博洋CFA春季培训 CFA考前百题突击7-9

博洋CFA春季培训 CFA考前百题突击7-9

作者: Miles_28 | 来源:发表于2018-05-31 10:24 被阅读0次
  1. Which of the following statements about type I error is the most accurate one?
    A. The probability of type I error is equal to the significance level.
    B. The probability of type I error is equal to the power of test.
    C. The increase of sample size will not change the probability of type I error.
    Type I and Type II error 是一级Quant里的一个难点。
    Type I error是指错误的拒绝正确的 Ho. The probability of type I error 可以是Sinificance level也可以是 P-value.
    Power of Test = 1- Probability of Type II Error.B错误。

如果Sample Size N 增大,检验一定会更精确。type I error, type II error 的概率都会减少。C错误。

  1. Compared with historical simulation, Monte Carlo simulation is most appropriate when:
    A. "what if" analysis is required.
    B. analytical methods are required.
    C. probability distributions are unavailable.
    蒙特卡罗模拟法是给定一概率分布,通过不停产生随机数的方法来模拟真实的情况,再根据结果进行分析的模拟方法。蒙特卡罗需要 What-if Analysis和前提的probability distribution。本身就是分析方法因此不需要其他分析方法。

9.Event X and Event Y are independent events. The probability of X is 0.2 [P(X) =0.2] and the probability of Y is 0.5 [P(Y) = 0.5]. The joint probability of X and Y,
P(XY), is closest to:
A 0.7.
B 0.3.
C 0.1.
Independent events 说明XY相互独立,P(XY)=P(X)*P(Y)



      本文标题:博洋CFA春季培训 CFA考前百题突击7-9
