2018-03-25 睡前叨叨念

2018-03-25 睡前叨叨念

作者: 小妖Troy | 来源:发表于2018-03-25 23:53 被阅读31次

Africa is a very important area for GE growth. General Electric began to operate here more than 100 years. In the year 2011, the company decided to refocus on meeting the needs of Africa and set up a regional headquarters in Nairobi. General Electric is committed to advance technology, services, and infrastructure to solve the continuous and sustainable development programmers in support of the African region, Africa has a wide range of demand growth is crucial to 2011 general African companies in Kenya's capital Nairobi opened the sub-Saharan region. The headquarters office in Nairobi now has more than 110 employees, is provided to the East in other parts of Africa and the convenience of the general electric. Today, GE Power has more than 400 employees in Nigeria and serves more than 100 public and private sector customers in Lagos and Abuja offices. GE Power in Port Harcourt and Onne with service facilities, annual spending on goods or services, labor and welfare and training about $eleven million. In January 2013, they announced a 5 - year plan to invest more than $1 billion in Nigeria to strengthen its local business in the manufacturing and product services. This investment will enable Nigeria to become a regional manufacturing, service and innovation center, improving its ability to support wider product lines in power generation, oil and gas exploration, and production. GE Power also expects the new investment to create 2300 new jobs in Nigeria and to promote knowledge or skills development and technology transfer. They provide advanced power generation technology and services, including maintenance and operation, parts and maintenance services, and contract service agreements.
Today, there are 9 Eskom power stations installed GE Power's electrical distribution equipment and the power plant in Sasol second at installing in 2 9E gas turbine. Eskom also uses the Ge Corp's innovative water and wastewater treatment technologies at the Kusile power plant. With its power generation technology, GE energy has enabled the oil and fuel company Sasol to meet its critical requirements for long-term reliability and factory performance. 2013, GE water and Sasol jointly developed anaerobic MBR technology, which purifies wastewater and makes it reusable in the industrial process and provides biogas as a by-product of power generation. General Electric Co Power &Water and Princeton Power Systems Company (Princeton Power Systems Company) Annobon Province installed 5 megawatts of the solar photovoltaic microgrid system in the Midwest near Equatorial Guinea. The characteristics of the solar microgrid 5 MW solar module and the integrated system of Marci integrated by one energy, Princeton power system and energy management system and control general electric warehouse. The island-wide microgrid will provide reliable, predictable power supply enough to cope with the current energy demand on 100% of the power island as the largest self-sufficiency. Solar energy projects on the African continent.

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03 推荐书籍《战略管理》


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      本文标题:2018-03-25 睡前叨叨念
