Day18-- Topic5-甘比精读

Day18-- Topic5-甘比精读

作者: 叹息林上 | 来源:发表于2017-03-17 22:09 被阅读19次

    1. ..that innocence ends when one isstrippedof thedelusionthat one likes oneself.

    strip :

    **  (N-COUNT) (纸、布、食物等的)条,带A strip of something such as paper, cloth, or food is a long, narrow piece of it.  E.g.The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together.最简单的碎布地毯是由碎布条编在一起制成的。

    **(N-COUNT) 狭长区域;带状(陆地、水域)A strip of land or water is a long narrow area of it.  E.g. The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上**  N-COUNT) 商业街A strip is a long street in a city or town, where there are a lot of stores, restaurants, and hotels. E.g. .Goff's Charcoal Hamburgers on Lover's Lane, a busy commercial strip in North Dallas. 位于北达拉斯的一条名为“情人巷”的繁华商业街上的戈夫炭烤汉堡店                                                                                                                                          ** verb .脱衣服If you strip, you take off your clothes. E.g.  Women residents stripped naked in protest. 女性居民裸体以示抗议。**verb 脱掉…的衣服If someone is stripped, their clothes are taken off by another person, for example in order to search for hidden or illegal things. E.g. One prisoner claimed he'd been dragged to a cell, stripped and beaten.一名犯人声称他曾被拖进一间牢房,全身被脱光并遭到毒打**verb 除去;剥去To strip something means to remove everything that covers it      E.g.After Mike left for work I stripped the beds and vacuumed the carpets.迈克去上班后,我扯下了床罩并用吸尘器清扫地毯**(VERB) 剥夺,褫夺(财产、权利、头衔)To strip someone of their property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them. E.g.A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer.一名高管由于公然批评其老板而被剥夺了所有特权

    2.delusion N. ***a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation 错觉,谬见,妄想。E.g.Don't go getting delusions of grandeur (= a belief that you are more important than you actually are) . 不要变得妄自尊大。                                                                                          ***the act of believing or making yourself believe sth that is not true 欺骗,哄骗

    3.marvel:verb . **~ (at sth) to be very surprised or impressed by sth 感到惊奇;大为赞叹   E.g. Everyone marvelled at his courage 人人对他的勇气都惊叹不已。                                    ** also 动词 + that从句, 动词 + 直接引语]

    4.painstaking :adj. needing a lot of care, effort and attention to detail 需细心的;辛苦的;需专注的synonyms :thoroughE.g.The event had been planned with painstaking attention to detail. 这次活动的细节是经过精心计划的

    5.tremor :*N. a small earthquake in which the ground shakes slightly 轻微地震;小震;微震 E.g. an earth tremor 地动                                                                                              **a slight shaking movement in a part of your body caused, for example, by cold or fear (由于寒冷或恐惧等引起的)颤抖,战栗,哆嗦Synonyms : quiverE.g. There was a slight tremor in his voice.他的声音有点儿颤抖。

    6. ashes : noun.**what is left after sth has been destroyed by burning 灰烬;废墟 E.g.The town was reduced to ashes in the fighting 在战斗中这座城镇已化为灰烬            **the grey or black powder that is left after sth, especially tobacco , wood or coal, has burnt 灰;灰烬 black volcanic ash黑色火山灰                                                                                         **the powder that is left after a dead person's body has been cremated (= burned) 骨灰 E.g.She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea 她希望自己的骨灰撒向大海

    7. scarcely : adv** only just; almost not 勉强;刚;几乎不;简直不 E.g. I can scarcely believe it 我几乎不敢相信                                                                                                                                         **used to say that sth happens immediately after sth else happens (表示接连发生)刚一…就  E.g. He had scarcely put the phone down when the doorbell rang. 他刚放下电话,门铃就响了起来。                                                                                                                      **used to suggest that sth is not at all reasonable or likely 实在不应该;根本不可能 E.g. It was scarcely an occasion for laughter 笑得实在不是时候。

    8.unnerve: verb [动词 + 名词短语] to make sb feel nervous or frightened or lose confidence 使紧张;使恐惧;使丧失信心  E.g.She appeared strained and a little unnerved 她看起来神色不安,有点心慌。

    9.somehow: adv

    **  (also North American English,informal someway, someways) in a way that is not known or certain 以某种方式(或方法)E.g. We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 不管怎么着,我们都不能让他见她。

    **for a reason that you do not know or understand 由于某种未知的原因;不知为什么;不知怎么地 E.g. Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him.不知为什么,我觉得不能信任他

