

作者: LunarShade | 来源:发表于2017-11-28 20:30 被阅读0次


Project1: 『Alzheimer care game:With Me』:『With Me』『a Unity iPad game designed to encourage Alzheimer patients' family members to take care of the patients.』

『WithMe』is a game for Alzheimer patient and their family developed with Unity Engine. We define the game's propose to encourage later generations to join the game with their parents diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. When surveying, we consulted in forums and searched for related papers on care of Alzheimer patients, and concluded the main scenarios in the game, then designed them in the game together. When developing, I am responsible for aspects including code developing, model building and mechanism design.

Project2: 『Player unknown's battleground: Training range』『PUBG: Training range』『a Unity Computer game designed for both rookie &  professional PUBG players to get familiar or more professional with the popular FPS game. 』

Project3: 『EasyQueue: a queuing pressure-release game』 『EzQ』『a prank application combined AR technique with interactive camera filter, making funny outcomes with surrounding environment to release pressure when queuing. 』

『an AR prank game designed for queuing people to release pressure. 』


  • 目录内容:

    Content: Project1: 『Alzheimer care game:With Me』:『With Me...

  • 目录内容介绍

    三个阶段: 1、iOS进阶开发 多线程 网络 密码学 2、跨平台开发 HTML5入门开发 跨平台开发(RN技术 (...

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