

作者: 壹典心理咨询 | 来源:发表于2022-02-08 07:41 被阅读0次


早安 春夏秋冬

Some people buy BMW at the age of 27, some people play games at the age of 27, some people have 30 years old savings of 800,000, some people can't find a job at the age of 30, too many people pick and choose thin, think that the work is hard, feel that the part-time work has no face, feel that the sales and selling goods are humiliated, suspected of going, the most disliked is yourself, what work as long as you are down-to-earth, willing to do not lose people, you have no money, no ability, no career, the most humiliating, you want to refuel, you want to be better, no one will block your way forward, In fact, the biggest obstacle on the road to success is their ignorance and laziness... Good morning!



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