    She looked different somehow 不知怎么地,她看上去变了。

    10.exempt : adj.  ~ (from sth) if sb/sth is exempt from sth, they are not affected by it, do not have to do it, pay it, etc. 免除(责任、付款等);获豁免  E.g. The interest on the money is exempt from tax.这笔钱的利息免税。

    Verb. ~ sb/sth (from sth) (formal) to give or get sb's official permission not to do sth or not to pay sth they would normally have to do or pay 免除;豁免 E.g. His bad eyesight exempted him from military service.他因视力不好而免服兵役

    11...curiouslyexemptfrom the cause-effect relationships whichhamperedothers.

    hamper: |ˈhæmpə(r)| verb. [动词 + 名词短语][常用被动态] to prevent sb from easily doing or achieving sth 妨碍;阻止;阻碍  Synonyms : hinder   E.g. The bad weather hampered rescue operations.恶劣的天气阻碍了救援工作的进行。

    Noun. (装有各种食品的)礼物篮;A hamper is a basket containing food of various kinds that is given to people as a present. E.g. a luxury food hamper.豪华食品礼物篮

    Noun(尤指装食品用的)带盖大篮A hamper is a large basket with a lid, used especially for carrying food in.  E.g.a picnic hamper 野餐篮子

    12. --I was must have recognized that the situation lacked realtragic stature

    Tragic: adj

    **making you feel very sad, usually because sb has died or suffered a lot 悲惨的;悲痛的;可悲的

    **[只用于名词前] connected with tragedy (= the style of literature) 悲剧的


    **the importance and respect that a person has because of their ability and achievements 声望;名望 E.g.an actress of considerable stature .颇有声望的女子

    **a person's height 身高;个子 E.g. He is small in stature 他个头矮小

    13.  ..I lost theconvictionthat lights would always turn green for me.

    conviction :

    ***the feeling or appearance of believing sth strongly and of being sure about it 深信;坚信;坚定;肯定 E.g.He said he agreed but his voice lacked conviction 他说他赞同,但语气不坚定。

    **~ (that…) a strong opinion or belief 坚定的看法(或信念)E.g.a conviction that all would be well in the end 最终一切都会好起来的坚定信念。

    14. ---the pleasant certainty that those rather passivevirtueswhich had won me approval as a child automatically ....

    virtue:|ˈvɜ:tʃu:; 美 ˈvɜ:rtʃu:|noun

    ***[不可数名词](formal) behaviour or attitudes that show high moral standards 高尚的道德;正直的品性;德行E.g. He led a life of virtue.他过着高尚的生活

    ***[可数名词] a particular good quality or habit 美德;优秀品质;良好习惯

    E.g. Patience is not one of her virtues, I'm afraid.恐怕她没有耐性。

    ***可数名词, 不可数名词] an attractive or useful quality 优点;长处;用处

    E.g.They could see no virtue in discussing it further 他们看不到再讨论下去有什么用处。

    [延伸: 习语 ]

    **by/in virtue of sth=by means of or because of sth 凭借;依靠;由于;因为

    E.g.She got the job by virtue of her greater experience 她由于经验较为丰富而得到了那份工作。

    **make a virtue of necessityto manage to gain an advantage from sth that you have to do and cannot avoid 不得已而力争有所得

    15. ...not onlyPhi Beta Kappakeys but happiness, honor, and the love of a good man...

    ThePhi Beta Kappa Society(ΦΒΚ) is the oldest honor society for the liberal arts and sciences in the United States, with 286 active chapters. Widely considered to be the nation's most prestigious honor society, Phi Beta Kappa aims to promote and advocate excellence in the liberal arts and to induct the most outstanding students of arts and sciences at American colleges and universities.

    Phi Beta Kappa keys

    16. ...lost a certain touching faith in thetotempower of good manners.....

    totem :|ˈtəʊtəm; 美 ˈtoʊ-| noun.  an animal or other natural object that is chosen and respected as a special symbol of a community or family, especially among Native Americans; an image of this animal, etc. (尤指美洲土著的)图腾;图腾形象

    [派生词】totemic |təʊˈtemɪk; 美 toʊ-|  adj ,   totemic animals 图腾动物

    17...proved competence on theStanford-Binet scale.....

