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《The Only One》

《The Only One》

作者: Sophie12138 | 来源:发表于2019-06-09 13:56 被阅读0次

Part Time Musicians

Since you've stepped into my life

Like someone brought the vision to the blind

Every time that you smile

Like the sun that shines in the midnight sky

You are the only one

You are the only one

When you stand by my side

I want to hold you tight and stop the time

Anything that makes you cry

I'm going to find the way to make your tears run dry

You are the only one

You are the only one

You are the only one who can rewrite my story

The only one

Who can rearrange my heart beat is you

You are the only one

Who can remake the world I've seen

The only one who can replace my empty dream is you

If one day we have to say good bye

My love will belong to you until the day I die

You are the only one who can rewrite my story

The only one who can rearrange my heart beat is you

You are the only one

Who can remake the world I've seen

The only one who can replace my empty dream is you


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    本文标题:《The Only One》
