

作者: 文都dudu | 来源:发表于2018-12-23 14:13 被阅读0次

    2019考研英语部分结束了,阅读理解的题目比较关键,不知道大家这一块是不是稳定发挥。为了及时帮助大家了解情况,文都考研老师为大家及时送上最新的2019考研英语阅读部分题目的解析, 给大家做个参考。


    英语二第一篇难度并不是特别大,主要是围绕着儿童的responsibility 和moral 之间的关系。本篇的源文选择大西洋月刊,源文中,研究人员通过一个幼儿的实验来研究责任感和道德感之间的关系。这个实验以2到4岁之间儿童为研究对象的一个实验。这些儿童自己在玩游戏,同时实验人员在附近放置了一tower,并且告知他们是非常辛苦地才建成的,希望他们不要弄到。然而这个tower却在儿童们的游戏过程中倒塌了。其中有的孩子很同情工作人员,因为这个tower 倒掉了;还有一些3岁以上的孩子,他们还认为是因为自己的原因tower才会倒掉。因此,他们除了同情工作人员以外,还表达出愿意帮助工作人员修复倒塌的tower这个意愿。作者认为,儿童的道德感(道德行为)取决于他们是不是认为自己应负担相应的责任。第一篇文章就是命题人节选自原来题目是Is guilt good ?的这篇文章。


    21 Researchers think that guilt can be a good thing because it may he]p

    A)foster a child’s moral development

    B )regulate a child's basic emotion

    C)improve a child's intellectual ability

    D)intensity a child's positive feelings

    21题难度不大,非常容易定位到答案句。题干的意思是作者认为愧疚感(guilt)可以帮助儿童如怎么样。原文第一段,Rather, they learn overtime that such statements appease parents and friends—and their own conscience. This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt, in the right amount, to be a good thing.所以不难看出来,guilt有助于帮助儿童形成道德感(moral)。所以答案应该是A。

    22.According to paragragh 2, many people still consider guilt to be_




    D) burdensome

    本题题干中陈述了一个大多数人对guilt的看法。回到原文当中,可以定位到句子In the popular imagination, of course, guilt still gets a bad rap. It evokes Freud’s ideas and religious hang-ups. More important, guilt is deeply uncomfortable—it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones。本句子中in the popular imagination,对应题干中many people ,顺着答案句可以看到多数人认为有guilty仿佛wearing a jacket weighted with stones,大意是仿佛在外衣里装了很多石头。所以,有愧疚感在多数人来看应该是个负担,对应答案中的burdensome。所以答案应该是D。


    Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

    It is easy to underestimate English writer James Heriot. He had such a pleasant, readable style that one might think that anyone could imitate it. How many times have I heard people say “I could write a book. I just haven’t the time.” Easily said. Not so easily done. James Herriot, contrary to popular opinion, did not find it easy in his early days of, as he put it, “having a go at the writing game”. While he obviously had an abundance of natural talent, the final, polished work that he gave to the world was the result of years of practising, re-writing and reading. Like the majority of authors, he had to suffer many disappointments and rejections along the way, but these made him all the more determined to succeed. Everything he achieved in life was earned the hard way and his success in the literary field was no exception.



    解析:第一句中,“It”属于形式主语,代指后面的“underestimate English writer James Herriot”。在翻译的过程中“It is easy to”可翻译为“人们(或人们)很容易...”。“Easily said. Not easily done”按照汉语的习惯,翻译为“说来容易,做来难”即可。后半部分的翻译,大家需要额外注意定语的处理“the final, published work that he gave to the world was the results of ...”这个句子的主干时“the work was the result of...”“he gave to the world”属于定语从句,修饰与限定“the final, published work”。最后一句“no exception”,直译表示“不是例外”,我们也可意译为“他在文学领域的成功绝非偶然。”



    1. [D] However

    2. [A] helps

    3. [B] solely

    4. [B] lowering

    5. [D] reach

    6. [B] depiction

    7. [A] due to

    8. [D] immediate

    9. [C] reasons

    10. [A] instead

    11. [A] track

    12. [D] account for

    13. [B] adjust

    14. [A] results

    15. [C] hungry

    16. [D] sign

    17. [C] decision

    18. [A] disappointing

    19. [A] because

    20. [A] obsessing

    SectionⅡ Reading Comprehension(50 points)

    Part A


    Text 1

    21. [C] foster a child’s moral development

    22. [B] burdensome

    23. [D] an emotion can play opposing roles

    24. [B] can result from either sympahty or guilt

    25. [D] wrongdoings

    Text 2

    26. [D] forests may become a potential threat

    27. [D] lower their present carbon-absorbing capacity

    28. [B] reduce the density of some of its forests

    29. [A] To handle the areas in serious danger first

    30. [C] supportive

    Text 3

    31. [C] Flaws in U. S. immigratinon rules for farm workers.

