线上讲课6小时我再不想讲话了!除了我们家james!-H&H 5

线上讲课6小时我再不想讲话了!除了我们家james!-H&H 5

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2020-02-13 22:45 被阅读0次


    40分钟的sea swim朝阳里,浪潮很大,我不知觉游出很远,需要放松,一条小鱼,跳出水面,问“why I am here, what is the meaning of life, who am I?" 浪潮汹涌,一切深处归于平静,我们mind就是浪潮,我们soul,就是isvara,广大,深奥,神秘,知晓一切不说!

    早餐skinnyroom服务都是涣散的眼神,900,想念的bakery 吃个够,对于今天课略有anxiety,经历一次就OK啦

    9.25准时开始,7个学生一个admin,还不错,我很擅长调动每个人积极性和参与度,时间过的也快,中间休息15分钟,不知道消耗多少热点,只是不能用wifi,除了法国学生,还有两个thai,都是决定留下来的,困在公寓里,互动也OK,就是点名要求回答问题,product management and marketing 对于我很熟悉,结合实际情况,我感觉不错;中午休息半小时,去买了各种热带水果,1700不便宜,自己吃得还开心,下午课程点开始不顺利是因为三个孩子wifi不好用,19岁来自mozampique,女孩carmeron,男孩估计好似melony男朋友,不聪明,英语也不好,这就比较费事,好容易结束,我也是体验到了说话说到自己都麻木啦,确实互动很少,考虑到他们境况,我也没啥可说的,自己好山好水好吃好恋爱,庆幸吧,但是浑身热得要命,急忙出来游泳,发现下雨,反正都是湿漉漉,就顶着雨点游呗,第一次,雨点很大,也是风潮云起,体验一回,温度够低,黑色沙子希望可以疗愈我浑身的包,也是满脸绽放,真是奇了。如果是sex cause,应该早起了,为啥到现在。

    回去计划取钱,结果下雨,吃了coconut sambol,还真好吃,第一次体验到当地新的特色:Pol sambol (coconut sambol) is a traditional Sri Lankan condiment prepared with freshly grated coconut. It is most often used as an accompaniment with rice, string hoppers (idiyappam), hoppers (appam), as well as other dishes.

    I look horrible like all poisons coming out。

    I never called James since he is engaging something all the time, would like he is calling me. He did when I was teaching, so I tried today and he called back, first to chat his experience of teaching on Wed. afternoon, he is really enjoying it, 14 persons which he thinks he could do the class regularly for staying more in mysore 3-4 months, we talked his American visa which is still in process, my visa in agency with the crazy payment system and waiting for news next week. he is confident I am going to have it, for his weekend of 1st May, a class is canceled that he thinks it means something else we do together or.......I am not sure when I will be where, GOA or Europe.

    We talk about Kumar house visit, he is missing me there and thinks we might come back again, well it is nice but it does not attract me at much, also mysore. I am happy he is renting out apartment to Leon so no need talk about rent anymore. Never be with somebody who is so much in financial calculation, well, we can not have too much, he is good at talk and sex, enough.

    We both said looking forward to seeing each other, to be honest I am not so excited, rather than thinking of him, latter might be more attractive.

    beach life is pretty nice, like Sri. Lanka more, talking about an escape from reality this is good spot.



          本文标题:线上讲课6小时我再不想讲话了!除了我们家james!-H&H 5
