
作者: 13eec265c848 | 来源:发表于2019-01-27 14:36 被阅读26次


E : Edward Perriman Pole , 爱德华 · 佩里曼 · 科尔 , 癌症晚期患者,大富豪 。

C : Carter,卡特,癌症晚期患者,汽车修理工,精于百科 。


Part 1


 Edward Perriman Pole died in May .


 It was a sunny afternoon ,and there wasn't a cloud in the sky .


 It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life .


 Somepeople will tell you it's measured by the ones left  behind . 


 Some believe it can be measured in faith .


 Some say by love .


 Other folks say life has no meaning at all .


 Me ?

 (我 ?)

 I belibve that you measure youself by the people who measured  thenselves by you .


 What i can tell you for sure is that , by any measure ,Edward  Cole lived more in his last days on earth than most people  manage to out of a lifetime .

 (我能肯定的是,不管按什么标准,爱德华在人世间的最后时光比大部分人  毕  生的光阴更为充实。)

 I konw that when he died ,hiseyes were closed and his heart was  open .


part 2

E:You ever think about suicide?


C:Suicde ? Me ?




C:Lord ,no .


E:Though so . Stage one .


C:What ?


E:The five stage ,but ......


C:Denial . Then anger ,bargaining,depression ,acceptance .


E:So of course you're not thinking of suicide .


C:You're in stage one .Denial .


E:What stage are you in ?


C:Denial .


part 3


 There was a suvey once .


 A thousand people were asked ,if they could know in advance  would they want to know the exact day of their death.


 Ninety-six percent of them said no . 

 (96% 的人选择了不想。)

 I always kind of leaned toward the 4 percent .

 (我总认为自己属于另外的 4%。)

 I thought it would be liberating knowing how much you had left  to work with .


 It turns out ,it's not .


part 4

C:Kiss the most beautiful girlin the world ?


C:How do you propose doing that ?




part 5

E:We could do this .


E:We should do this .


C:No,i could't .


E:Don't think about money ,that'all i got .


C:But i don't konw ......


E:What don't you know ?


C:It was meant to be metaphorical .


C:I'm just trying to get a handle on ......


E:Blah ,blah ,blah ......


E:Metaphors .


E:You're the one crying you never took a shot ,Here's your  chance .


C:My chance to what ? Make a fool of myself ?


E:Never too late .


part 6

E:Is there a sugarplum fairyor not ?


E:And nobody has ever gotten over that wall.


C:So,what do you belibve.


E:I resist all beliefs .


C:No big bang ? Randomuniverse ?

(宇宙大爆炸? 宇宙随机论?这些你都不信?)

E:We live .We die .


E:And the wheels on the bus goround and round .


C:What if you're wrong ?


E:I'd love to be wrong.


E:If i'm wrong , i win .


part 7

C:Do you know ?


C:That the only dog ever struck by lighting was right here ,in  Egypt ?


E:I wish i'd met you before we were dead .



C:You know ,the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about  death.


C:When their souls got to the entrance to heaven ,the god asked  them two questions .


C:Their answers determined whether they were adimitted or not .


E:Okay ,i'll bite .


E:What were they ?


C:Have you found joy in your life ?


C:Answer the question .


E:Me ?


C:Yeah ,you .


E:Answer the question ,"Have i found joy in my life ?"


C:Yes .


E:Yes .


C:Has your life brought joy to others ?


E:Ah ,this type of question,i......


E:I don't know .


E:I don't think about how others gauge ,uh ......


E:Ask them .


part 8

E:Funeral plans tend to confuse me .


E:Specificially, buried or cremated .


E:Take buried .


E:Now i know it should't matter , but i'm claustrophobic .


E:What if i wake up underground and nobody can hear me ?


E:Do they still make those coffins with bells ?


C:Uh,i don't believe they do .


E:Then cremated  . What do they with the ashes ?


E:Do you bury them , scatterthem , put them on a shelf ?


E:Float them down the Ganges on a bed of flowers ?


E:What if i feel the flames ?


C:Well , i definately want to have myself cremated .


E:Maybe we should go frozen like Walt Disney .


C:No , Cremated .


C:Ashes put in a can , buriedsome place with a view .


part 9


You once said you're not everyone .


Well , that's true .


You're certainly not everyone .


But everyone is everyone .


My pastor always say :"Our lives are streams flowing into the same river towards whatever heaven lies in the mist beyond the falls ."


part 10


Edward Perriman Pole died inMay .


It was a sunny afternoon ,and there wasn't a cloud in the sky .


It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life .


He was 81 years old.


Even now , i can't claim to understand the measure of a life .


But i can tell you this : Ikonw that when he died,his eyes were closed and his heart was open.


And i'm pretty sure  he was happy with his final resting place .


Because he was buried on the mountain and that was against the law .








