Polygon zkEM 合约

Polygon zkEM 合约

作者: 雪落无留痕 | 来源:发表于2022-08-04 16:38 被阅读0次

    Bridge 合约

    Bridge 合约同时部署在Ethereum 和 Polygon Hermez 网络上,用于实现资产跨链。

    **bridge 函数 **

    brige 函数用于发起跨链操作,需要用户存款进去。

         * @notice Deposit add a new leaf to the merkle tree
         * @param token Token address, 0 address is reserved for ether
         * @param destinationNetwork Network destination
         * @param destinationAddress Address destination
         * @param amount Amount of tokens
        function bridge(
            address token,   // 待跨链的token
            uint32 destinationNetwork,   // 目标网络
            address destinationAddress,   // 接收者地址
            uint256 amount           // 金额
        ) public payable
    • 跨链通过wrappedToken 形式;

    • 用户每发起一起存款,分生成Merkle树的一个叶子节点,更新ExitRoot, 主网络上和Rollup的状态根分别为mainnetExitRootrollupExit

    • 叶子节点的值为:

           * @notice Given the leaf data returns the leaf value
           * @param originNetwork Origin Network
           * @param originTokenAddress Origin token address, 0 address is reserved for ether
           * @param destinationNetwork Destination network
           * @param destinationAddress Destination address
           * @param amount Amount of tokens
           * @param metadataHash Hash of the metadata
          function getLeafValue(
              uint32 originNetwork,
              address originTokenAddress,
              uint32 destinationNetwork,
              address destinationAddress,
              uint256 amount,
              bytes32 metadataHash
          ) public pure returns (bytes32) {

    claim 函数

    claim 函数用户于通过跨链取回用户资产。

         * @notice Verify merkle proof and withdraw tokens/ether
         * @param smtProof Smt proof
         * @param index Index of the leaf
         * @param mainnetExitRoot Mainnet exit root
         * @param rollupExitRoot Rollup exit root
         * @param originNetwork Origin network
         * @param originTokenAddress  Origin token address, 0 address is reserved for ether
         * @param destinationNetwork Network destination, must be 0 ( mainnet)
         * @param destinationAddress Address destination
         * @param amount Amount of tokens
         * @param metadata abi encoded metadata if any, empty otherwise
        function claim(
            bytes32[] memory smtProof,
            uint32 index,
            bytes32 mainnetExitRoot,
            bytes32 rollupExitRoot,
            uint32 originNetwork,
            address originTokenAddress,
            uint32 destinationNetwork,
            address destinationAddress,
            uint256 amount,
            bytes memory metadata
        ) public
    • 通于claimNullifier记录用户是否已取过款;
    // Leaf index --> claimed
        mapping(uint256 => bool) public claimNullifier;
    • 确保 mainnetExitRootrollupExitRoot 存在;

    • 根据destinationNetwork 选择 mainnetExitRootrollupExitRoot 来验证Merkle 证明: smtProof;

    • 若对应的wrappedToken 不存进,则进行部署;

    • 更新claimNullifier

    • 将资产发给用户

    PoE (Proof of Efficiency) 合约

    sequenceBatches 函数

    只允许TrustedSequencer 提交 batch, 一次可以同时提交多个batch

         * @notice Allows a sequencer to send multiple batches of L2 transactions
         * @param batches Struct array which the necessary data to append new batces ot the sequence
         * Global exit root, timestamp and forced batches that are pop from the queue
        function sequenceBatches(BatchData[] memory batches)
    • BatchData的结构为:
         * @notice Struct which will be used to call sequenceBatches
         * @param transactions L2 ethereum transactions EIP-155 with signature:
         * rlp(nonce, gasprice, gasLimit, to, value, data, chainid, 0, 0,) || v || r || s
         * @param globalExitRoot Global exit root of the batch
         * @param timestamp Timestamp of the batch
         * @param forceBatchesTimestamp Every element of the array indicates the timestamp of the forceBatch
         * that will be popped from the queue and added to the sequence
        struct BatchData {
            bytes transactions;     // 包含的交易
            bytes32 globalExitRoot;        // 跨链状态根
            uint64 timestamp;               // 时间戳
            uint64[] forceBatchesTimestamp;    // 强制处理的Batch, 从queue添加到sequence
    • 处理后 BatchData 添加到下面的sequence中:

