

作者: 白林叶 | 来源:发表于2018-03-22 09:27 被阅读0次

O mother, the young Prince is to pass by our door,--how can I attend to my work this morning? Show me how to braid up my hair; tell me what garment to put on.Why do you look at me amazed, mother?I know well he will not glance up once at my window; I know he will pass out of my sight in the twinkling of an eye; only the vanishing strain of the flute will come sobbing to me from afar.But the young Prince will pass by our door, and I will put on mybest for the moment.

O mother, the young Prince did pass by our door, and the morning sun flashed from his chariot.I swept aside the veil from my face, I tore the ruby chain from  my neck and flung it in his path.Why do you look at me amazed, mother?I know well he did not pick up my chain; I know it was crushed  under his wheels leaving a red stain upon the dust, and no one  knows what my gift was nor to whom.But the young Prince did pass by our door, and I flung the jewel  from my breast before his path.


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