    TheStanford–Binet Intelligence Scales(or more commonly theStanford-Binet) is an individually administered intelligence test that was revised from the original Binet-Simon Scale by Lewis M.Terman, a psychologist at Stanford University. 斯坦福-比奈智力量表

    18. ...To such doubtfulamuletshad my self-respect beenpinned.

    amulet :|ˈæmjʊlət|  a piece of jewellery that some people wear because they think it protects them from bad luck, illness, etc. 护身符,驱邪物(为祛邪防病等佩戴的珠宝)

    Pin:to attach sth onto another thing or fasten things together with a pin, etc. (用大头钉等)固定,别上,钉住 E.g. A message had been pinned to the noticeboard.布告牌上钉着一条消息。

    19. ....I faced myself that day with thenonplussed apprehensionof someone ....

    Apprehension:  noun.

    **worry or fear that sth unpleasant may happen 忧虑;担心;疑惧; synonyms: anxiety

    E.g. He watched the election results with some apprehension他不无忧虑地观察选举结果。

    **逮捕;拘押The apprehension of someone who is thought to be a criminal is their capture or arrest by the police.

    **理解;领悟The apprehension of something is awareness and understanding of it.

    E.g..... the sudden apprehension of something familiar as something alien.突然间领悟到熟悉的事物原来如此陌生

    nonplussed : adj. 不知所措的;进退维谷的If you are nonplussed, you feel confused and unsure how to react.  E.g. " I'm so glad to see you,'said Carrie, pleased and yet nonplussed  "看见你我太高兴了, "嘉莉说, 既高兴又为难.

    20....who has come across avampireand has nocrucifixat hand.

    vampire: (传说和恐怖故事中在夜间离开坟墓吸食活人血的)吸血鬼 A vampire is a creature in legends and horror stories. Vampires are said to come out of graves at night and suck the blood of living people.

    crucifix:noun. a model of a cross with a figure of Jesus Christ on it, as a symbol of the Christian religion (十字架)苦像;耶稣受难像

    21. ...rather like trying to cross a border withborrowedcredentials.借来的护照


    ***~ (as/for sth) the qualities, training or experience that make you suitable to do sth 资格;资历 E.g.She will first have to establish her leadership credentials她得首先证明她有担任领导的资格

    ***documents such as letters that prove that you are who you claim to be, and can therefore be trusted 资格证书;证明书;证件

    22. ...Most of ourplatitudes notwithstanding,self-deceptionremains the most difficultdeception.

    Platitude :noun (disapproving) a comment or statement that has been made very often before and is therefore not interesting 陈词滥调;老生常谈 [派生词]platitudinousadj.

    notwithstanding:(formal) (also used following the noun it refers to 亦用于其所指名词之后) without being affected by sth; despite sth 虽然;尽管 E.g .Notwithstanding some major financial problems, the school has had a successful year.虽然有些重大的经费问题,这所学校一年来还是很成功

    Self-deception: noun. the act of making yourself believe sth that you know is not true 自我欺骗

    23.Appointment in Samara: published in 1934, is the first novel by American writer John O'Hara(1905 – 1970). It concerns theself-destructionand suicide of the fictional character Julian English, a wealthy car dealer who was once a member of the social elite of Gibbsville (O'Hara's fictionalized version of Pottsville, Pennsylvania). The book created controversy due to O'Hara's inclusion of sexual content.

    In 1998, the Modern Library rankedAppointment in Samarra22nd on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.


    Appointment in Samara

    24.The Great Gatsby:The Great Gatsbyis a 1925 novel written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters living in the fictional town of West Egg on prosperous Long Island in the summer of 1922. The story primarily concerns the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his quixotic passion and obsession for the beautiful former debutante Daisy Buchanan. Considered to be Fitzgerald's magnum opus,The Great Gatsbyexplores themes of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval, and excess, creating a portrait of the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream.


    The Great Gatsby

    25.commit adultery: [kəˈmɪt əˈdʌltəri]. 通奸行为

    26.conscience: [ˈkɑnʃəns]

    ***the part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong 良心;良知

    E.g.This is a matter of individual conscience.这关系个人的良知。

    ***a guilty feeling about sth you have done or failed to do 内疚;愧疚

    E.g.She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience.她突然感到一阵内疚

    ***the fact of behaving in a way that you feel is right even though this may cause problems 凭良心 E.g. freedom of conscience 凭良心行事的自由

    27...thatChinese Gordonput on a clean white suit and heldKhartoumagainst theMahdi.

    Chinese Gordon:Major-GeneralCharles George Gordon,CB(28 January 1833 – 26 January 1885), known asChinese Gordon,GordonPasha, andGordon of Khartoum, was aBritisharmy officer and administrator. He is remembered for his campaigns inChinaand northernAfrica.


    Chinese Gordon




          本文标题:Day18-- Topic5-甘比精读
