每日一词 99 l fathom

每日一词 99 l fathom

作者: JackChen_ | 来源:发表于2019-02-07 18:39 被阅读9次

每日一词 99 l fathom
A) 名词: 英寻, 1.8m,or 6 inch, 表示水深
B) 动词: 深入了解,弄清楚真相
To understand sth complicated or mysterious
e.g: Girls’ behaviors/intentions are often hard to fathom.
2- 进阶篇:
动词:透彻理解,深入了解,表示理解的词语 understand, comprehend, figure out,fathom有深不可测,绞尽脑汁也没有想透的意味,写作和口语都可以使用。
A) 女孩子的心思你别猜
Girls’ behaviors/intentions are often hard to fathom.
B) I can’t fathom him/her/it
It is hard to fathom why people fall in love and how some of them would die for the one they love.
C) Higher barriers to trade will add to inflation and hurt GDP, but to an extent that is hard to fathom.
D) Of all the Trump administration‘s many regulatory cuts, the unrolling of these modest improvements to school food is among the hardest to fathom.
It is hard to fathom the meaning of unconditional love.

  • What unconditional love truly means is hard to fathom.
  • It is hard to fathom what it means to love someone unconditionally.
    4- 情景造句:
    -The solution to solve the problem permanently is hard to fathom. = It is hard to fathom how the problem could be solved permanently,
    -Of all the policies the new CEO implemented in this company, the implementation of equality pay to every employee is among the hardest to fathom.


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      本文标题:每日一词 99 l fathom
