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A study of 72 countries found that average IQs rose by 2.2 points a decade between 1948 and 2020好消息,全球的人的智商都在长
The answer is largely that people were becoming better nourished and mentally stimulated.因为营养好,精神也得到了刺激(精神刺激指的啥?这世界各个抓马的反转?还是我们吸收硬核知识锻炼大脑?)
In rich countries,Our special report and leader examine why educational attainment there has levelled of,and what can be done about it. 富裕国家教育质量下降
In poor and middle-income countries, many children are still too ill-fed to reach their cognitive potential.贫穷和中等收入国家,许多儿童仍然营养不良
数据:Globally, 22% of under-fives- roughly 150m children- are malnourished to the point of stunting,too. Half the world's children suffer micronutrient deficiency, which can also impede brain development.一半的儿童营业不良
后果1:Poor nutrition and a lack of stimulation can translate into a loss of as many as 15 IQ points. 智商下降
后果2:one study found stunting led to incomes being 25% lower.Damage incurred during the "golden window" of the first 1,000 days after conception is likely to be permanent.出生率降低,因为没有好好摄入营养没要撑到出生
One is war.Families sheltering from shrapnel cannot venture out to plant or harvest, and some governments intentionally starve restive regions into submission战争,想到了加萨人民,想到了苏丹人民
Another is disease. Hungry children fall sick more often, and the energy they spend battling bugs cannot be devoted to growing grey matter.疾病
restricted diets (including no more than two food groups) :Poverty 、 poor eating habits、Sexism、cultures贫穷家庭是吃不上,中高等收入家庭是不给吃。男性把营养吃完剩下的给准妈妈吃。有些文化中准妈妈不准时营业丰富的食物
严峻形式:Fertility is highest in countries where malnutrition is most widespread. 越穷生的越多(这样看来解决营养不良真的很重要,好多发达国家生育率一低再低)
花费估计:The world Bank estimates that it would cost a mere $12bn a year to fight malnutrition "at scale". 世界银行估计花费 120 亿美元
The simplest is to fortify basic foods, such as flour, with micronutrients, such as iron,
zinc and folic acid.吃面食,还好中国不缺面和米
Another method is to give small sums of money to poor families with infants or pregnant mothers.给有婴儿或孕妇的贫困家庭发钱
$ome schemes make handouts conditional on other由ings that might help children, such as vaccinations or teaching parents about nutrition and hygiene.发补助金让娃接种疫苗,向父母传授营养卫生知识。比如让母亲了解微量营养素和洗手,让父亲知道分享食物对娃有益(给我一种让母亲学习,求父亲少吃点,母亲要学好多,男的就只要少吃几口)
Meanwhile, more research is needed.Scientists in Bangladesh have found that most women in local slums have inflamed intestines, meaning they lack the right gut bacteria to absorb nutrients properly, and are testing cheap ways to promote benign bacteria.做研究不要停,研究女性生病的原因,然后研究便宜的对症下药
In the workplace, human intelligence and AI will probably complement each other. And brains are for the joy of thinking, as well as earning money. 哪怕AI发展再好,大脑思考也不要停