

作者: 撒哈拉女巫 | 来源:发表于2018-10-13 14:27 被阅读0次

我们坚信,对那些认真追求的人来说,教学是一种召唤,是一种由内而发的使命,是人生中最高贵最具责任感的活动之一。 我们作为父母,工作人员或者朋友都曾有过类似的体验。 还有那些全心全意投入教学的老师,有权获得荣誉和社区能提供的广泛支持。

Every idea in this book reats on our conviction that, for those who persue it seriously, teaching is a calling, a summons from within; that it is among life's noblest and most responsible activities--- an activities in which we have all engaged at one time or another as parents, workers,and friends; and that those who teach with fullness of heart and complete engagement are entitled to every honor and support that their communities can extend. Thus we hope to find as readers those who wish to understand, as we have tried to understand, good teaching wherever and however it occurs. We have written for all, like ourselves, who would gladly learn that gladly they might (better) teach.