      // Queue of batches that defines the virtual state
          mapping(uint64 => SequencedBatch) public sequencedBatches;

    其中SequenceBatch 为:

         * @notice Struct which will be stored in the sequence mapping
         * @param batchHashData Hash containing the necessary information to process a batch:
         * This field will contain: keccak256(bytes transactions || bytes32 globalExitRoot || address sequencer)
         * Note that in case of forceBatch, the previous hash is stored in the ForceBatches mapping, and this will remain empty
         * @param timestamp Timestamp of the batch
         * @param forceBatchNum Indicates which forceBatch is sequenced, 0 if it's a regular batch
        struct SequencedBatch {
            bytes32 batchHashData; // This field will contain the hashed data including the transactions
            uint64 timestamp;     
            uint64 forceBatchNum;

    verifyBatch 函数

    由aggregator 提交证明,验证batch

         * @notice Allows an aggregator to verify a batch
         * @param newLocalExitRoot  New local exit root once the batch is processed
         * @param newStateRoot New State root once the batch is processed
         * @param numBatch Batch number that the aggregator intends to verify, used as a sanity check
         * @param proofA zk-snark input
         * @param proofB zk-snark input
         * @param proofC zk-snark input
        function verifyBatch(
            bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,  // 新的`Exit` 根
            bytes32 newStateRoot,       // 新的状态根
            uint64 numBatch,            // 待证的Batch的数目
            uint256[2] calldata proofA,
            uint256[2][2] calldata proofB,
            uint256[2] calldata proofC
        ) public

    通过Groth16算法对证明验证通过后,会更新newStateRootnewLocalExitRoot (即rollupExitRoot)。

    forceBatch 函数

    trusted sequencer 离线, 任何人都可以通地forceBach 提交batch,

         * @notice Allows a sequencer/user to force a batch of L2 transactions.
         * This should be used only in extreme cases where the trusted sequencer does not work as expected
         * @param transactions L2 ethereum transactions EIP-155 with signature:
         * rlp(nonce, gasprice, gasLimit, to, value, data, chainid, 0, 0,) || v || r || s
         * @param maticAmount Max amount of MATIC tokens that the sender is willing to pay
        function forceBatch(bytes memory transactions, uint256 maticAmount)

    相应的 forceBatch 添加到 forcedBatches 队列中。

        // Queue of forced batches with their associated data
        mapping(uint64 => ForcedBatchData) public forcedBatches;

    其中 forcedBatchData 结构为:

         * @notice Struct which will be stored in the force batch mapping
         * @param batchHashData Hash containing the necessary information to process a batch:
         * This field will contain: keccak256(bytes transactions || bytes32 globalExitRoot || address sequencer)
         * @param maticFee Matic fee that will be payed to the aggregator
         * @param minTimestamp Timestamp that will be an down limit of the batch once this is added to the sequence
        struct ForcedBatchData {
            bytes32 batchHashData;   
            uint256 maticFee;
            uint64 minTimestamp;

    sequenceForceBatches 函数

    trusted sequencer 离线,在超时后,用户可以将 forcedBatch 添加到sequencedBatches 中进行处理。

         * @notice Allows anyone to sequence forced Batches if the trusted sequencer do not have done it in the timeout period
         * Also allow in any time the trusted sequencer to append forceBatches to the sequence in order to avoid timeout issues
         * @param numForcedBatches number of forced batches that will be added to the sequence
        function sequenceForceBatches(uint64 numForcedBatches)





          本文标题:Polygon zkEM 合约