    32. [D] the aging of immigrant farm workers

    33. [B] To get native U.S. workers back to farming.

    34. [A] slow graning procedures.

    35. [B] Import Food or Labor?

    Text 4

    36. [B] urge consumers to cut the use of plastics

    37. [B] prevent us from making further efforts

    38. [D] We should press our government to lead the combat

    39. [D] a top down process

    40. [C] are far from sufficient

    Part B



    You are going to read a list of headings and a text. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(41-45). Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

    Five ways to make conversation with anyone

    In choosing a new home, Camille McClain’s kids have single demand: a backyard.

    McClain’s little one aren’t the only kids who have an opinion when it comes to housing, and in many cases youngsters’ views weigh heavily on parents’ real estate decisions, according to a 2018 Harris Poll survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults.

    While more families buck an older-generation proclivity to leave kids in the dark about real estate decisions, realty agents and psychologists have mixed views about the financial, personal and long-term effects kids’ opinions may have.

    The idea of involving children in a big decision is a great idea because it can help them feel a sense of control and ownership in what can be an overwhelming process, said Ryan Hooper, clinical psychologist in Chicago.

    “Children may face serious difficulties in coping with significant moves, especially if it removes them from their current school or support system,”he said.

    Greg Jaroszewski, a real estate brokers with Gagliardo Realty Associates, said he’s not convinced that kids should be involved in selecting a home—but their opinions should be considered in regards to proximity to friends and social activities, if possible.

    Younger children should feel like they’re choosing their home—without actually getting a choice in the matter, said Adam Bailey, a real estate attorney based in New York.

    Asking them questions about what they like about the backyard of a potential home will make them feel like they’re being included in the decision-making process, Bailey said.

    Many of the aspects of homebuying aren’t a consideration for children, said Tracey Hampson, a real estate agent based in Santa Clarita, Calif. And placing too much emphasis on their opinions can ruin a fantastic home purchase.

    “Speaking with your children before you make a real estate decision is wise, but I wouldn’t base the purchasing decision solely on their opinions.”Hampson said.

    The other issue is that many children-especially older ones-may base their real estate knowledge on HGTV shows, said Aaron Norris of The Norris Group in Riverside, Calif.

    “They love Chip and Joanna Gaines just as much as the rest of us,” he said. “HGTV has seriously changed how people view real estate. It’s not shelter, it’s a lifestyle. With that mindset change come some serious money consequences.”

    Kids tend to get stuck in the features and the immediate benefits to them personally, Norris said.

    Parents need to remind their children that their needs and desires may change over time, said Julie Gurner, a real estate analyst with FitSmallBusiness.com.

    “Their opinions can change tomorrow,”Gurner said.“Harsh as it may be to say, that decision should likely not be made contingent on a child’s opinions, but rather made for them with great consideration into what home can meet their needs best-and give them an opportunity to customize it a bit and make it their own.”

    This advice is more relevant now than ever before, even as more parents want to embrace the ideas of their children, despite the current housing crunch.

    A.remarks that significant moves may pose challenges to children.

    41.Ryan Hooper

    B.says that it is wise to leave kids in the dark about real estate decisions.

    42. Adam Bailey

    C. advises that home purchases should not be based only on children’s opinions.

    43. Tracey Hampson

    D. thinks that children should be given a sense of involvement in homebuying decisions.

    44. Aaron Norris

    E. notes that aspects like children’s friends and social activities should be considered upon homebuying.

    45.Julie Gurner

    F. believes that homebuying decisions should be based on children’s needs rather than their opinions.

    G. assumes that many children’s views on real estate are influenced by the media.


    41. [A] remarks that significant moves may pose challenges to children

    解析:首先我们通过Ryan Hooper可以定位到原文第四段Ryan的观点句“The idea of involving children in a big decision is a great idea because it can help them feel a sense of control..”因此很容易就选到D选线。但是通过后面的解题,我们会发现这个选线更适合做42题的答案。因此我们需要重新定位线索句,我们可以看到第五段也是他的观点,“Children may face serious difficulties in coping with significant moves,...”与选线A 可进行同义替换,因此,41题的正确答案为A。

    42. [D] thinks that children should be given a sense of involvement in homebuying decision

    解析:通过Adam Bailey定位到原文第七段与第八段。“Young children should feel like they’re choosing their home...decision making process”这一部分所表达的是赞同孩子参与购房的观点,匹配的选项只有D。因此,42题的正确答案为D。

    43. [C] advises that home purchases should not be based only on children’s opinions

    解析:根据人名Taccey Hampson定位到原文第九段,段首句与段尾句均为线索句。段首句“Many of the aspects of homebuying aren’t a consideration for children”与选项C可进行同义替换,表达了说话者所持的否定观点,考生千万要注意选项中的否定词not。因此43题的正确答案为C。

    44. [G] assumes that many children’s views on real estate are influenced by the media

    解析:根据人名Aaron Norris定位到十一段“The other issue is that many children...may based their real estate knowledge on HGTV shows.”,我们能看到关键词“HGTV shows”它能与G选线的“the media”进行同义替换,两者属于上下义词逻辑。因此,44题的正确选线为G。

    45. [F] believes that homebuying decisions should be based on children’s needs rather than their opinions.

