一去不复返的 ,不是时间,而是我们。

一去不复返的 ,不是时间,而是我们。

作者: 简一鲸 | 来源:发表于2020-09-07 14:36 被阅读0次

Time: 2020.7.10-9.5

Site: Baotai New Village, Democracy Road

Main roles:


The story is loading:

Any beauty that is praised is less than the first time I met you.

When I first saw it, it probably started from going downstairs to help with luggage, in that small corridor. Or maybe it’s the first time everyone went to the night market to eat, go shopping, and then chat non-stop.

Friendship, who can decide?

Do you study hard today?

We are busy and working together. Three people take the postgraduate entrance examination, three people take the driver's license, and occasionally learn differently, occasionally gather together to study, occasionally slacken together, and occasionally supervise each other. I hope we can meet at a higher place in the future, come on!

2 the garden' one week
Life is full of fireworks!

Absolutely not going there unexpectedly, actually going to the market every day to buy vegetables???!

The boys who can cook are really awesome, especially the potatoes that make me regain my childhood.

Not much to say, the picture above.

最后的晚餐 麻酱! !
Daily fun!!!


“园儿、辉儿、成儿…哪哪都有个儿~哈哈哈(好像就还没叫过祥儿~(*''*) )”

“搞得谁没吃过似的…搞得谁还没过女朋友似的…搞得~hhhh”(手动加个玉成儿版 “白眼”,堪称一绝,秒啊!)

“你干嘛老笑啊…一吃饭你就看着我笑…(他绝对自己在笑个不停,时不时就盯着大家瞅 不笑都得笑ʕ•̫͡•ʔ)”

“大可不必!”(太奇葩了这句,拍手叫好୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭)




Worry from the landlord…

This is probably the only unpleasantness. The landlord is always taking care of us like parents. Seeing them and the hell one-night stand is depressing and painful! (Of course, people are still good people)

Three things about me.

1.Sudden illness.

A cold is just like love, it is caught off guard. What followed was the recurrence of lymph nodes that had not been disturbed for years.

There are still pills, packets of herbal tea in my mind, and the girl who is curled up on the living room sofa in the hot air away from the air-conditioned room. Meanwhile, there is also the one who is my silent companion, acting as my sleeping clock.

2.An unforgettable birthday experience.

The expired agreement will not come after long wait. Surprise and joy are the norm in life.

This is the first birthday with friends in 21 years, and it’s so special!

I went out early and enjoyed a day of immersive reading in the library. Then I came back home on the afternoon. When I walked in, I saw a big bunch of lilies, which was a bit surprising, but it was my favorite flower. And another friend sent a cute cake for me, to be honest, it's very surprised.

We made a lot of delicious food for dinner, and the five people went to the market together, and we were very happy. As it approached twelve o'clock, he came in with a cake, everyone gathered around and asked me to make a wish. Well, I still remember the wish! Under the light, what was in a trance was the warm, warm light as sincere and hot as our hearts.

best gisfs weibo

3.Oolong incident in the bar.

Three thousand words are omitted here. They all said that friends who have been drunk together will be very iron, I think so, the most embarrassing looks have been seen, and I am very grateful to them for taking care of me.


别打我,我保证没人看得到这些图!٩( ๑╹ ꇴ╹)۶

麦霸! 周杰伦~ 最最喜欢的一张呀~ 五点多来找她约会?!! 三小时九张图 太有耐心叭 就无敌可爱是本尊啦! 李荣浩和慢慢调儿
Gathering in a hurry, we will have a period later.

We will slowly forget over time, but if one day thinks of this experience and can still smile, then this is the meaning of existence.

Let us be like flowers.



      本文标题:一去不复返的 ,不是时间,而是我们。
