20190121 popularize

20190121 popularize

作者: angelqi_b03a | 来源:发表于2019-01-21 14:00 被阅读1次



    in British, also use popularise.

    v. 1. to popularize something means to make a lot of people interested in it and able to enjoy it. (V n)

    2. to popularize an academic subject or scientific idea means to make it more easy to understand for ordinary people. (V n)

    to make something well known and liked




    1. In the past few years, Uber has popularized the idea of sharing economy.

    2. Uber helped popularize growth hacking, which is now the norm of internet companies worldwide.

    #拓展:growth hacking  成长骇客

    Growth hacking is a process of rapid experimentation across a range of marketing channels to identify the most effective ways to grow a business. The term is typically applied to customers aquisition, retention and monetization strategies (客户获取、维系与变现策略)used by newly-formed companies, which don't have the resources to employ standard corporate marketing strategies (标准企业营销策略).Growth hacking is particularly important for starups, as it allows for at the early-stage launch face (企业刚亮相的早期阶段), when they focus on lowering cost per customer acquisition, wheras aiming to facilitate word-of-mouth advertising (口碑营销) and increase customer life-time value.

    3. Bob Marley popularized reggae music in the 1970s.

    Reggae  雷鬼音乐,一种音乐类型。

    4. In 1999 Mr Williams co-founder Blogger. The statup helped popularise the concept of blogging and the word itself by making it simple for people to post their musings without needing to code.

    musing n. 沉思  来自muse(缪斯女神,也是给人带来灵感的女神,创作女神)这个词。



    It‘s said that returnees made the Mafia game popular/ popularized the Mafia game in China. (自己)

    It's said that returned students from overseas popolarized the party game Mafia in China./ According to some accounts, it's those who received education abroad that popolarized Mafia, a popular party game, in China, (参考翻译)


    2. 生活场景应用

    The Amecrican business culture has popularized the career planning of taking the consulting position as the first choice for almost business school graduates.



          本文标题:20190121 popularize