    解析:根据人名Julie Gurner定位到十四段,“Parents need to remind their children....change over time”到第十五段句末“but rather made for them with great consideration into what home can meet their needs best.”在这一部分信息中,转折连接词“but rather”以及名词“the needs”都是关键信息,刚好对应了F选线“children’s needs rather than their opinion”。


    Section Ⅳ Writing






    不管是英语(一)大作文还是英语(二)大作文,写之前都不大需要花时间去研究题干,因为每年的题干都大同小异。我们重点要看的就是图表及其下方的文字。今年的图表内容是“某高校2013-2018年毕业去向”,其实就是描述了某高校大学生在毕业选择上的变化,整体用A of B结构表达即可。其中涉及到的“选择”一词在2018年英语(二)大作文中出现过;“大学生”在2013及2016的真题中也同样考察过,所以构不成难点。现将图表内容的完整表达“the changes of college students’ different choices after graduation from 2013 to 2018”呈现给大家,供参考。









    This bar chart above looks into the choices that concern graduates most when they settle down after schooling. With the staggering economy, most graduates choose to find a job after they leave school, even though there is a decline of about 8 percentage in 2018, comparing that in 2013. The least part of them choose to establish their own business after graduation, with 1.3 percentage in 2013 and 2.6 percentage in 2018. As to the students who ask for further study, it accounts for 26.3 percentage in 2013 and 34 percentage in 2018. Besides, we can see from the chart that more students choose to continue to study instead of working after education,comparing those in 2013.


    This reflects a change of attitudes of graduates towards life after schooling. I can find no better reasons for this phenomenon other than the following two. On the one hand, most graduates want to find a break after four-year study at school. This indicates that youth today are eager to face challenges and want to put what they have learned into practice. On the other hand, students are facing an ever intense competition owing to the expansion of enrollment. Most students have to do their further study. Hardly can such students find favorable jobs.


    It is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. For one thing, it is essential that proper polices be worked out to promote students’ to run their own business. For another, students should be educated to get well-prepared for their future work. Only with this measure can our society improve for a sound development.


    专家解读】“选择”这个话题一直都是考研英语写作的热点话题。今年英语二的大作文考察范畴仍为“选择”话题。在早些年的真题写作考察中,英语一的图画作文已经对“选择”这一主题考察过。2013年考研英语一写作模块主题为“毕业生的选择”,其中选择方向就包含了“求职(pursue for career)”、“考研(take part in postgraduate entrance examination)”、“出国(go abroad)”和“创业(start a business )”这几个图例;在去年刚刚考过的英一真题写作中也涉及到了“选择”主题,但选择对象变成了“大学生选课”;因此,就此次英二写作主题而言,题目难度并不大,且图表里的字幕和图例部分则是在之前的考试中也出现过,所以对于众多考生而言,今年英二写作部分应该是喜闻乐见的情况。

    那么,接下来我们就来继续看一下此次英语二写作考察的图表类型。今年考察的图表类型为柱状图(bar chart)。此类图表类型则是大纲要求考察的图表类型中相对比较容易驾驭的一种。作为典型的图表,柱状图在考研英二的考察中为动态图表。这篇写作在完成的过程中需要注意第一段中数据描述所用的时态。因为涉及的2013和2018年的对比,考生就有必要考虑到谓语动词的过去时态。第二点,数据表述的句式也需要考生给与足够的注意。图例部分变化明显的是从2013到2018年,“就业”这个图例产生了下降的趋势;“升学”这个图例则产生了上升的趋势;“创业”这一模块则是基本不变。这一图表呈现形式则是类似于英语二真题写作中“2008、2009年国内轿车市场部分汽车品牌市场份额示意图”,且三个图例各是有升有降有不变。所以,就考查形式而言,这篇写作对于大部分做过充分复习的考生而言并不难,犹如探囊取物。

    接下来,我们一起来看下第二段的现象分析部分如何来完成。针对图表中出现的参加升学的学生比例有明显的上升,考生则可以从以下几个角度来进行分析:(1)“为满足知识爆炸时代下的理论和实践相结合的要求”:To meet the need of combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the era of knowledge explosion;(2)“争取一份薪资丰厚的工作和稳定的未来”:competing for a rewarding job and pursuing/seeking a secure/stable future in a society;(3)社会大的环境趋势:the current trend of society and governmental requirement;








