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【附译文】懂你英语Level 5 Unit 1 Part 3 L

【附译文】懂你英语Level 5 Unit 1 Part 3 L

作者: 慕炜菡容 | 来源:发表于2018-12-27 13:59 被阅读0次

    Emma's Best 1

    Emma's Best is a small but growing health food company.

    It was started in 1995 by a married couple who were tired of working for large companies.

    The two founders were Ed and Emma Smith, both health-conscious vegetarians (重视健康的素食者).

    Despite the risks, Ed and Emma wanted to start their own business.

    They knew it would be hard work, but they were determined to try.

    Their plan was to create a business that provided healthy food to busy people.

    They wanted it to be something they could be proud of.

    译文:Emma's Best是一家规模虽小但正在成长的健康食品公司。1995年,一对厌倦了在大公司上班的夫妇创办了这家公司。这两位创始人是Ed和Emma Smith,他们都是注重健康的素食主义者。尽管有风险,艾德和艾玛还是想自己创业。他们知道这将是一项艰苦的工作,但他们决心试一试。他们的计划是创建一家为忙碌的人提供健康食品的企业。他们希望这是一件值得骄傲的事情。


    1. They wanted to start their own business despite the risks.

    2. Their plan was to create a business that provided healthy food to busy people.

    3. Put the sentences below in order:

    (1) Emma's Best is a small but growing health food company.

    (2) The two founders were Ed and Emma Smith, both health-conscious vegetarians.

    (3) It was started in 1995 by a married couple who were tired of working for large companies.

    (4) Despite the risks, Ed and Emma wanted to start their own business.

    Correct Order: (1) (3) (2) (4)

    When they started the company, organic food was becoming more popular.

    People were becoming more food conscious and worried about food safety.

    In fact, people were willing to pay higher prices for food that was free of harmful chemicals.

    In addition, an increasing number of people had little time to go shopping and cook at home.

    They wanted meals that were healthy but easy to prepare.

    There were very few frozen meals available at the time, and none of them were vegetarian or organic.

    There was a gap in the market.



    1.— What was becoming more popular when they started the company?

      — organic food

    2. To be conscious of something means to be aware of it.

    3. People were becoming more food conscious and worried about food safety.

    Ed and Emma immediately saw the opportunity and launched their first product.

    It was a frozen pasta meal with a mix of vegetables and a delicious cream sauce (奶油汁).

    The market response was enthusiastic and profitable beyond their expectations.

    Their product was an instant success.

    To their surprise, it was soon being eaten by millions of people, not only vegetarians or those interested in organic foods.

    It was being bought because it was easy to prepare and it tasted good.

    And of course it was healthy.



    1.— What was the market response to their first product?

      — enthusiastic and profitable

    2. Ed and Emma immediately saw the opportunity and launched their first product.

    Repeat & Read Sentences:

    1. They knew it would be hard work, but they were determined to try.

    2. To be more conscious of something means to be more aware of it.

    3. There were very few frozen meals available at the time, and none of them were vegetarian or organic.

    Other products followed in rapid succession.

    As a result, at the end of 5 years, the company was producing over 100 frozen meals.

    Since then they have increased the number of meals to over 150, including pizzas, sandwiches and snacks.

    Their foods are carried by natural food stores and supermarkets throughout North America.



    1. Other products followed in rapid succession.

    2. Since then they have increased the number of meals to over 150, including pizzas, sandwiches and snacks.

    Repeat & Read Sentences:

    1. People were becoming more food conscious and worried about food safety.

    2. People were willing to pay more for food that was free of harmful chemicals.

    3. Their foods are carried by natural food stores and supermarkets throughout North America.

    4. It was started in 1995 by a married couple who were tired of working for large companies.

    Emma's Best 2

    Although they have expanded their production facilities and increased the number of employees, they have remained a private company.

    They enjoy the fact that they are a family-owned business, sensitive to the needs of their customers.

    They don't have to worry about pleasing shareholders.

    Rather than paying dividends to shareholders, Emma's Best has a profit-sharing plan that benefits its employees.

    译文:虽然他们扩充了生产设施并增加了员工人数,但他们仍然是一家私营公司。他们享受着这样一个事实,即他们是一家家族企业,对客户的需求很敏感。他们不必担心取悦股东。Emma's Best不是向股东支付股息,而是制定了一项惠及员工的利润分成计划。


    1.— What kind of company is Emma's Best?

      — It's a private company

    2. They enjoy the fact that they are a family-owned business, sensitive to the needs of their customers.

    Bonuses and salary increases keep employees happy and motivated to work hard.

    As a result, employee turnover is low and the company has been recognized as one of the best companies to work for.

    In addition, Emma's Best supports local charities, especially those that provide healthy food to children from low-income families.

    Given its success, the company feels an obligation to contribute to society.

    In spite of the fact that other companies now produce similar products, Emma's Best remains the market leader.

    Their total commitment to quality has made the difference and they are proud of their accomplishments.

    译文:奖金和加薪能让员工开心,并激励他们努力工作。因此,员工流动率低,公司被公认为最适合工作的公司之一。此外,Emma's Best支持当地的慈善机构,尤其是那些为低收入家庭的孩子提供健康食品的慈善机构。鉴于它的成功,公司感到有义务为社会做贡献。尽管其他公司现在也生产类似的产品,Emma's Best仍然是行业的领军者。他们对质量的全面承诺使他们与众不同,他们为自己的成就感到自豪。


    1.— What helps to keep employees happy and motivated?

      — Bonuses and salary increases

    2. Fill in the blanks:

    Bonuses and salary increases keep employees happy and motivated to work hard.

    As a result, employee turnover is low and the company has been recognized as one of the best companies to work for.

    In addition, Emma's Best supports local charities, especially those that provide healthy food to children from low-income families.

    Repeat & Read Sentences:

    1. It was being bought because it was easy to prepare and it tasted good.

    2. Other products followed in rapid succession.

    3. If employees are happy and motivated, employee turnover is usually low.

    4. As a result, employee turnover is low and the company has been recognized as one of the best companies to work for.

    5. Rather than paying dividends to shareholders, Emma's Best has a profit-sharing plan that benefits its employees.



        本文标题:【附译文】懂你英语Level 5 Unit 1 Part 3 L
