess his age. Actually he was just 22 and worked as a security.


    He asked me between Australia and China which country I prefer. I answered they are the same to me. However he seemed unsatisfied with my answer and asked several times again after that. I began to get impatient and rebuked him what kind of answer u want to hear. He said no idea.


    In my mind, there is no huge difference between Australia and China. They both have large areas and bounds in materials .They both have many beautiful places. I have no special favorite or hatred to the two countries .China has palatable food and long history . Australia has kangaroo and belong to English speaking country. I can learn English here.


    The only thing I complain about China is that people is readily to interfere with other's private affairs. Marriage is a one's own business. However it is always the matter of all chinese people. It is weird and ironically that so many people find boyfriends and get married felt unhappy and even depressed because of  their parents and public opinion. No one force me to get married is the reason why I escape from China and come to Australia .


    What I dislike Australia is that there is not much history and culture here and the scenery is not impressive as that of newzeland. The population in Australia is larger than that of newzeland and makes this country seems more human world. Newzeland seemed more like a heaven.Therefore Australia is a compromised choice between China and newzeland for me.


    The Australia man talked about there are so many Chinese people in Australia . I said yes and the price in Australia is lower than china . Take a example, u can get more things here if u earn 3000 per month in Australia than that of in China.He said people come here for the fresh air. It seem people all around the world know the  severe smog in China. I have no special feeling for the air problem. The only difference feeling for me one time I landed in Sydney from Auckland. The air seemed with a little unfresh and made me uncomfortable. I have no special feeling when I landed on chongqing from Sydney . I will be hit if I told people like this.


    Generally speaking, Australia is a livable country, however for me , any place is livable except for those countries where have the war and poverty or the extreme weather conditions.


    I talked about a lot with that Australia guy. I just remembered which is a better place between Australia and China. Abosolutely china is better. There is delicious food and home there . No freedom of marriage. I don't want to get married if I don't meet Mr right.



