Emergency Vehicles
Ambulances are used to transport injured or sick people to a hospital.
Anambulance has trained medical personnel who can treat injured or sick people.
A wheelchair is for people who can’t walk.
Wheelchairs have 4 wheels and are often pushed by people from behind.
Fire engines are used to fight fires.
used to曾经
fight打仗; 战斗; 作战; 搏斗; 打斗; 打架; 参加; 竞争; 斗争; 比赛,竞赛
fires火; 失火; 火灾; 炉火; 灶火; 射击; 开火; 开枪; 射出; 射; fire的第三人
Firefighters, like this one, often rescue people from burning buildings.
Tow trucks are used to tow cars.
Tow trucks牵引车,拖运车; tow truck的复数
used to曾经
tow拖,拉,牵引,拽; 牵引,拽引
cars小汽车; 轿车; 火车车厢; car的复数
This tow truck is towing a car to a repair shop.
Helicopters are used to rescue people from dangerous places.
This helicopter is lifting someone from a sinking boat.
1.what has medical equipment trained medical personnel?
Anambulance has trained medical personnel who can treat injured or sick people.
2.what do you call for a case of fire?
Firefighters often rescue people from burning buildings.
3.what is designed for people who can't walk?
A wheelchair is for people who can’t walk.
4.This helicopter is lifting someone from a sinking boat.
5.This tow truck is towing a car to a repair shop.
6.Ambulances are used to transport injured or sick people to a hospital.
7.Fire engines are used to fight fires.
8.This tow truck is towing a car to a repair shop.
9.Firefighters often rescue people from burning buildings.
10. if your car won't start ,you should call for a tow truck.