Soccer Players Help|Soccer star,

Soccer Players Help|Soccer star,

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2020-04-08 18:16 被阅读0次

The soccer star, Lionel Messi, and his teammates from FC Barcelona are taking a 70% pay cut.

According to a statement from the club, the players agreed to a salary reduction to help pay non-sporting FC Barcelona employees who are feeling the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The club said that the players´ contributionsalong with additional funds from the club itself, will cover 100% of the salaries.

Messi is one of the world´s highest paid soccer players, and it is estimated that the pay cut could cost him about $50 million dollars. He said that he understands the exceptional situation, and he has always been ready to support the club when he felt that it was necessary or important.

Similar financial cutbacks happen in other clubs throughout Europe, as European countries continue to fight the coronavirus.


1 重点词汇表达

1.statement,noun,a formal or official account of facts or opinions,声明,陈述,报告;state,vt,陈述,声明
eg. a formal/ a public/ a written/ an official statement,正式/公开/书面/官方声明;make a statement,(对公众)发表声明;give a statement,(对警方)做出陈述;issue/ release/ put out a statement,发表声明;a short/ brief statement,简短的声明

2.agree,vt, to have the same opinion as sb; to say that you have the same opinion,同意,赞成;agreement,noun,同意,赞成;agreeable,adj,同意的,赞成的
eg. agree with sb,同意某人;agree to do sth,同意做某事;disagree/ disagreement/ disagreeable,vt/ noun/ adj,不同意/ 反对/ 不同意的

3.economic,adj,connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society 经济的,经济上的,经济学的;economy,noun,经济;economics,noun,经济学;econonomic,adj,经济的;economical,节俭的,节约的;economically,adv,在经济上,经济地
eg,economic development,经济建设,经济发展

4.contribution,noun,a sum of money that you pay regularly to your employer or the government in order to pay for benefits such as health insurance, a pension, etc. (给雇主或政府用作医疗保险、养老金等津贴的)定期缴款);noun,an action or a service that helps to cause or increase sth,贡献,促成作用;contribute,vt,贡献
eg. make a contribution to,捐款,做贡献

5.additional,adj,more than was first mentioned or is usual,附加的,额外的,外加的;addition,noun,额外;additionally,adv,额外地,另外;add,vt,添加,增加
eg. in addition to,此外;besides/ on top of that/ in addition,此外;add A to B,把A添加到B上;add up to,总共

6.cover,vt, to include or deal with a particular subject or group of things,包括,包含,涉及;vt,to put something over or be over something in order to hide, close, or protect it,遮盖,遮蔽;noun,遮盖物,封面

7.exceptional,adj,very unusual,异常的,特别的,罕见的;exception,noun,例外

8.support,vt,to help or encourage sth to be successful by giving it money,资助,赞助;support,noun,支持;supporter,noun,支持者

9.continue,vt, to keep existing or happening without stopping,持续,继续存在,不断发生;continuous,adj,持续的;continuously,adv,持续地
eg. continue to do sth/ doing sth,继续做某事;go on to do sth/ proceed to do sth,继续做某事

10.happen,vt,when something happens, there is an event, especially one that is not planned (尤其指意外地)发生
eg. take place,(尤其指根据安排或计划)发生,进行

11.throughout,prep,in or into every part of sth,各处,遍及

12.fight,vt, to try very hard to prevent something or to get rid of something unpleasant that already exists,极力反对,与…...作斗争;noun,打仗,与…...作斗争
eg. battle/ combat,反对,与…...作斗争

13.necessary,adj, something that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do,必要的,必需的,必不可少的;necessarily,adv,必须地;necessity,noun,必要性,必须品
eg. It's necessary for sb to do sth,对某人而言,做某事是必要的;unnecessary/ unnecessarily,adj/ adv,没必要的/ 不必要地

14.important,adj,having a great effect on people or things; of great value,重要的,有重大影响的,有巨大价值的;importance,noun,重要性;importantly,adv,重要地
eg. It's important that,......重要;unimportant,adj,不重要的


1.pay cut,减薪,降薪
eg. pay off,付清,还清;pay back,回报

2.according to,根据
eg. on the basis of/ based on,根据

3.salary reduction,减薪,降薪

4. along with,连同……一起,与……一道,除了……
eg. get along well with,相处得好

5. one of,之一

6. It‘s estimated that,据估计,预计

7.financial cutbacks,财政削减

3 术语表达

1.Lionel Messi,里奥·梅西,阿根廷足球运动员,司职前锋,绰号“小跳蚤”,现效力于巴塞罗那足球俱乐部,被认为是世界足坛史上最佳球员之一。他出道至今一直效力于巴塞罗那,并随队横扫多项赛事冠军。作为一名多产的射手和创造性的组织者,梅西凭借精湛的控球球技,赢得“人球合一”的美誉,并在西甲及欧洲各大联赛保有进球记录。职业生涯获得10次联赛冠军、4次欧冠冠军和6座欧洲金靴奖,6次荣膺世界足球先生与6次金球奖,1次劳伦斯年度最佳男运动员(首位获此殊荣的足球运动员)。

2.FC Barcelona,巴塞罗那足球俱乐部,西班牙豪门足球俱乐部,也是世界球坛最成功的足球俱乐部之一。位于加泰罗尼亚巴塞罗那,由汉斯·甘伯于1899年创立。共获得25次联赛冠军、30次西班牙国王杯冠军、5次欧洲冠军联赛冠军以及3次世界俱乐部冠军杯冠军。


1.He said that he understands the exceptional situation, and he has always been ready to support the club when he felt that it was necessary or important.

句子结构:主语He + 谓语said + 宾语从句that引导 + 并列句and引导 + 时间状语从句when引导( + 宾语从句that引导)
宾语从句:主语he + 谓语understands +宾语situation
并列句:主语he + 谓语动词has been(一般现在完成时)
时间状语从句:主语he + 谓语felt
(宾语从句:主语it + 谓语was + 表语necessary)







      本文标题:Soccer Players Help|Soccer star,
