The tragedy of a goddess

The tragedy of a goddess

作者: 妙心情感故事会 | 来源:发表于2017-12-03 21:47 被阅读0次

I’ve been watching a TV series named  ‘Big Little Lies’recently. It’s featured with some beautiful women,whose children are in the same class of a very prestigious public primary school . The key words of the drama are murder,bullying,domestic violence,single mom,stay-at-home mom and high-powered mom. So,is it very intriguing?

The story begins with a murder and a bullying .On the charity night of the school ,a parent was murdered,who was the murderer?On the Orientation Day of this class, a lovely girl was choked,who was the bully?

In the story ,we can see 5 different lifestyles of 5 women. The most impressive woman to me is Celeste Wright.

Stared by Nicole Kidman,Celeste Wright is a very charming full-time mother. She is the goddess even admired by gays. It seems that she leads a very perfect life,with a rich and handsome husband who loves her very much,and two cute twin sons who are very clever.

However,she is considering leaving his husband. Why ?It’s because that she is suffering from domestic violence. Although she knows that she and her husband love each other deeply ,she is so scared of him. Under the beautiful and expensive clothes,there are many bruises on her body. Every time after her husband beats her ,he apologizes to her and guarantees that it is the last time,but there will be one after another abuse .

She used to be a very successful lawyer. After 4 miscarriages,she finally gave birth to the twins. Then she quit her job in the advice of her husband and spent 6 years looking after the sons and the family. The time of her awakening came after she successfully helped her friend win a case . After the success, she was so excited and sorrowful that she couldn’t help crying. She said to her friend: ‘it’s just for six years I’ve been wiping runny noses,organizing playdates,doing……everything to be a good mom,you know. And today I felt alive. I felt good. It’s that crazy? I felt so ashamed for saying this……but being a mother, it’s not enough for me. It’s just not. It’s not even close. It’s evil,all right I’m evil.’ When hearing these words , I was so shocked.

At the end of the story ,she found out that it was her son who choked that little girl and her son was influenced by the domestic violence or had inherited her husband’s cruelty. It’s like a thunder in her life. She once believed that her sons didn’t know her husband beat her. However ,it turned out that ,they were conscious of it and affected by it more or less. To stop the negative influence on her sons ,she finally made the big decision of leaving her husband.

And the conflict between the couple peaked at the charity night, leading to the unexpected death of her husband. Maybe her husband deserved it,because the persons he hurt werefar more than her. However he was a poor guy ,living under the fear of being abandoned. Maybe it hassomething to do with his childhood ,which I guess was filled with abandonment and abuse.

From the story of Celeste Wright, I’ve learned two things. Firstly ,a stable and healthy personality is far more important than wealth,talents and appearance when choosing a partner. Secondly , having high self-esteem and a job is very important to a woman.


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