The Office-S04E01

The Office-S04E01

作者: carrie_yu | 来源:发表于2020-06-06 08:41 被阅读0次


protege: A person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege's career. 

screech: (of a person or animal) give a loud, harsh, piercing cry. "she hit her brother, causing him to screech with pain"

talk someone through: enable someone to perform (a task) by giving them continuous instruction.

phrase something: put into a particular form of words. "it's important to phrase the question correctly"

pelvical 骨盆的

speed bump: a ridge set in a road surface, typically at intervals, to control the speed of vehicles.

talk back: reply defiantly or insolently. 顶嘴

spurned his advances: reject with contempt

spurned 拒绝

contempt 鄙视

kick in $5 ???

kick in: (especially of a device or drug) become activated; come into effect.

bad blood: ill feeling. "there has always been bad blood between these families"

keep someone company: accompany or spend time with someone in order to prevent them from feeling lonely or bored.

jealousy 妒忌

clique: a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them. "the old-school clique"

my lord = my liege

a little fish in a big pond: Someone considered unimportant compared to their more significant peers.

whereas: in contrast or comparison with the fact that. "you treat the matter lightly, whereas I myself was never more serious"

top dog: a person who is successful or dominant in their field. "he was a top dog in the City"

a treat for the gang ???

be in for a treat: used for saying that you know someone is going to enjoy something. The public is in for a treat when this new show opens. (这个短语本身和剧无关)

win affections back

win back: recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost; "We got back the money after we threatened to sue the company"; "He got back his son from the kidnappers" get back.

I ran down Meredith in my car.

run something down (or run down): 1. reduce (or become reduced) in size, numbers, or resources. "hardwood stocks in some countries are rapidly running down" 2. lose (or cause to lose) power; stop (or cause to stop) functioning. "the battery has run down" 3. gradually deteriorate (or cause to deteriorate) in quality or condition."the property had been allowed to run down"

negligent 过失

pelvis 骨盆

jeopardy 危险

double jeopardy: the prosecution of a person twice for the same offense. risk or disadvantage incurred from two sources simultaneously. "he is in double jeopardy, unable to speak either language adequately"

wunderkind: /ˈwo͝ondərˌkind/ a person who achieves great success when relatively young. "the economics wunderkind who was a tenured professor at 29"

alkie: 1. Another word for alcoholic. 2. 碱

worker's comp: Workers' compensation insurance is a type of business insurance that provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. Specifically, this insurance helps pay for medical care, wages from lost work time and more.

I wouldn't put it past sb (to do sth): used to say that you would not be surprised if someone did something, especially something bad, because it is a typical thing for them to do. I wouldn't put it past him to sell her jewellery.

write it out: To express in writing something one is thinking (只是含义之一)

diabetic shot

roll the insulin(胰岛素) in your hands

ace inhibitor 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 (一类抗高血压药)

cataracts 白内障

omega fatty acid 一种不饱和脂肪酸

capsule 胶囊

fungal(真菌的) cream

hourly worker 每小时雇员

run somebody over: to hit someone or something with a car, bus, etc. and hurt or kill the person or damage the thing: He was run over by a bus as he crossed the road.

don't bother the nurse

godliness: the quality of being devoutly religious; piety. "a man of great godliness" 信仰

laugh something off: to pretend that something is less serious than it really is by laughing or joking about it Knox laughed off rumors that he would be running for mayor.

get over something: to start to feel happy or well again after something bad has happened to you. It can take weeks to get over an illness like that. Don's pretty upset, but he'll get over it.

what a day: It means that it's a beautiful/great day or in a different context (this is used most of the time) can be used to say the day was exhausting and stressful.(褒贬皆可)

the computer crashes with the porn

burial 葬礼

park on it ???

park it: 1. To sit down and stop moving. Often used as an imperative. ... Often used as an imperative.

indian burial ground: a historic Native American cemetery on Narrow Lane in Charlestown, Rhode Island. The small (0.1-acre (0.040 ha)) cemetery is believed to have been the burying ground for leaders of the Narragansett and Niantic tribes.

go around the room: When you're in some kind of meeting or party, the phrase "go around the room and ___" means for each person to do something, one by one. For example: Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. I'll start. This means that each person in the room is going to introduce himself or herself.

presbyterian 长老会

Lutheran 路德会

Unitarian 一神普救派

keep things spicy ???

spice up: To make something more interesting, exciting, tantalizing, or sexy.

