摘要: 研究百度阿波罗的Roadmap,分析其功能演进规划、商业模式等,从中总结高新技术产品规划思路
- 第一阶段 技术发展探索,逐渐构建技术的能力积木:封闭场所-》固定车道-》简单的城市道路-》高速自动驾驶 (1年时间,以季度为节奏发布)
第二阶段 产品化落地,第二轮迭代,进一步打磨产品能够量产:封闭场所的使用场景(停车场、航道摆渡车等)-》Geo-fenced高速和城市道路 -》高速和城市道路全自动 (1.5年时间)
- Apollo 1.0 also referred to as the Automatic GPS Waypoint Following, works in an enclosed venue such as a test track or parking lot. This installation is necessary to ensure that Apollo works perfectly with your vehicle. The diagram below lists the various modules in Apollo 1.0. 基本的框架先搭建实现,基本的单元可以串联到一起工作,如IPC、GPS、IMU等
- Apollo 1.5 is meant for fixed lane cruising. With the addition of LiDAR, vehicles with this version now have better perception of its surroundings and can better map its current position and plan its trajectory for safer maneuvering on its lane. Please note, the modules highlighted in Yellow are additions or upgrades for version 1.5. 加入LiDAR光学雷达测距,更好地感知周围的情况,引入Nvidia GPU加速,性能上提升
- Apollo 2.0 supports vehicles autonomously driving on simple urban roads. Vehicles are able to cruise on roads safely, avoid collisions with obstacles, stop at traffic lights and change lanes if needed to reach their destination. Please note, the modules highlighted in Red are additions or upgrades for version 2.0. 可以改变车道,加入Camera可以识别红绿灯
- Apollo 2.5 allows the vehicle to autonomously run on geo-fenced highways with a camera for obstacle detection. Vehicles are able maintain lane control, cruise and avoid collisions with vehicles ahead of them.(Please note, if you need to test Apollo 2.5; for safety purposes, please seek the help of the Apollo Engineering team. Your safety is our #1 priority, and we want to ensure Apollo 2.5 was integrated correctly with your vehicle before you hit the road. ) 加入更多的Camera感知周围的世界
Apollo 2.5的架构

2009 年,谷歌无人驾驶汽车项目正式启动,目标在 2020 年发布一款无人驾驶的汽车,它是第一个上路测试无人驾驶汽车的公司,它却仍然没有实现无人驾驶汽车的商业化。如下分析还是很到位,怪不得,很多做共享汽车平台的,都是在做无人驾驶技术。百度站在巨人的肩膀上,它从去年立项,技术发展迭代周期很快,但是从商业模式上,还是会遭遇和Google同样的尴尬。
十年之内,无人车卖给普通消费者是很难的,因为无人驾驶要在特定道路和环境才可能实现。而滴滴在派一个车去接乘客之前,已经知道了起点和终点,以及这些路线是否适合无人车。如果适合,派一辆无人车,如果不适合,派一辆human driver的车,这种混合模式会持续很久;二是数据,滴滴有2100万辆车,而百度、Tesla 都没有如此大规模的车队去帮它collecting data,这也是为什么谷歌要投资lyft。
- 商业模式分析能够赚钱,而且也是未来发展趋势时,则可立项来做
- 高科技产品,技术风险是很大的,产品规划需按照敏捷迭代的思路,一步步前进,一点点加入新技术,让产品功能逐渐丰满起来
- 从解决场景的角度,先规划简单场景,再规划约束场景,让产品的适应性越来越强