How to obtain/plot/analyze data

How to obtain/plot/analyze data

作者: 榴莲气象 | 来源:发表于2018-12-30 19:37 被阅读0次

How to obtain/plot/analyze data 这个网站不错

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Submitted by Cathy.Smith@noaa.gov on Thu, 10/07/2010 - 14:48


Data Extraction

  1. NCDC NOMADS and NCMP: reanalysis (CFSR,NARR,R1,R2); NWP (NAM, GFS, RUC); GENS ensembles, SST

  2. NOAA/ESRL Search and Plot. (R1,R2,20CR, NARR)

  3. IRI (CFSR,20CR,R1,R2)

  4. ECMWF ERA-40, ERA-Interim (Get netCDF or GRIB files from the daily or subdaily data)

  5. ERA-20C

  6. Goddard Earth Science Model Data Information Sevices Center (MERRA)

  7. NCAR, Highest-resolution files for all reanalyses, except MERRA. GRIB parameter field extraction using cURL, and some conversion to netCDF as noted.

    1. JRA-25: Data Access > Web File Listing > Create Your Own File List (e.g. anl_p), use cURL or wget (for files).
    2. JRA-55 - same as JRA-25
    3. ERA-Interim - same as JRA-25.
    4. CFSR - same as JRA-25 (also subset with net CDF format conversion)
    5. 20CR - same as JRA-25
    6. 20CRv2c
  8. MERRA Data Subsetter (variable list and what file to look at for a particular variable)

  9. openDAP servers: NOAA/ESRL (20CR,R1,R2,NARR), NCEP, MERRA2D, MERRA3D

  10. OpenDAP: MERRA Gridded Innovations and Observations (GIO)

  11. OpenGrADS.org: GrADS software with additional user functionality, including GUI for reanalyses including NCEP and MERRA

  12. [ image

    Earth System Grid Federation (CFSR, MERRA, 20CR, JRA-25, ERA-Interim)](https://earthsystemcog.org/projects/ana4mips/) Ana4MIPS: Easy access to netCDF reanalyses data of selected variables corresponding to the CMIP5 climate model output

  13. GOAT: Geophysical Observations Analysis Tool for Matlab

Step-by-Step Guide to obtaining data files


Step by step descriptions of how to get the data at the reanalyses centers are available.

Post Processing Routines and Algorithms

  1. Extrapolate MERRA pressure-level data below the surface

Webtools to plot/analyze data by Function

Basic Maps

  1. IRI (CFSR,20CR,R1,R2)
  2. ESRL/PSD Search and Plot (20CR,R1,R2,NARR)
  3. MERRA: Uses Giovanni to produce maps or animations of some monthly fields. Can average over successive times.
  5. ECMWF ERA-40, ERA-Interim (Plot maps)
  6. MERRA Atlas
  7. Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool for maps makes user-selected reanalysis fields for monthly data. It can also difference two reanalyses or selected observational datasets with user-selected climatologies.
  8. The Climate Reanalyzer makes user-selected reanalysis fields and differences for monthly data.
  9. MeteoCentre provides pre-generated synoptic maps of SLP, 1000-500 thickness, and 500 hPa height (20CR and R1).
  10. GOAT: Geophysical Observations Analysis Tool for Matlab

Other Basic Geographic Plots

  1. ESRL: Crossections
  2. Search and Plot
  3. Merra: Uses Giovanni to produce hovmollers of some monthly fields.
  4. KNMI.
  5. GOAT: Geophysical Observations Analysis Tool for Matlab


  1. ESRL/PSD: Hovmollers (R1)
  2. IRI
  3. GOAT: Geophysical Observations Analysis Tool for Matlab

Advanced Plots

  1. ESRL/PSD: Can plot monthly, daily and sub-daily of crossections from composite plotting pages (R1). Anomalies are available.
  2. ESRL/PSD: Hovmollers of means, anomalies of daily data. Anomalies are available (R1).
  3. GOAT: Temporal and spatial subsettting is supported via a GUI or built in function. Built-in calculation of anomalies and climatology. Superimpose or show the difference between two fields. Display land-cover or topography.

Composite Maps (Average different, possibly non contiguous dates together)

  1. ESRL/PSD: Can plot composite maps and vertical crossectons from composite plotting pages on monthly, daily and sub-daily time scales for R1. Anomalies are available.
  2. ESRL/PSD: Can plot composite maps from plotting pages on monthly, daily and sub-daily timescales for 20CR. Anomalies are available. For monthly, plot composite maps of the 20CR ensemble spread (uncertainty).
  3. GCOS/WGSP: Can plot composite maps of sea level pressure from plotting pages on monthly timescales. Anomalies are available.
  4. WRIT maps: Can plot composite maps of a reanalysis or the difference of composites from two reanalyses.
  5. <l1 style="box-sizing: border-box;">GOAT: Can plot composites of non-contiguous dates. </l1>

Correlation Maps

  1. ESRL/PSD: From monthly NCEP/NCAR R1
  2. KNMI
  3. The Climate Reanalyzer (ERA-Interim, NCEP/NCAR R1, NCEP/DOE R2, 20CR, observational datasets: PRISM precipitation, ERSSTv3b)

Timeseries Plots

  2. TDS
  3. NOAA/ESRL PSD: Plot simple timeseries of NCEP/NCAR R1 and 20thC Reanalysis monthly variables
  4. IRI
  5. Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool for timeseries (WRIT) makes user-selected reanalysis timeseries, scatter plots, cross-correlation functions, and probability density functions for monthly data. It can also difference two reanalyses or selected observational datasets.
  6. The Climate Reanalyzer makes user-selected reanalysis time series with land/ocean masking.

Timeseries Analysis

  1. KNMI: Plot, compute annual cycle, filter and other tools available for time series analysis. Provides many climate/ocean timeseries.
  2. ESRL/PSD: Correlate and do some other simple analysis on pregenerated or user supplied monthly timeseries
  3. ESRL/PSD: Extract daily timeseries from datasets. Can supply user criteria (e.g. top 10 temperatures in January for a point). R1,20CR
  4. ESRL/PSD: Extract monthly timeseries from datasets. R1,20CR
  5. IRI
  6. Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool for timeseries (WRIT) makes user-selected reanalysis timeseries, scatter plots, cross-correlation functions, and probability density functions for monthly data. It can also difference two reanalyses or selected observational datasets.

Google Earth

  1. NOAA/ESRL PSD: Create in browser Google Earth plots (20CR, R1)


  1. ESRL/PSD Lead/Lag for Composites
  2. ESRL/PSD Lead/Lag for Correlations (maps)
  3. KNMI Smoothed fields, EOF, SVD and other analysis
  4. U. of Miami extreme event finder (20CR)
  5. WRIT Trajectory calculator (20CR, CFSR)

Applications that read/plot/analyze netCDF and/or grib data (non-web)

A complete list is Unidata

  1. NCL
  2. GrADS
  3. IDV
  4. Ferret
  5. NCO netCDF Operators
    Extract data from netCDF files, change attributes, combine files....
  6. CDO
  8. IDL
  9. CDAT
  10. GOAT. A MATLAB based tool that integrates with NetCDF files and OPeNDAP sources.




      本文标题:How to obtain/plot/analyze data