Hindu 印度教


Buddhist 佛教徒

Sikh 锡克教徒

NPR ???

Corvette 护卫舰

put it out of its misery: put out of one's misery. (transitive, idiomatic, informal) To submit (a person or animal) to euthanasia(安乐死). (transitive, idiomatic, informal, figuratively) To end or destroy something for the good of the individuals involved in it.

power a small fan: 此处power为动词

unethical 不道德的

hysterectomy 子宫切除术

get time off for one ???

uterus 子宫

tetanus shot 破伤风针

trap a bat in a bag against my head

walrus 海象

egret 白鹭

meerkat 猫鼬

antler 鹿角

reindeer 驯鹿

porcupine 豪猪

rabie 狂犬病

STD: a sexually transmitted disease.

lockjaw: (especially in nonmedical use) tetanus. (不是我唯一的意思)

six of one: The idiom "six of one, half a dozen of the other" means that two alternatives are equivalent or indifferent; it doesn't matter which one we choose.

camera crew

sit right with somebody: to be acceptable or understandable to someone.

put somebody down for a something: 1 to put someone’s name on a list so that they can take part in an activity, join an organization etc They put themselves down for a training course.2 put somebody down for £5/£20 etc especially British English to write someone’s name on a list with an amount of money that they have promised to give

for a good cause: If you say that something is for a good cause, you mean that it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people, for example by raising money for charity. The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause.

pledge 保证

quilt 被子

petrified: 1. so frightened that one is unable to move; terrified. "the petrified child clung to her mother" 2. (of organic matter) changed into a stony substance; ossified. "petrified wood"

nipple chafing: Nipple chafing, sometimes called jogger's nipple, happens when the friction between your nipple and shirt or bra causes chafing. It can be painful, but it can also be avoided with a little preparation.

vicious circle

precautions 预防措施

be clawed to shreds

claw: to tear, scratch, seize, pull, etc., with or as if with claws: The kitten clawed my sweater to shreds.

shred: a strip of some material, such as paper, cloth, or food, that has been torn, cut, or scraped from something larger. "her beautiful dress was torn to shreds"

autopsy 尸检

take this out on someone: If you take something out on someone, you behave in an unpleasant way towards them because you feel angry or upset, even though this is not their fault.

5k: 5 kilometers

baguette 法国面包

dangling participle

burn in eyes

wait for the all clear: the signal or announcement that tells people that a period of danger has ended. The bomb had been safely disarmed and the all clear given. Synonyms and related words.

You couldn't have taken off all your clothes in the men's room?

ballpark: a baseball stadium or field 棒球场

shirttail: the lower, typically curved, part of a shirt which comes below the waist. 

peep on 窥视

what's your deal:  What's the deal? (informal) something that you say in order to ask someone to explain what they have been doing or what they are planning to do: So, what's the deal - are we going out to dinner? Here someone says that "What's your deal" is a way of asking "what's up".

hands off: used as a warning not to touch or interfere with something. "hands off that cake!"

be afflicted by ???

carbo load 碳负荷

fettuccine alfredo: a dish of fettuccine(意大利细面条) served in a sauce of cream, butter, and grated Parmesan cheese.

draft ???

darn it: a mild swear word to show that you are angry or annoyed about something, to avoid saying 'damn': Darn it!

imodium: A drug used to treat diarrhea


ex-lax: A trademark for an over-the-counter laxative(泻药) containing sennosides.

cute as a button: Pretty or attractive in a dainty(精致的) way, as in That baby is cute as a button. 

not have the stomach for sth: (also have no stomach for sth) to not feel brave or determined enough to do something unpleasant: I didn't have the stomach for another fight. Unwilling and reluctant.

antihistamines 抗组胺药

barf something up: barf up. v. Slang. To eject some contents of the stomach by vomiting: He barfed up his dinner because the food was spoiled. She was so sick she was even barfing soup up.

euthanized 安乐死

taxidermist 动物标本主义者

Don't get bit: get bit=To get with a girl.

symphony 交响乐

bust 破产

downer: 1. a depressant or tranquilizing drug, especially a barbiturate. 2. a dispiriting or depressing experience or factor. "the thought of the danger his son was in put something of a downer on the situation"

puke guts out: to vomit one's guts out: to vomit heavily or profusely, to empty one's stomach. to vomit: to be sick, to puke, to throw up, to eject the contents of one's stomach through one's mouth.


  • The Office-S04E01

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