英英释义:a practical lesson about what to do or how to behave, which you learn from a story or from something that happens to you
例句:The moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolfis that children should not lie.
想表达“从某个故事、案例、经历中学到某某东西”时,就可以用 moral 替换 message 和 lesson。
The moral of this story/case/experience is that...
我们从这个 TED 演讲中可以学到的是,要想获得成功,得学会先帮助别人。
The moral of this TED talk is that if you want to be successful, you need to learn how to help others first.
(参考翻译:The moral of the TED talk is that to succeed we should learn to help others first. 或 The moral of the TED talk is that to succeed we should learn to pay it forward.)
The moral of the failure in his career is that whatever who you are, selfish behaviors will definitely overdraw others' kindness.