英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr W

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr W

作者: laurence0712 | 来源:发表于2018-07-19 11:39 被阅读11次

15110-张智峰 Laurence

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr Wolf》 实践原创

Today I invited my 5 colleagues to my story time. And the book I was goin to tell them was “Go away Mr wolf”.

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr Wolf》 实践原创

The first part: in case my colleagues didn’t understand what I was goin to do, I told them about the training camp of the English pic books, and also share my feeling with them. Through the conversation, I got the basic impression of their interests to story telling and English level.

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr Wolf》 实践原创

The 2nd part: The warm up activity. Coz they were all adults, in order to let them enjoy the story time, I sang the “if you happy and u know it clap ur hands” song, I told them we needed to anything happily, including story telling for sure.

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr Wolf》 实践原创

The 3rd part: Introduction of the book. I asked them the first impression to the book, they said they can saw 3 little pigs and a wolf, and also the wolf got hit by something like fork and arrow. They thought that was the same Chinese story they heard in their childhood.

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr Wolf》 实践原创

The 4th part: Story telling. This book was very suitable to sing, so I just did it. I tried to 2 different keys of sound to differenciate the pigs and the wolf. When I finished every page, I invited my listeners help me to lift the flap, and when I said “and they quickly shut the door”, they would also help to shut the door too. Besides asking help from the listeners, I also asked them what the 5 little pigs were doing on every page. Lots of details on what the 5 little pigs were doing, they could mostly handle the housework for their age, like eating by themselves, stirring the flour, setting up the dining table and etc.

The 5th part: the feedback. After I finished the story telling, I asked them whether they liked the English version story. They said yes, and they also found some details I mentioned before. Two of them were mothers, they said they needed think it over how to read the books more funny to their kids.

英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr Wolf》 实践原创



    本文标题:英文绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21《Go away Mr W
