When a binding uses a scope annotation, that means that the component object holds a reference to the bound object until the component object itself is garbage-collected.
当 Component 与 Module、目标类(需要被注入依赖)使用 Scope 注解绑定时,意味着 Component 对象持有绑定的依赖实例的一个引用直到 Component 对象本身被回收。
也就是作用域的原理,其实是让生成的依赖实例的生命周期与 Component 绑定,Scope 注解并不能保证生命周期,要想保证赖实例的生命周期,需要确保 Component 的生命周期。
Scope 是用来确定注入的实例的生命周期的,如果没有使用 Scope 注解,Component 每次调用 Module 中的 provide 方法或 Inject 构造函数生成的工厂时都会创建一个新的实例,而使用 Scope 后可以复用之前的依赖实例。
Scope 注解只能标注目标类、@provide 方法和 Component。
Scope 注解要生效的话,需要同时标注在 Component 和提供依赖实例的 Module 或目标类上。
Module 中 provide 方法中的 Scope 注解必须和 与之绑定的 Component 的 Scope 注解一样,否则作用域不同会导致编译时会报错。
public class Engine {
public Engine() {}
public class Car {
public Engine mEngine;
public Car(Engine engine) {
this.mEngine = engine;
public Engine getEngine() {
return mEngine;
public class CarModule {
Car carProvide(Engine engine) {
return new Car(engine);
@Component(modules = CarModule.class)
public interface ManComponent {
void inject(ManActivity mainActivity);
public class ManActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Car mCar;
Car mCar2;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d("Car", mCar.toString());
Log.d("Car", mCar2.toString());
07-11 11:20:47.788 31539-31539/com.whyalwaysmea.dagger2 D/Car: com.whyalwaysmea.dagger2.bean.Car@eda5747
07-11 11:20:47.789 31539-31539/com.whyalwaysmea.dagger2 D/Car: com.whyalwaysmea.dagger2.bean.Car@eda5747
public final class DaggerManComponent implements ManComponent {
private void initialize(final Builder builder) {
this.engineProvider = DoubleCheck.provider(Engine_Factory.create());
this.carProvideProvider =
DoubleCheck.provider(CarModule_CarProvideFactory.create(builder.carModule, engineProvider));
this.manActivityMembersInjector = ManActivity_MembersInjector.create(carProvideProvider);
public final class DoubleCheck<T> implements Provider<T>, Lazy<T> {
private static final Object UNINITIALIZED = new Object();
private volatile Provider<T> provider;
private volatile Object instance = UNINITIALIZED; // instance 就是依赖实例的引用
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // cast only happens when result comes from the provider
public T get() {
Object result = instance;
if (result == UNINITIALIZED) { // 只生成一次实例,之后调用的话直接复用
synchronized (this) {
result = instance;
if (result == UNINITIALIZED) {
result = provider.get(); // 生成实例
/* Get the current instance and test to see if the call to provider.get() has resulted
* in a recursive call. If it returns the same instance, we'll allow it, but if the
* instances differ, throw. */
Object currentInstance = instance;
if (currentInstance != UNINITIALIZED && currentInstance != result) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Scoped provider was invoked recursively returning "
+ "different results: " + currentInstance + " & " + result + ". This is likely "
+ "due to a circular dependency.");
instance = result;
/* Null out the reference to the provider. We are never going to need it again, so we
* can make it eligible for GC. */
provider = null;
return (T) result;
内部方法中有点像Double CheckLock实现单例的方法,只是每次都会有一个新的局部变量,而真正的单例方法是使用的static。
所以 Singleton 作用域可以保证一个 Component 中的单例,但是如果产生多个 Component 实例,那么实例的单例就无法保证了。