Nurture passes nature

Nurture passes nature

作者: MrHitchcock | 来源:发表于2020-04-03 10:26 被阅读0次


    • wasted(熟词僻义):

      • It means someone is very drunk or ill from drugs.
      • 表示某人喝得酩酊大醉或因吸毒而生病。
    • natural (熟词僻义):

      • Someone who was born with the right characteristics or abilities for doing a particular thing.
      • 天生具有做某件事的适当特征或能力的人。
      • eg. Taylor is being modest. We all know that she is a natural in this field. 泰勒太谦虚了,我们都知道她在这一行绝对是个天才。
      • syn. someone has what it takes
    • someone is on a shift 倒班

    • insecticide /ɪnˈsektɪsaɪd/ n. 杀虫剂


    • knock out指“摧毁,使…瘫痪,使...无效”(If something is knocked out by enemy action or bad weather, it is destroyed or stops functioning because of it)。比如

      • A storm has made roads treacherous and knocked out power. 一场风暴使路途变得危险,并使电力中断。
      • The government decided to knock out gambling.当局决定取缔赌博活动。
    • knock sth off 表示“迅速而轻松地完成”(to complete sth quickly and without much effort),真题原句是

      • But as Cline is the first to note, it took Beaumont decades to perfect her craft; her example can’t be knocked off.
      • 不过Cline也承认,Beaumont花了几十年来完善她的手艺,她的做法难以复制。
    • precede [prɪ'siːd] 指“在…之前,先于…”(to happen before sth or come before sth / sb in order)。比如

      • The earthquake was preceded by a loud roar and lasted 20 seconds. 地震前有一阵巨大的轰隆声,持续了20秒钟。

    • fashion ['fæʃən] [熟词僻义] 作动词指“制作,制成”(If you fashion an object or a work of art, you make it)。比如

      • Stone Age settlers fashioned necklaces from sheep's teeth.
      • 石器时代的移居者用羊的牙做成项链。
      • 再比如《月亮与六便士》中的一句话:
      • Beauty is something wonderful and strange that the artist fashions out of the chaos of the world in the torment of his soul.
      • 美是一种美妙、奇异的东西,艺术家只有通过灵魂的痛苦折磨才能从宇宙的混沌中塑造出来。
    • rule [熟词僻义] 指“决定,裁决,判决”(to give an official decision about sth)。比如

      • The court will rule on the legality of the action.
      • 法庭将裁定此举是否合法。
    • hold [熟词僻义] 表示“认为,相信”(to consider that sth is true)。比如

      • I still hold that the government's economic policies are mistaken.
      • 我仍然认为政府的经济政策是错误的。
    • verify ['verɪfaɪ] 指“核实,查证”(to check that sth is true or accurate)。比如

      • I verified the source from which I had that information.
      • 我核实了我所获消息的来源。




          本文标题:Nurture passes nature
